Constance's posts
Posted in Final Act: Land of Fun & Death!
Posted 6 years ago
Constance found herself in a grand castle and at first, it didn't seem like such a bad thing. It was a luxurious place filled with all sorts of extravagant paintings, decorations, and most importantly... food. The only problem she realized quickly was that everything around her was made of paper, and nothing was worth any real value.
The showers wouldn't function, the delicious meals weren't edible, and the front door didn't open. It was her dream turned into a terrible nightmare, but at least she already knew the likelihood of it being real was nonexistent. Veles was messing with her, and she let out a shout that would wake the dead.
Veles appeared, then, sitting at the head of a long table. He seemed to be cutting into a juicy piece of steak with a grin, "And here I thought you'd like these accommodations. I tried so very hard to please you, little clown, and kicking my efforts is all you do? We know why you were given up, don't we?"
Connie let out a deep sigh, "Look bucko, I've been a big girl now for ages. If ya wanna screw with me, you're going to have to try a heck of a lot harder. In fact, I challenge you!"
Veles appeared before her and leaned down, "Hoo? Then by all means! Let's have a gander at what the big ole girl can do besides lose it."
The showers wouldn't function, the delicious meals weren't edible, and the front door didn't open. It was her dream turned into a terrible nightmare, but at least she already knew the likelihood of it being real was nonexistent. Veles was messing with her, and she let out a shout that would wake the dead.
Veles appeared, then, sitting at the head of a long table. He seemed to be cutting into a juicy piece of steak with a grin, "And here I thought you'd like these accommodations. I tried so very hard to please you, little clown, and kicking my efforts is all you do? We know why you were given up, don't we?"
Connie let out a deep sigh, "Look bucko, I've been a big girl now for ages. If ya wanna screw with me, you're going to have to try a heck of a lot harder. In fact, I challenge you!"
Veles appeared before her and leaned down, "Hoo? Then by all means! Let's have a gander at what the big ole girl can do besides lose it."
.....Loading Game.......

