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I'm just going to keep myself going with cold meds. At least I still have a voice.

Probably from over work or the weather. I often get summer colds.

I'm going into work, despite having tried to call out for being sick. But I still have to go in.

@vengeance: Thank you ^w^

-brother comes in my room to ask if I wanted something from Taco Bell- 'You have a sword?' 'Yes I have a sword' 'Why the fuck do you have a sword'

My favorite are Screech Owls because they are tiny and adorable. But we have a lot of barn and barred owls are here.

They are indeed my favorite bird.

When I worked at a wildlife refuge, and I had to clean the owl enclosure. They didn't care about you being there. But would absolutely wait until you were finished cleaning up, that's exactly when basically all of them had to poop.

Now for the other birds of prey, you really couldn't trust them to not attack you while cleaning their enclosure.

I mean the others are cool, in an edgy kind of way. Owls are just adorable dorks.