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456 - Gizzie - I already misplaced it, lol. It's a few pages back.
Trying to update my Trisp quest thread while posting.
455 - I do love reeces ice cream.
Up here, we do have a lot of specialty ice cream shops. I have gotten a lot of different flavors from there.
Superhero is a good one.
454 - Unicorn - Alright! Hope it doesn't get lost in mass posts!
453 - If you go and click the image, I did link it to a recipe for the mac and cheese pizza. Never tried to make it myself, but I am bookmarking it myself. ^_^
452 - Shamus -hugs- Yep, I like not being restricted. ^_^
451 - Unicorn - That it was!
Since whoever invented it and Cici's started selling it.
It is good! :vanora_heart:
450 - I don't eat ice cream that much myself.
449 - We all know Shamus is very non-PG 13. ^_^
448 - Shamus - My mind completely skipped over that sentence.
Gizzie - Maybe. It has been a couple years since I have been there myself.
That looks pretty good, Mdom.
447 - Gizzie - I do love the mac and cheese one! I get that and the sauceless ones.
mdom- It is good!
Shamus - Hey! Talking about pizza and sharing images. Look up.
446 - Yes! That is super great pizza! I love the chocolate chip when it is slightly under done:

Mdom - never had one like that before. Does sound good though!
445 - Look at this loveliness!
444 - Gasp! Missing out!

Gizzie - Nod, nods.
443 - Hmm, that is an interesting way to do it. Does sound very exhausting.

Ever had macaroni and cheese as a pizza topping?