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago
[constance will no longer reply here]
The dull humming sound of a fresh drawn sword sang out as the mirror that held Vyc captive fell to pieces.
As if blades had crisscrossed slices into glass, the billboard sized notes shattered and came cascading down into reflective
colorful sprinkles. Among the airborne debris, Constance's head and body segregated from each other and came tumbling
down as well. Smolkie’s eyes scavenged the prismatic flecks hard before noting where Constance was and as soon as he did,
he pointed affirmatively. “Quickly Vyc, over there! You get the girl’s head and I’ll retrieve the body!” Rushing forth and into the
dancing shimmers of glass, Vyc closed in to the area where her head was about to land. His legs running faster than ever before
end up sliding on the slick dewy grass which allowed him to close the final distance and catch her head into his chest.
“I gotchyu kiddo!” He gave a celebratory fist up to the sky, but quickly his confidence faltered as he stared into the still and lifeless
face that began to blur from his body shaking and gut sinking ten levels below the ground he lay. Progressively dissociating until
Smolkie’s shouting brought his attention back.
“Bring her head back here! I can’t continue the ceremony without her head, or else she’ll die!”
Whipping his gaze from her face to Smolkie’s, Vyc could see he was mid process of his routine but intentionally delaying
while fending off the body that kept lunging at him to bite. Hope swelling back into his heart, Vyc shot straight up into a full sprint,
Constance’s head cradled safely into the pit of his arm. Nearing her body, he had to quickly back-step as she turned her erratic
aggression onto him, thrashing her fists about.
“Becareful Vyc, this will be tricky! You have to place it back at the same time as I finish the magnetic pull!”
Smolkie’s expression was nervous, but Vyc was determined and ready.
“It’s now or never doc!” He called back with a sheepish smirk, that gave Smolkie a warm smile.
“In 3!” Smolkie positioned himself ready to pull
“2!” Vyc inched closer.
“1!” Leaping up, Vyc carefully but with force slams her head down back in place,
and Smolkie as if swinging a golf club rips the watch forward- pulling out the demonic influence with
its forward extension. Just as they both finished and paced backward for safety, crackles of electricity cauterize
Constance’s head back solidly in place to her neck.
As the fog and smoke dispelled, Constance could be seen with her body turned back to normal.
Looking that of a statue as her only movement came from the inhale and exhale of her natural breath.
Feeling beside himself, Vyc plopped down backwards in relief.
“Thank goodness…you’re alive, we did it.”
She turned to the kind and familiar voice and as her eyes met his, her lips quivered in shame and guilt.
“Constance my dear, if you could do just one single easy thing for me. I request that you please follow the movements
of my pocket watch with your and only your eyes. Could you do that for me?” Her deep inhale seemed enough indication
to both Smolkie and Vyc that she’d try to comply. Dropping the watch to dangle from the chain, he began his aftercare.
A smile painted Vycs face as he noticed her compliant and shifting gaze. A gentle but still loud snap from Smolkie triggered
Constance into a deep sleep, and before both their eyes her past flashed in segments:
Wearing mismatched clothes about three times too big for her, Constance was hopping up and down her arms reaching up excitedly.
Thin and calloused arms reach down for her and raise her up to the water-damaged ceiling to give her a slight bounce.
Her giggle infectious and beckoning the returned hearty chuckle from her father.
A young woman gasping from the corner watching them. “Please be careful! Don’t drop her!”
“I ain’t gonna drop her, and even if I did she would fly, wouldn’t ya Connie?”
Connie gave a assured nod. “Yeah Mama, I’d fly right to ya!” The woman rolled her eyes and laughed as she walked
to join them as they came together in a loving embrace. The scene fades out into another.
Constance’s stomach grumbles loudly and she struggles not to fidget in her seat at the dinning table.
When her mother enters the room and steam fans out off the hot plate, she licks her lips anticipating the moment
she can fill her tummy. “I made your favorite tonight, sweetheart.” Her mother said while placing the plate down in front of her,
giving it a gentle blow so to cool it for her. “Boxed mashed potatoes, canned sweet corn and canned peas!!” She gasped excitedly.
"Thanks Mama! You're the best cook EVER!" Her mother smiled warmly. “Your father should be home any minute now…
I wonder what is taking him so darn long?” Right on cue, their door creaked open and in he walked. He had to shove his entire body
weight against the door to try to get the lock to latch but failed. “Give it a body slam papa!” Constance cheered out, rusty fork in hand.
He looked at the both of them and then pretended to flex his biceps before heaving himself into the door.
The satisfactory clicking sound of the lock aligning rallying a clap from all of them.
The scene flicks again as Constance was awoken from three assertive rasping knocks at their bedroom door.
She rubbed her eyes dazed and confused, looking around and noticing her parents were not tucked in their floor mats.
Muffled voices could be heard from the door.“Please, don’t do it so loudly! She doesn’t need to be awoken so cruelly!”
She could hear her mother beg. “We have to do this. Think of her wellbeing.” Another woman replied as if reciting a line
she had done a hundred times before. “I have every intention of requesting a retrial! I swear!
I couldn’t make it because I had work and if I didn’t show for the shift they would have fired me!” Her father panicked.
“Get out. Of the way. Sir.” This mans voice deep and intimidating, unlike her fathers sweet and comforting voice.
A shifting of feet, and a gasp from her mother, the door creaked open---Constance having to shield her eyes
from the hall light blinding her. A woman wearing a full pantsuit walked over to her, her heels clicking against
the shifting floorboards. “Hello sweetie, I hate to wake you up like this, but we need to have a chat somewhere else
….Right mom and dad?” she looked over slowly at Constance’s parents who both wore looks of pain.
An officer behind them shifted his eyes to the both of them angrily.
