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lol, pachi. Don't have shriveled legs.

I just don't really know what to do on FR. I find some cool looking dragons, breed them, sell babies. Repeat.
I don't really understand where to get the ingredients for Baldwin's Bubbling Brew, so I keep breaking down bugs cause those goos may have a purpose probably?

Oh nice, sold a few babies for gems.

But if you keep them fed, you can gather even more.

Yeah, Gaia has become too money hungry and spammy/trolly.

FR is cool. I need to feed my dragons for today.

Posted in Unicorn's Vibrant Hangout Posted 5 years ago

Thanks. Hope you have a great day tomorrow as well! I'll be popping in as much as I can! ^_^

Being comfy is always nice.

Yeah, not all the sites are for everyone.
And a lot of them seem to be dying off.

Glad you both found a good place to land! ^_^

Let me just stock pile 30k envelopes real quick.

Internet crapped out. Reset the router.

Here's my list. If it's not listed, the avies didn't peak my interest enough to be added here (or I forgot, that happens too)

Caedon - Tall avies with sex appeal! Throw on those skimpy outfits!
Chiniba - Ball Jointed Doll avies! Squeeee~
Voltra - I just love this site TOO much, it's influencing my opinion! ♥
Ernya - I still need some of those items from there to appear elsewhere if possible. ♥
Trisphee - Lots of layering! - Lots of options and complete customization.

Memories ♥ Menewsha, Gaia, Avaricia, Crysandrea, Zantarni

Does a refresh real quick....almost 800 letters so far. ^_^

Posted in Unicorn's Vibrant Hangout Posted 5 years ago

Probably won't be up much longer myself.
But I have a lot of time tomorrow for chatting when I am not playing D&D.

Go for it. ^_^

Might try for a dragon look sometime. I did just get finger claws recently.

Junko - Yeah.
I plan to place that thread on here with the edits that I was mentioning.