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402 - I wasn't super active on Kin. When hummy joined. I peeked back in for a bit, but the site was dying.
Unicorn - I was just wondering what happened to her.
401 - Whoo! Over 400 posts in here :vanora_sun:
Panda - I only know her as imagii. -shrugs-
400 - Yes, everyone seemed to pop in at once!
399 - Lunakiri - A lot of those names do sound familiar.
398 - Dragon was on almost all the sites listed. ^_^
397 - Kinsaki was a ghost town, but they only fully closed kinda recently.
396 - I do love trying to list all the avie sites, even those closed down because of all the fond memories! :vanora_heart:
395 - Have you ever been on Chiniba? Those were the most adorable ones anywhere! :vanora_heart:
394 - Eternal Nox was pretty great! My avie there was one of the first ones I drew!
393 - How does anyone have thousands of dollars to donate?
392 - Luna - Click the link in my signature. Tell me if any of the names under dead sites sounds familiar.
391 - Kairie sold a lot on Saph. I did wonder why they stopped.
390 - mdom - Yeah, I am just being silly
389 - Aello - There's always Panda's thread there.