Eruca's posts
Posted in Obey Me!
Posted 5 years ago
@Priestess of Pie: how do you know you're a basic B? Where do I go to find out if I have the honor of that title too?

Posted in 99% stupid thoughts
Posted 5 years ago
I have nothing so im not scared of anything.

Posted in Never thought this would happen to me
Posted 5 years ago
@DevilkinBoi: (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃
@Totalanimefan: thanks! Getting there. I'll be so relieved when it's all settled.
Everyone's responses are so supportive here, I'm so grateful! ❤ Idk what else I was expecting tbh, lol. It's not like dealing with my parents. Lol but that's a different can of worms. i just felt like I needed to talk about it and it surprised me how much all of what you guys said means to me.
@Totalanimefan: thanks! Getting there. I'll be so relieved when it's all settled.
Everyone's responses are so supportive here, I'm so grateful! ❤ Idk what else I was expecting tbh, lol. It's not like dealing with my parents. Lol but that's a different can of worms. i just felt like I needed to talk about it and it surprised me how much all of what you guys said means to me.

Posted in Never thought this would happen to me
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Ah, wisdom from experience!
@Kitalpha Hart: Yes, that is a better word for it.
@Jolly: yeah... Our house isn't positioned in a very risky spot at all, it was so unbelievable & outrageous. But cars apparently collide into houses a lot, especially at corners and T-intersections, I hear. I hope your friend is unhurt and recovering well from the event.
@Lilykin: we have to wait for our building permit to be approved first. haha ;;;; Hoping for the best.
@LilMissKushy: Thank you for your well wishes~ Tbh, I was just scared, but let's focus on my badassery. lol

@Kitalpha Hart: Yes, that is a better word for it.
@Jolly: yeah... Our house isn't positioned in a very risky spot at all, it was so unbelievable & outrageous. But cars apparently collide into houses a lot, especially at corners and T-intersections, I hear. I hope your friend is unhurt and recovering well from the event.
@Lilykin: we have to wait for our building permit to be approved first. haha ;;;; Hoping for the best.
@LilMissKushy: Thank you for your well wishes~ Tbh, I was just scared, but let's focus on my badassery. lol

Posted in Never thought this would happen to me
Posted 5 years ago
@DevilkinBoi: thanks for saying that! Makes me feel like I'm not crazy for disliking them in the first place...
@Bioshock: Definitely! I looked it up online after and it turns out this kind of accident is kinda common. A couple make it into the news every year. And in fact, a week later a more severe case of car in house happened a couple of blocks down... It's an exasperating statistic.
@ChiffonOrange: thank you. ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
@Kitalpha Hart: Thanks for your kind words. It's validating to hear that because I felt like a mentally weak person for a while after. Lol
@Bioshock: Definitely! I looked it up online after and it turns out this kind of accident is kinda common. A couple make it into the news every year. And in fact, a week later a more severe case of car in house happened a couple of blocks down... It's an exasperating statistic.
@ChiffonOrange: thank you. ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
@Kitalpha Hart: Thanks for your kind words. It's validating to hear that because I felt like a mentally weak person for a while after. Lol

Posted in New hello
Posted 5 years ago
Welcome to Voltra!
Glad you're able to join us!
Glad you're able to join us!

Posted in Never thought this would happen to me
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Thank you for the suggestion (and sympathy lol i need it).
Following my impulse to go check out the noise helps with the worrying, it probably does the same thing in my brain as tapping my legs. It's just kind of annoying that I have to get up and leave while I'm in the middle of work/trying to sleep, so maybe tapping will work better for me. I'll try it next time (provided i can remember lol).
Following my impulse to go check out the noise helps with the worrying, it probably does the same thing in my brain as tapping my legs. It's just kind of annoying that I have to get up and leave while I'm in the middle of work/trying to sleep, so maybe tapping will work better for me. I'll try it next time (provided i can remember lol).

Posted in 99% stupid thoughts
Posted 5 years ago
When I'm in this house, I feel like I have no control over anything.

Posted in 99% stupid thoughts
Posted 5 years ago
Work has been really stressful for no apparent reason.