“Go with the nice lady sweetie…everything is going to be okay .” Her mother uncomfortably avoided eye contact.
“Like HELL it is!” punching the wall and storming off, her father left her sight and the officer paced after him.
“It’s time to go now, Connie. Let's find your shoesies." The only shoes in the room were worn out moccasins that
reeked of several summers. The strange woman had grabbed Constance’s hand pulling her up. She looked to the mother
for an answer but she was muffling sobs from her hands. “What’s going on?” Constance asked shaking.
“We’re going on a field a trip! Oh! You could use my work computer to play a game of TIMs!"
The lady had a bright smile but it leaked artificial.
“I love you Constance. SO very much.” Was all her mom could say as she passed by, now looking at her in a blur
through tears as Constance was carried off. Regret filled Constance for complying... so she began thrashing,
kicking and screaming. out the door. “MAMA! PAPA!” She saw her mother drop to her knees as her father ran to catch his wife
-the cop keeping an eye on him. Her Mother reached out her hand pointlessly as the father looked on and sobbed.
"We'll bring you back home Connie, I swear it!" and the car door slammed shut cutting of sight of each other.
And finally, the scene flicks one last time and the blur of trees and buffeted sounds from random structures
hypnotically passed through the car window for what was a drive lasting hours. Pulling up into a large building
“Sunflower Orphanage”. “Please be on your best behavior, Connie. No more destroying things, okay?" The social worker
asked as if pleading. Constance hesitated to leave the car and looked up at the woman.
“My parents…they lost?” The woman sighed, looking away. “I’m sorry hon. You don’t realize it now….
But that environment was not fit for a child. They couldn’t afford to take care of your basic needs. It was toxically filthy.
You wouldn't have thrived there." Constance hopped out of the car, her one bag in hand booked it for the opposite direction,
attempting to escape. “Constance, get back here!!!” The woman desperately called out. It wasn’t long before a series of on
site guards captured and restrained Constance to the pavement as she kicked and screamed trying to escape their grasp.
“I want to go HOME. I want to be with my FAMILY. WHY? Why is that so WRONG?!”
Back to the present, Vyc and Smolkie ease their heavy emotion filled breathing. “I could use a sleep like she is right about now…”
Vyc said trying to maintain some level of humor. Smolkie extended his hand to pat Vyc’s back as he tried to clear his own sniffles.
“I’m afraid there’s no time for that, Mr.Vyc. We have another glaring problem to address.”
Fists clenched, Vyc lifts his gaze to Smolkie as a knot of worry and dread forms in the pit of his stomach.
“Yeah….where’s Velvet?”
The dull humming sound of a fresh drawn sword sang out as the mirror that held Vyc captive fell to pieces.
As if blades had crisscrossed slices into glass, the billboard sized notes shattered and came cascading down into reflective
colorful sprinkles. Among the airborne debris, Constance's head and body segregated from each other and came tumbling
down as well. Smolkie’s eyes scavenged the prismatic flecks hard before noting where Constance was and as soon as he did,
he pointed affirmatively. “Quickly Vyc, over there! You get the girl’s head and I’ll retrieve the body!” Rushing forth and into the
dancing shimmers of glass, Vyc closed in to the area where her head was about to land. His legs running faster than ever before
end up sliding on the slick dewy grass which allowed him to close the final distance and catch her head into his chest.
“I gotchyu kiddo!” He gave a celebratory fist up to the sky, but quickly his confidence faltered as he stared into the still and lifeless
face that began to blur from his body shaking and gut sinking ten levels below the ground he lay. Progressively dissociating until
Smolkie’s shouting brought his attention back.
“Bring her head back here! I can’t continue the ceremony without her head, or else she’ll die!”
Whipping his gaze from her face to Smolkie’s, Vyc could see he was mid process of his routine but intentionally delaying
while fending off the body that kept lunging at him to bite. Hope swelling back into his heart, Vyc shot straight up into a full sprint,
Constance’s head cradled safely into the pit of his arm. Nearing her body, he had to quickly back-step as she turned her erratic
aggression onto him, thrashing her fists about.
“Becareful Vyc, this will be tricky! You have to place it back at the same time as I finish the magnetic pull!”
Smolkie’s expression was nervous, but Vyc was determined and ready.
“It’s now or never doc!” He called back with a sheepish smirk, that gave Smolkie a warm smile.
“In 3!” Smolkie positioned himself ready to pull
“2!” Vyc inched closer.
“1!” Leaping up, Vyc carefully but with force slams her head down back in place,
and Smolkie as if swinging a golf club rips the watch forward- pulling out the demonic influence with
its forward extension. Just as they both finished and paced backward for safety, crackles of electricity cauterize
Constance’s head back solidly in place to her neck.
As the fog and smoke dispelled, Constance could be seen with her body turned back to normal.
Looking that of a statue as her only movement came from the inhale and exhale of her natural breath.
Feeling beside himself, Vyc plopped down backwards in relief.
“Thank goodness…you’re alive, we did it.”
She turned to the kind and familiar voice and as her eyes met his, her lips quivered in shame and guilt.
“Constance my dear, if you could do just one single easy thing for me. I request that you please follow the movements
of my pocket watch with your and only your eyes. Could you do that for me?” Her deep inhale seemed enough indication
to both Smolkie and Vyc that she’d try to comply. Dropping the watch to dangle from the chain, he began his aftercare.
A smile painted Vycs face as he noticed her compliant and shifting gaze. A gentle but still loud snap from Smolkie triggered
Constance into a deep sleep, and before both their eyes her past flashed in segments:
Wearing mismatched clothes about three times too big for her, Constance was hopping up and down her arms reaching up excitedly.
Thin and calloused arms reach down for her and raise her up to the water-damaged ceiling to give her a slight bounce.
Her giggle infectious and beckoning the returned hearty chuckle from her father.
A young woman gasping from the corner watching them. “Please be careful! Don’t drop her!”
