Devilkinboi's posts
Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: I've had like...three, I think. The last one I owned was the big one that shortly was discontinued after I bought it. I was going to add new songs to it, but poof. Just died. I don't know what happened to it.
I just don't want to risk losing any files, especially not the work ones! I have the invoice template, templates for every screen, separated by what bank it was done for, the folders for every job I've done so far, etc.
Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: Besides assignments, both have all my old iPod music(randomly died on me), other albums, some shows and movies my brother got me, computer files, phone files, old art, work related folders, college assignments, current art, etc.
Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: I just have so many college and work assignments that I needed somewhere to have them all saved. Then there's having back-ups of computer files since my first laptop died and I lost so much that my dad wasn't able to recover... I currently have three external hard drives. One hasn't seen much use since it only has 500GB. But the 2TB and 4TB ones have been making up for it.
Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: -air high five-
I just like being prepared in case of anything. I'm the same with my external hard drives. Have a back-up of the back-up.
Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: Oh, the tablet was working fine! It's just that one of the cables was in a questionable state, so I asked a friend to see if he could find me a replacement cable. Better safe than sorry, you know? Thankfully, the cable was able to handle all the use I was giving it until today. Friend brought over the cables after he was done at work. The place he ordered it from, they sent an extra cable as a gift. xD So if that one dies, I have an immediate replacement!
I'll still have to do the usual stuff, but not having mom around to nag me will be a blessing. I'll just drag you over here and we can enjoy some peace together.
Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 5 years ago
@Kozi: Finally got my new tablet cables today. Just glad my mom goes back to work next week! Should have some peace at home now, unless my brother starts up with the usual.
Uh, I've never handled frogs, so not sure I'd be much help.
Posted in .:: ♡ Közi’s Magical Sweets Shoppe ♡ ::.
Posted 5 years ago
<< >> -randomly drops in and hides in a corner-
Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago
@Bonnie: Boss always pitches for me when they're pulling the usual check delay shenanigans.
Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago
@Bonnie: Definitely not. I honestly wonder how the company stays afloat with such practices... My dad had to threaten them with retirement quite a few times because of their shitty practices. He did retire eventually, but for some reason or the other(I didn't feel like prying), he decided to return to work. However, he gave them rules and conditions for him returning to work for them.
Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago
@Bonnie: It's unlikely, since she's his sister, after all. And him disciplining her... He's too soft at times.
Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago
@Bonnie: Process goes like this: I complete the assignment and fill out the invoice with hours worked, pay per hour, what client it's for, the name of all the screens designed and my signature. I email that, plus the screens, to my boss. Boss passes the invoice to my brother-in-law(he's the owner of the company now, his dad retired) who signs it. Invoice then gets sent off to accounting to get the check made. Once the check is ready, his sister has to sign it. She pretty much only has that job because of daddy dearest. She's useless except when it comes to paying herself. Dad's gotten pissed a few times at how long it's taken for him to get paid because of her antics. After it's signed, I get called to pick it up. Direct deposit can't be done since like I mentioned before, I'm not an official employee. For now, since the invoice has my postal address, to avoid having too much direct interaction, they'll be mailing it to me.
Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago
@Bonnie: Biggest hassle has been getting paid sometimes. The person that has to sign the checks is a floozy.
Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago
@Bonnie: Almost 8 years.
Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago
@Bonnie: My room is my office, so... I've joked with my boss about how I should get a work ID AND an office since I've worked for them for so long, but I don't think they'd actually give me either. I'm not an "official" employee.