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Posted in Ark's iPod Posted 4 years ago

Raindrops - ELLEGARDEN

Posted in Ark's Post-A-Lot Posted 4 years ago

I highkey wish I had some popcorn right now.

Posted in Ark's iPod Posted 4 years ago

(Can't Remember) How We Used To Be - ELLEGARDEN

Posted in Ark's Post-A-Lot Posted 4 years ago

Nothing like watching murder mysteries alone on a chilly, rainy evening with your window cracked open.

Posted in Ark's iPod Posted 4 years ago


Posted in Pet Peeves? Posted 4 years ago

What are some of your pet peeves?

I just got home from work and I'm a bit cranky, so most of mine are gonna be work related for now lol. I've been a barista for about 4 years, and throughout those 4-ish years, I hate it when:

- Customers approach the register while talking on their phones
- Customers are talking with someone while at the register, not giving me their full attention when I need it
- Customers don't have some form of payment ready and hold up the line fumbling to find their money
- Customers don't tell me what size drink they want when they're ordering ("Can I have a chai latte?" "Can I have a coffee?" Okay, but what size?)
- Customers ask "What sizes do you have?" as if some variation of small, medium, and large isn't the norm (It amazes me how often this is asked everyday. Where are people going where S, M, and L isn't the norm? I'm curious).
- Customers are not paying attention when I call out their drinks (sometimes multiple times), and then like 5 minutes later ask "Is this mine?"
- Customers ask for unsweetened iced tea, confirm that they don't want any sweeteners in it after I ask again (just to make sure), and then ask me for sweeteners as I'm handing them their tea (So sweetened? You wanted it sweetened? I could have sweetened it for you with whatever and how many ever sweeteners you wanted...)
- Customers ask for a black coffee with cream (at that point it's not black...)
- Customers say they don't like coffee, but then ask for a coffee or an espresso drink, and then get mad that their drink tastes like coffee...........
- Customers take off their masks to talk to me

Some non-work related peeves that come to mind are: people who talk on speaker phone/ FaceTime in public and people who don't use their turn signals. I'll leave it at that because I could go on forever.

Posted in Recently had wisdom teeth removed.....yuck Posted 4 years ago

I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday and I'm nervous but also excited. I'm not looking forward to not being able to eat much because I'm finally starting to eat solid foods again after getting 6 fillings a few weeks ago.

Posted in Ark's Post-A-Lot Posted 4 years ago

I’m finally leaving and my feet hurt all over again. All of that soaking and scrubbing for nothing lol.

Posted in Ark's Post-A-Lot Posted 4 years ago

I’m literally so tired of working at this job.

Posted in Ark's Post-A-Lot Posted 4 years ago

Work is so tiring today. Geeziz Christ.

Posted in Post your Rants Posted 4 years ago

Sometimes I get annoyed when my managers have us train new employees during busy shifts. I understand they need to learn, but they’re pretty much just in the way. It makes business move slower because we constantly have to teach or make sure the new employees are doing things right, and we can’t do everything for them or else they won’t learn. It doesn’t help, either, when the coworker with you works slow and doesn’t know how to do too much. So you’re having to pick up the slack of the trainee and the coworker. I’m just tired, but everything will be okay...

Posted in Ark's Post-A-Lot Posted 4 years ago

Welp, I guess it’s time for me to stop being a cry baby and get ready for work although I’m getting ready late af now.

Posted in Ark's Post-A-Lot Posted 4 years ago

*internally sobbing as my eyes get heavy again*

Posted in Ark's Post-A-Lot Posted 4 years ago

Therefore, I wish I could stay home and sleep the day away. I don’t want these bad vibes to bombard me. Ugh, I’m not feelin it this morning.