“I ain’t gonna drop her, and even if I did she would fly, wouldn’t ya Connie?”
Connie gave a assured nod. “Yeah Mama, I’d fly right to ya!” The woman rolled her eyes and laughed as she walked
to join them as they came together in a loving embrace. The scene fades out into another.
Constance’s stomach grumbles loudly and she struggles not to fidget in her seat at the dinning table.
When her mother enters the room and steam fans out off the hot plate, she licks her lips anticipating the moment
she can fill her tummy. “I made your favorite tonight, sweetheart.” Her mother said while placing the plate down in front of her,
giving it a gentle blow so to cool it for her. “Boxed mashed potatoes, canned sweet corn and canned peas!!” She gasped excitedly.
"Thanks Mama! You're the best cook EVER!" Her mother smiled warmly. “Your father should be home any minute now…
I wonder what is taking him so darn long?” Right on cue, their door creaked open and in he walked. He had to shove his entire body
weight against the door to try to get the lock to latch but failed. “Give it a body slam papa!” Constance cheered out, rusty fork in hand.
He looked at the both of them and then pretended to flex his biceps before heaving himself into the door.
The satisfactory clicking sound of the lock aligning rallying a clap from all of them.
The scene flicks again as Constance was awoken from three assertive rasping knocks at their bedroom door.
She rubbed her eyes dazed and confused, looking around and noticing her parents were not tucked in their floor mats.
Muffled voices could be heard from the door.“Please, don’t do it so loudly! She doesn’t need to be awoken so cruelly!”
She could hear her mother beg. “We have to do this. Think of her wellbeing.” Another woman replied as if reciting a line
she had done a hundred times before. “I have every intention of requesting a retrial! I swear!
I couldn’t make it because I had work and if I didn’t show for the shift they would have fired me!” Her father panicked.
“Get out. Of the way. Sir.” This mans voice deep and intimidating, unlike her fathers sweet and comforting voice.
A shifting of feet, and a gasp from her mother, the door creaked open---Constance having to shield her eyes
from the hall light blinding her. A woman wearing a full pantsuit walked over to her, her heels clicking against
the shifting floorboards. “Hello sweetie, I hate to wake you up like this, but we need to have a chat somewhere else
….Right mom and dad?” she looked over slowly at Constance’s parents who both wore looks of pain.
An officer behind them shifted his eyes to the both of them angrily.
“Go with the nice lady sweetie…everything is going to be okay .” Her mother uncomfortably avoided eye contact.
“Like HELL it is!” punching the wall and storming off, her father left her sight and the officer paced after him.
“It’s time to go now, Connie. Let's find your shoesies." The only shoes in the room were worn out moccasins that
reeked of several summers. The strange woman had grabbed Constance’s hand pulling her up. She looked to the mother
for an answer but she was muffling sobs from her hands. “What’s going on?” Constance asked shaking.
“We’re going on a field a trip! Oh! You could use my work computer to play a game of TIMs!"
The lady had a bright smile but it leaked artificial.
“I love you Constance. SO very much.” Was all her mom could say as she passed by, now looking at her in a blur
through tears as Constance was carried off. Regret filled Constance for complying... so she began thrashing,
kicking and screaming. out the door. “MAMA! PAPA!” She saw her mother drop to her knees as her father ran to catch his wife
-the cop keeping an eye on him. Her Mother reached out her hand pointlessly as the father looked on and sobbed.
"We'll bring you back home Connie, I swear it!" and the car door slammed shut cutting of sight of each other.
And finally, the scene flicks one last time and the blur of trees and buffeted sounds from random structures
hypnotically passed through the car window for what was a drive lasting hours. Pulling up into a large building
“Sunflower Orphanage”. “Please be on your best behavior, Connie. No more destroying things, okay?" The social worker
asked as if pleading. Constance hesitated to leave the car and looked up at the woman.
“My parents…they lost?” The woman sighed, looking away. “I’m sorry hon. You don’t realize it now….
But that environment was not fit for a child. They couldn’t afford to take care of your basic needs. It was toxically filthy.
You wouldn't have thrived there." Constance hopped out of the car, her one bag in hand booked it for the opposite direction,
attempting to escape. “Constance, get back here!!!” The woman desperately called out. It wasn’t long before a series of on
site guards captured and restrained Constance to the pavement as she kicked and screamed trying to escape their grasp.
“I want to go HOME. I want to be with my FAMILY. WHY? Why is that so WRONG?!”
Back to the present, Vyc and Smolkie ease their heavy emotion filled breathing. “I could use a sleep like she is right about now…”
Vyc said trying to maintain some level of humor. Smolkie extended his hand to pat Vyc’s back as he tried to clear his own sniffles.
“I’m afraid there’s no time for that, Mr.Vyc. We have another glaring problem to address.”
Fists clenched, Vyc lifts his gaze to Smolkie as a knot of worry and dread forms in the pit of his stomach.
“Yeah….where’s Velvet?”

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago
Find Red Constance.

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago
Get ready for the final scene.

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago
Still waiting.

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago
I know nothing about a dead body.
I hate people.
I want to be alone.
I don't like death.
But I do like being alive.
And in these mirrors, I thrive.

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago
@Okios: You posted nothing but air.
You're a shell out.

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago
One more person so we can commence the final battle pls.
I'm done with being in the presence of such basic swine.

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago
Find Light Constance.

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago
RED constance

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago
Yeah I spelt edgy wrong get over it.

Posted in Act 10: House of Mirrors
Posted 6 years ago