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Posted in What are you currently reading? Posted 6 years ago
I just finished a book called The Siren by Tiffant Reisz. Its an Adult romance book but it was really tastefully done. i have the next book in the series coming tomorrow
Posted in Song that you never get tired of listening to? Posted 6 years ago
Mr. Fear by Siames
Wonderland by Caravan Palace
Chlorine by Twenty one Pilots
Perfect by Ed Sheeran
and Hey look ma i made it by Panic At The Disco
Posted in What are you currently listening to? Posted 6 years ago
Music wise:
Late 90's - Early 00's Industrial,Goth and Pop Rock

Podcast Wise:
The Far Meridian
Ars Paradoxica
Welcome to Night Vale
Posted in What was the last movie you saw? Posted 6 years ago
Det.Pikachu. and i loved it! Ryan Reynolds is a national treasure
Posted in Favorite Youtube Channel Posted 6 years ago
My fav's(and ones i watch frequently) are:

Game Grumps - Gaming mostly but they do a variety of content

emmymadeinjapan - Does cooking videos as well as does reviews on exotic fruits/veggies and MRE reviews

Hacksmith - Builds stuff mostly from Sci-Fi/Superhero movies,tv shows and games

Bon Apetite - A wide variety of cooking and culinary videos. my favorite series that they do are the Gourmet makes and It's Alive

How to Drink - Shows you how to make certain mixed drinks as well as talks about some of the history behind them. Makes a bunch of mixed drinks based off of pop culture stuff

and Kurzegast - does fairly comprehensive but relatively easy to digest looks into complex topics sure as quantum physics, Socio-political/cultural issues,etc
Posted in Need tech advice Posted 6 years ago
I just recently got into a website called and one of the things you can do is spruce up your profile with CSS style stuff and HTML stuff in the body....i am less than a neophyte and request assistance X'D
Posted in Hello all Posted 6 years ago
I'm back! how is everyone? sorry for the long radio silence...dealing with a lot of heavy stuff lately and well...just havent had the spoons to keep up with stuff here
Posted in Hey, everyone! Posted 6 years ago
@Apollo Im Burning: Poetry and Art, i did the poetry and a friend of mine did the art. i mainly write about; The mind, The Occult, Nature and the balance of light and darkness of humans and thank you <3

@Kozi: thank you <3
Posted in Hey, everyone! Posted 6 years ago
Hi friends! sorry for the radio silence. since i was last on here stuff has happened in my life:

Got a new job thats practically full time
Released my first Zine
Started to rework mt entertainment company business plan
.... but unfortunately not everything has been super great
Ive lost several family members this year..
My grandpa
My aunt bonny
my uncle john
my uncle mike
my aunt clara and uncle bob
my uncle Mike(moms side)

2018 has not been very goot to me and unfortunately it reflected on my presence here. I missed all you guys here dearly though and have made attempt several times to try and get back on here...but just couldnt. i hope to get back on here and to you all soon. thank you for being patient with me
Posted in Confessions (Make a Confession) Posted 7 years ago

While i love my family i hate that i cant be my true self around them. I am Pansexual, Genderfluid/Non-comforming, and Spiritualist/Pagan. but i cant say anything about that or they wont love me anymore. i cant be passionate about my loves because no one else in my house likes it. im constantly ignored.... can i just please move out?
Posted in Wondering if its all worth it Posted 7 years ago
@Q t e a p o n: i live in the 'great' united states of america. where you only matter if you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth
Posted in Wondering if its all worth it Posted 7 years ago
so....i went to my pharmacy today to get my meds....this would be the first time after getting taken off my moms insurance that i would be paying for it myself..... i was told that at the most it SHOULD be $ wasnt..... it was $560..... so i didnt get my meds...and well im in a bad place this evening...

You have to pay to be healthy, have to pay to not be healthy, you have to pay to live, have to pay to die, you have to pay to follow your dreams, you have to pay while you watch others do the things you want to do but cant because you dont have the money..... is it really worth it to live? why shouldnt i just leave a note and keep walking until im 'gone'? just disappear and ask in the note for no funeral so that way my family doesnt have to spend anymore money on me?
Posted in CLOSED Posted 7 years ago
Posted in ~*Dad Joke Junction*~ Posted 7 years ago
Whats high in the middle and round on both ends? Ohio

Whats Black and White Black and White Black and White Black and White Black and White Black and White Black and White? A penguin rolling down a hill
Whats Black and White and laughing? the penguin that pushed him