Posted in Never thought this would happen to me
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: Ha. thanks.
Tbh I didn't even know what my neighbours looked like until this incident. Might be because I've been away for the past few years but they've been next door to us for the last 10, and I'm acquainted with many of our other neighbours, even ones who haven't lived here as long, so idk what's going on.
Trying not to resent them. ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯
Tbh I didn't even know what my neighbours looked like until this incident. Might be because I've been away for the past few years but they've been next door to us for the last 10, and I'm acquainted with many of our other neighbours, even ones who haven't lived here as long, so idk what's going on.
Trying not to resent them. ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯

Posted in Never thought this would happen to me
Posted 5 years ago
This is unrelated to the pandemic but is impacted by it.
So I'm staying w my parents. One night about 2 weeks ago, as I was preparing to go to sleep, i hear this freaking crash/explosion/glass shattering sound that just. kept. going. I thought someone had broken in through our (rickety ass) sliding glass door to the backyard... So I run downstairs screaming hoping my war cry will at least spook the intruder. In the darkness & cloud of dust, I see the glowing eyes of A Freaking CAR in our entry way. LUL
I was like wtf and called 911 (thank god for emergency crew tbh).
Turns out it was the neighbour. They were trying to park their 101st car on their tiny strip of lawn and somehow ended up In. Our. House. !!! Ofc the police determined it was 100% their fault so their insurance will cover all they can and our home insurance will pick up the rest. Luckily, no one was hurt too so... Thanks the heavens for that?
But I've truly experienced my uselessness in an emergency sitch. Since then, I've been freaked out by every single noise. And there are a lot of new noises. We still have no front wall because we're waiting for a building permit. It's boarded up but the draft makes the house creak in strange ways. We are using the side door now and it's super loud. The entire house shakes every time it closes and for my life I can't figure out why. It honestly freaks me out...
I know it was an accident, but I still can't help think our neighbours r bums (our relationship wasn't that great to begin with). >.> Plus the week after (last week or so), they had people come over for some kinda gathering. Like. Our city's under lock down and we have no front door so we can hear everything. Can you plz relax for a bit.
So yeah. That happened.
Forgot to mention, we're lucky the front wall wasn't weight bearing so the house didn't go down. Then we'da been really screwed. Lel. Now we can stay home and away from hotels/possible virus breedingrounds. Classic example of "this crazy thing happened, it was medium disastrous".
So I'm staying w my parents. One night about 2 weeks ago, as I was preparing to go to sleep, i hear this freaking crash/explosion/glass shattering sound that just. kept. going. I thought someone had broken in through our (rickety ass) sliding glass door to the backyard... So I run downstairs screaming hoping my war cry will at least spook the intruder. In the darkness & cloud of dust, I see the glowing eyes of A Freaking CAR in our entry way. LUL
I was like wtf and called 911 (thank god for emergency crew tbh).
Turns out it was the neighbour. They were trying to park their 101st car on their tiny strip of lawn and somehow ended up In. Our. House. !!! Ofc the police determined it was 100% their fault so their insurance will cover all they can and our home insurance will pick up the rest. Luckily, no one was hurt too so... Thanks the heavens for that?
But I've truly experienced my uselessness in an emergency sitch. Since then, I've been freaked out by every single noise. And there are a lot of new noises. We still have no front wall because we're waiting for a building permit. It's boarded up but the draft makes the house creak in strange ways. We are using the side door now and it's super loud. The entire house shakes every time it closes and for my life I can't figure out why. It honestly freaks me out...
I know it was an accident, but I still can't help think our neighbours r bums (our relationship wasn't that great to begin with). >.> Plus the week after (last week or so), they had people come over for some kinda gathering. Like. Our city's under lock down and we have no front door so we can hear everything. Can you plz relax for a bit.
So yeah. That happened.
Forgot to mention, we're lucky the front wall wasn't weight bearing so the house didn't go down. Then we'da been really screwed. Lel. Now we can stay home and away from hotels/possible virus breedingrounds. Classic example of "this crazy thing happened, it was medium disastrous".

Posted in 99% stupid thoughts
Posted 5 years ago
The slightest noise bothers me.

Posted in 99% stupid thoughts
Posted 5 years ago
I feel terrible and sad around this time every day
Need to sleep earlier
Need to sleep earlier

Posted in Looking for Compatible Partner (1x1)
Posted 5 years ago
@Crystalkitsune85: I don't know anything about dinosaurs except for what's been in the news in recent years about them having feathers and all. Perhaps had dinotopia been in my childhood, I'd have learned a thing or two. An endeavor for a later time...