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Posted in Come meet my snails Posted 4 years ago

Wow, I was expecting to see some little guys. I wasn't expecting them to be so big. o Ao

They're so cute! I bet it's fun to watch them move along dragging their slime around haha. :3

Posted in Hello, I'm New Here Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Oh wow, this is good to know. :O Thanks! I'm glad the rest of the trip was fine for you. :)

Posted in I believe I have a new job, but... Posted 4 years ago

@juliette: Thanks! Yeah, waiting definitely is the hardest part. :c I've been rejected from so many places due to lack of experience, but how is anyone supposed to gain experience if no one is willing to give them a chance? It's so weird to me.

@Hachi: Reading your reply actually made me feel a lot better about everything. ; --- ; I appreciate you taking the time to give me this advice and I'm going to keep it in mind and utilize it as best as I can!

Thanks, guys! ^^

Posted in Hello, I'm New Here Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Probably not, tbh. I'd love to go in a few years, so I've got to pick back up on it soon haha.

Posted in Ark's Post-A-Lot Posted 4 years ago

Whenever I actually try to make an omelette, I fail. Whenever I don’t try, I succeed. ???

Posted in Ark's iPod Posted 4 years ago


Posted in Hello, I'm New Here Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, mostly words, grammar, random sentences, and etc. :)

Posted in I believe I have a new job, but... Posted 4 years ago

I didn't think it'd take me 5ever to be offered a job, though. I thought I'd be able to find one sooner after graduating since a lot of positions were available. My original plan was to work as a dental assistant (to gain experience) while working on reapplying for school. Had things have gone the way I'd hoped, I would have had a decent amount of time to work and gain experience from the time I graduated (Nov 2020) until the time I started school (Aug 2021). But, things didn't work that way and now I'm conflicted and I feel like I'm scrambling. I hate this.

Posted in I believe I have a new job, but... Posted 4 years ago

Sorry this is so long.

For the past two years I've been trying to get into dental hygiene school. In between applying for schools, I went to a dental assisting school and graduated back in November. (Dental assisting is my backup idea in case I don't get into hygiene school, and was supposed to be a way for me to gain experience in the meantime). I've been applying for dental assisting jobs since October, and after 5 and a half months of rejections and 50+ applications, I believe I finally have a job. This morning I had second interview at an office and the orthodontist offered me the job. The reality of it hasn't set in for me yet, but in a way I don't feel as happy about it as I should.

I think I feel guilty because I'm still waiting to hear back from a school I interviewed for a few weeks ago, and I neglected to tell the orthodontist until after she offered me the position. I had so much time to tell her and I felt too nervous to say anything ; ^ ;. Me not knowing whether I've been accepted or not has been stressing me out so much and has put my life in a stand-still. I feel bad because I don't want her to think she's wasting her time on me, but in reality she would be wasting her time if I happen to get accepted. She didn't take back the job offer, but her demeanor changed after I told her and the tension made me feel so much worse as I left. Like... I don't feel like I deserve the job at this point. I appreciate her for being the only dentist to give me a chance, though.

I also feel bad because I'm still waiting to hear back from another job I interviewed for three weeks ago. Between the two, I really wanted that job because it's at the school and I figured it'd be a good way for me to make connections. The hiring manager has been out due to a family emergency and there's no telling when she'll be back to give me an answer. It feels like time is ticking away and I'm stuck between not knowing which direction to take because I don't have any answers. While I want to work at this job, I also really want to get into school. If I don't get into school then I'll be able to work there long-term. I'm so conflicted... I feel so overwhelmed with guilt. And of course my manager at my current job (coffee shop) probably isn't too happy after I told him about the offer. For now I'm willing to work one day a week at the coffee shop (while working at the ortho office), just so that if I do get into school then I'll still have that job and it'll be flexible enough to work with my school schedule. But if I don't get into school then I think I'll probably quit and work as an assistant full-time.

As you can see, my thoughts are all over the place. :/ Anyone have any advice or similar experiences where you've dealt with conflicting situations or not having answers?

Posted in what do you do when someone doesn't like you? Posted 4 years ago

I know it's been a while since you made this post, but I hope you were able to resolve the issue! :O

I kind of know that feeling. I was a part of a Discord server that always seemed bustling with conversation, but the second me or my friend would respond to the convos, the chat would go silent and die off (usually until someone else posted and then it'd be bustling again). I noticed it happening to my friend first, and over time I noticed it happening towards me, too. It got to a point where I'd experiment just to see if my hunches were right, and without fail we'd get ignored every time. We eventually stopped posting in the server and I haven't gone back since.

Posted in Ark's iPod Posted 4 years ago

Clap - Teen Top

Posted in Ark's iPod Posted 4 years ago

You Know - 4Minute

Posted in Ark's iPod Posted 4 years ago

She's Back - Infinite

Posted in Ark's iPod Posted 4 years ago

Replay - SHINee