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This is exactly

Yes they can. And yay for someone else doing stuff!

what you think it is.
This is exactly

Mine is curled up under the blanket against me.

what you think it is.
This is exactly

Pupper is probably a little cold and using me for warmth.

what you think it is.
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Lol luckily I just have a snuggly dog, and no one trying to explain things to me.

what you think it is.
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Not much, more or less just woke up. Enjoying my cup of coffee.

what you think it is.
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What's up?

what you think it is.
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Good to everyone.

what you think it is.
This is exactly

Good morning everyone.

what you think it is.
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It's all good, we all have brain farts from time to time.

what you think it is.
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Flight. To travel in the game you use flight points. And some of them can take a while.

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It helps when I get stuck on long flights in the game. XD

what you think it is.
This is exactly

Yeah I get it, been doing some of them while I'm playing WoW.

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This is exactly

That makes sense.

what you think it is.
This is exactly

That's true I guess.

what you think it is.