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This is exactly

No. For right now there's not really anything I'm interested in. RWBY doesn't start back up til the 6th, and I've finished everything else. Watched Fate Winx Saga, which was interesting.

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This is exactly

Yep, that's exactly the plan for today.

what you think it is.
This is exactly

I have today off thankfully.

what you think it is.
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I had an ass hole customer who made me pretty upset. TwT
I asked if he wanted to donate. He said yes. Apparently had headphones in and wasn't listening to me. Was rude about it, and ugh. Fixed it. He reeked of weed.

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This is exactly

Lol it's all I've ever known.

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Oof yeah. I'm so glad my sinuses aren't as sensitive as my family's.

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Yep. Cookies and coffee for breakfast. The meal of champions.

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Yes they were. :3

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This is exactly

Right. And they had just come out of the oven. >w<

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My mom baked them some time this morning. I woke up to the smell of them.

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I'm doing alright, lol ate a bunch of freshly made chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. Not the healthiest no, but definitely delicious.
Eh I've got work later on today.

what you think it is.
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They make for very pretty avatars. ^w^

what you think it is.
This is exactly

Lol I do love all of the magical school girl items we have on here.

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This is exactly

Good morning darlings.

what you think it is.