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Apparently they don't. Some of the children's Father's Day books sold, which is something. Lol and someone bought my dad jokes book. But everything else has been ignored.


Lol my poor father's day display got absolutely no love this month.

I doubt people are going to come in during a tornado warning. XD

Yeah I didn't either. Then someone mentioned it the other day.

What I'm getting is leftovers from the tropical storm out in the gulf.

Yeah. Lol I don't see a lot of people going to a bookstore today. =w= Which is fine, because I'm working solo today.

Good morning. I get to go to work during a tornado warning.

I didn't get a chance to really stretch. Right now my back doesn't hurt so much.

Hopefully I won't have to deal with my back pain too.

It would be a pretty big complication, but I just checked who's closing with me tonight. They aren't likely to cause that complication.

I'm supposed to have someone else with me. Lol I'd be furious if I have to close solo tonight. Especially because I'm not on register all day.

I am indeed closing tonight.

I go in at 1pm today.