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Do it, Lina! New avies are fun!

My kids don't like onions, but sometimes they can't tell its in there.

Sucks that people can be that jealous.

Yeah, that can't be helped. I;ve been friends with mine for 15 years too!

I cook with onion a lot.

Lol, just keep popping back in when you can, Yandere.

Total -oooof. Too hot. But it's better than the snow we are getting here....maybe.....

People do grow up at different times than others.
As long as you have good people in your life now, that's all that matters.

100 degrees F is too hot. I hate too hot weather. Would prefer 60-70 F.

Total - I should make a list of things I need too.

Lol. Can't stop smiling over that.

Ah. I've seen that before too. One of my husband's friend's wife did that with him, like no contact with other friends strict.
Life is odd sometimes.

Total - Yeah, bread is harder to come by.

Yeah, and some others.
I've been here for all the events.

It's good when things can easily go back to before.
Sad that he started to ghost you.
It happens with age though and moving to away states, loose contact with friends from high school and such. I still have my hs friends on FB, but I don't initiate any chatting, nor do they. We've just ... grown apart.