Eruca's posts
Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout
Posted 7 years ago
@Shark: Ah yes! A lot of industrial music hails from Germany! I mean, it was the hub of industry for quite a while in history. Haha.
Does industrial music usually have words though? lol
Does industrial music usually have words though? lol

Posted in How are you today?
Posted 7 years ago
@onsenmark: enjoy it while it lasts!!
I say that about everything. lol
Your schedule sure seems hectic.
I say that about everything. lol
Your schedule sure seems hectic.

Posted in Blegh
Posted 7 years ago
Ohhh I see I see!! But do you really have to go to college for that? Unles you want to be a teacher.

Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout
Posted 7 years ago
@Shark: German sounds very much like english in a song!
Maybe it's just because the only german band I listened to is Tokio Hotel... lol
Maybe it's just because the only german band I listened to is Tokio Hotel... lol

Posted in gonna be kind of a downer and ask you this
Posted 7 years ago
@Glume: According to my art prof years ago, everything is politics!
I see, I see. I can relate to that sentiment. I'm frequently angry at people who are famous because they're wealthy and at the people who follow said celebrities. For various reasons. lol
There are inherent power differences in society no matter how you cut it. At the very basic level, an infant's mother has more strength and knowledge than the infant so she has the power to choose what the child's experience will be like more than her infant. This kind of differential extends its sticky tentacles to all spheres of society. Money becomes a way to exploit it and vice versa. It's a delicate balance that I don't think getting rid of the need to work would fix. I think AI will just exacerbate it (kinda like how globalization gave us automobiles and iphones but most of africa and the middle east are still screwed). I just can't imagine a solution that doesn't require intense divine intervention.
I see, I see. I can relate to that sentiment. I'm frequently angry at people who are famous because they're wealthy and at the people who follow said celebrities. For various reasons. lol
There are inherent power differences in society no matter how you cut it. At the very basic level, an infant's mother has more strength and knowledge than the infant so she has the power to choose what the child's experience will be like more than her infant. This kind of differential extends its sticky tentacles to all spheres of society. Money becomes a way to exploit it and vice versa. It's a delicate balance that I don't think getting rid of the need to work would fix. I think AI will just exacerbate it (kinda like how globalization gave us automobiles and iphones but most of africa and the middle east are still screwed). I just can't imagine a solution that doesn't require intense divine intervention.

Posted in Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout
Posted 7 years ago
@Shark: lmao! that's also what my roommate says about my kpop!
I listen to music in a bunch of different languages already so that happens to me less.
I listen to music in a bunch of different languages already so that happens to me less.

Posted in Selling Commons!
Posted 7 years ago
@BunnyDr00l: consider it a donation then. hahaha!
checks off my good deeds quota.
checks off my good deeds quota.

Posted in gonna be kind of a downer and ask you this
Posted 7 years ago
@Glume: I meant to refer specifically to when Uber was testing their autonomous vehicles.
But you're right. Most of the accidents happen because people don't realize that they still have to pay attention.
What is bourgeoisie? The economic middle class? Their indifference? Consumerist values? Google gives me a bunch of things and that word sounds like it comes from a century or two ago.
But you're right. Most of the accidents happen because people don't realize that they still have to pay attention.
What is bourgeoisie? The economic middle class? Their indifference? Consumerist values? Google gives me a bunch of things and that word sounds like it comes from a century or two ago.

Posted in Blegh
Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: Probably good to know before you enroll. :P
What do you actually want to do?
What do you actually want to do?

Posted in How are you today?
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Oh. My condolensces.
Maybe the reason why cats cuddle is to give people other people's diseases.
Maybe the reason why cats cuddle is to give people other people's diseases.

Posted in Selling Commons!
Posted 7 years ago
@BunnyDr00l: I was gonna give you shop price so make sure 600 volts is not lower. lol

Posted in How are you today?
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: Sounds like a lot of work. Did you move in recently?
Haha! Blame his dog.
Haha! Blame his dog.

Posted in The Mortuary: LGBTI+ Hangout
Posted 7 years ago
@Chaos: omg is that what RIP means?? That's so great! XD
I hope to rest in pieces when I die too. I'm expecting to be distributed all over the Earth if not all over the universe eventually.
I hope to rest in pieces when I die too. I'm expecting to be distributed all over the Earth if not all over the universe eventually.

Posted in Selling Commons!
Posted 7 years ago
I'll take the uggs and sweater off ya.