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Today is going to be playing some World of Warcraft before I have to go into work. Or something.

No idea why he wanted the floppy discs, he just did.

Not much, just woke up really. Munched on some brownies for breakfast.

Lol that's happened with my animals a few times.

@CooperationIsKey: Best part is that I got the plushies and guitar and skillet for like 6$ all together. We went to a different store for the book and movies. So they were a bit more expensive, though my employee discount helped.

I had fun yeah, so did my friend. Not sure about her husband, lol because I don't know what he expected. We did tell him it was a thrifting trip. He ended up getting a big thing of floppy discs.

@Wildfire: It went much better than expected. Found a pretty decent cast iron pan for my mom, got a giant Jumba (from Lilo and Stitch) plushie, a lava lamp, the two Amazing Spiderman movies, a unicorn plush, and a pink tiger plush.

I went thrifting today.

I'm doing alright, tired.

I think that I will if there's any left.

I'm good. Thinking about getting a second cup of coffee.

Same. Lol that would've sucked.

Well to keep my pants dry, lol it's not a covered bus stop. But I'd prefer to sit.