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Posted in YA'LL Posted 7 years ago
Woahhh lookin good!! proud plant papa and plant photographer.
I'm envious! All of my ferns have been dying. hahahahahaha.
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: Been good! Uh. kinda. Things have been getting busy. >.< on the one hand, i've been getting things done, on the other, i wish I got more things done. hahaha.

@Shark: your avatar is super badass in a cute way.
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Shark: movies from the 80s? Any particular favorites?
I hear people talk about martin scorsese as like the one most influential genius of that era, but honestly everyone's adopted his style later that in retrospect, it's hard for me to Feel the historical importance. hahaha.

Movies have not really been a huge part of my life until recently and even then it's hard to fid stuff to my taste so I generally don't watch them for the movies themselves. It's more like a shared experience.
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Shark: Ah and they're form the 80s. Do you like old movies?

Yeah they're not my thing either. Now i know. lol.
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Rallaa: i saw a bra commercial with the catch phrase "sexy can be comfortable" and thought, yeah, being comfortable Is sexy.

@Shark: Huh, never saw either of them. Sounds like they'd be so terrible they might be good. kinda.

I watched Irreplaceable You.
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Shark: What movie are you watching?
I watched a terrible movie yesterday too. Well It wasn't terrible, it just didn't speak to me.

You avatar is so fab.
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Shark: rough week, but okay in general. how're you?? c:
Posted in I dont know.. Posted 7 years ago
I agree with Millet and Beauty.

You found each other when you were 14, and now you're almost 19. That's a long time, Especially for teenagers. It might hurt to think that you've wasted your time with him if you don't stick with him now that circumstances have changed for the worse. But consider the fact that a LOT of personal growth happens in the teens and 20s, physically and emotionally. You might have been great together when you were 14, but the situation's different now and your relationship reflects that. You don't owe him anything for being through some tough times together. Just like how you don't owe your moms for giving you life or bringing you up.

The fact that you're realizing all these things about your relationship shows you have sound judgment. You know yourself, you know what you want, and you know that you're not getting it out of this relationship. Everything you've done so far to treat your depression and suicidal thoughts, You got for yourself. All the help that you have right now, he had no part in it. Take responsibility for the good things you do for yourself. You Already have the skills to get all the support you need. Don't worry about thinking about suicide when you're alone, you can call the cops on yourself even when he's not around. You don't need him. You're already enough as you are. You'll survive without him. You'll do better without him. I believe in you.
Posted in It has been a year Posted 7 years ago
I've only been here a couple of months but it's really heartening to see the growth the site has been going through during that time and the wonderful team effort behind it all.

@Elithiya: anniversay event you say? /perks up ears
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
AAAH i've been neglecting my account here. wussup yallll
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Rallaa: I see I see.

those were difficult years for me too just overall.
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Rallaa: This was... high school?
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
@Rallaa: there are things i like about school and there are things I don't like. i do it because i think it'll get me where i want to be.

was your dislike for school mostly because of social reasons? how did you overcome those difficulties?
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout Posted 7 years ago
i dream about school a lot because im still in school.
makes me feel stagnant.