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287 - mdom - Exactly! Too true on the banner statement! I'll get to my own banners.....eventually....
286 - Mdom is always determined to be a rainbow. ^_^
285 - The only bad thing about Monsters, is that you have to pee so much while drinking them.
284 - I've got this! :vanora_sun:
Gotta keep ahead in the volt earning! So many things to buy still!
283 - :vanora_sun: Yep, I really am, but I so can do it! ^_^
Today is only day three for me and I have this many. Almost 100 a day.
282 - Aiming for 500 posts every week, so I can finish in half the time! ^_^
281 - Enjoying free wifi?
280 - I think a lot of people tend to be lurky. It's always nice to be able to sneak on when you shouldn't. ^_^
279 - I still can't help checking when there are new replies. ^_^
278 - I'll be a bit lurkey right now, working on a RP reply. ^_^
277 - Lol. Yes, computer chair does stick to my legs.
276 - Yeah, sometimes you just have to do all the running around in one day so you can forget about it other days.
-hugs- We have no AC either, but it is starting to get cooler, at least at night. Doesn't mean I am not still just sitting in my bra and underwear though to keep cool. -totally is-
275 - Sounds like a good time! I work in a store in the mall myself. We have ac in just half of it though.
274 - I love giving hugs! :vanora_heart: