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I usually have multiple tabs open for posting and reply one right after another.

Yeah, I will have to challenge myself to that one day.

Nothing wrong with that, Yandere. It's not for everyone.

Very cute avatar change, Kozi!

Yeah, that item is a bit odd. There are some items that the look is just odd to me. I like the tree branch for it though, very pretty.

Yeah, people can post legit messages faster than that.
We are prime examples.

Yeah. That's why I can't be on some sites too much. Delays between posts kills it.

That sounds pretty cool!
Very nice job for creativity! ^_^

I like that thread. It's a great place for new music inspirations.

Never played any of the Animal Crossing games.

Yeah, but we can make it look like other things with the right items. ^_^

I have one, just haven't played the games on it in a while. The kids are currently playing Arc on the PS4.

It sucked when there was a time limit on when we could hit submit between replies.
"I post too quickly for that time limit!"

Just fade into mindlessness. Easy mode.

Yeah, seems like everyone is playing Animal Crossing. I'm one of the few not.