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Posted in I should update my sig and posting style Posted 6 years ago
I keep wanting to make one, but I've learned I'm not very good at pixel making. So, Imma prob pay someone on here in voltz for a pixelated sheepz, and maybe a plum tree. I'll prob make a simple banner for mer sig. Kinda wish we had dohtml set up for the forum, ahhhh. I used to be okay at that.
Posted in Pewdie Took Over Our Yt Posted 6 years ago
@DragonicKittens: Haha, we did more tests, and it only happens on Playstation's YT app. Didn't happen on my phone, so ya should be safe.
"Oh, I totally forgot: He's going to his brother's wedding! Darn." The bartender had already moved on, so Bell was left sipping her drink, and listening in on others'. Mostly just talks of the live shows this weekend, and last, and some folks were complaining about deadlines comin' up. Her eyes were roaming the bar, now that she had her back to it, and her beer held in one hand.

It seemed a group of students studying, well, trying and failing, and mostly friends hanging out. Over some time, she heard the bell ring, and saw a group of 3 entering the building. They looked around, passing their eyes over the bar and room, before settling in a seat between them and her.

Bell's eyebrow quirked up, as she didn't recognize any of them, and there was enough room at the bar for more space between them. Bell turned back around, and called out for the bartender first, "Excuse me, miss? Could I get some chips, please?" The new folks weren't talking, but neither were they taking an initative to make an order. This was odd, and remembered she should be on moderate alert at least.

@Delphic Dreamer: eeeep. Drammaa is builddinnngg
Posted in Forgot PW, Sent Email ~resolved~ Posted 6 years ago
issue 100% resolved! Thank you!
Posted in Pewdie Took Over Our Yt Posted 6 years ago
Omg, it's doing it again, but mid-video! Wtf hahahaha. We can't watch Old Town Road eith that one kid & Billy Ray Cyrus, it seems. Pre sure it's a cache thing.. Is this happening to anyone else?
Posted in Pewdie Took Over Our Yt Posted 6 years ago
I am dying of laughter. We were trying to listen to someusic, and it had an ad on the vevo vid on yt. Every. Fucking. Time. The ad ended, and it brought up Congratulations by Pewds and crew.

We legit tried other vids in the queue, fine, that one vid? No. So we tried other vids with ads: fine. Go back, and it's back to normal. That was great. Thought ya'll would enjoy.
Posted in Forgot PW, Sent Email ~resolved~ Posted 6 years ago

I figured you guys' were up to somethin'. Thanks for the reply & update! I'll check with her to make sure she got it, and let her know to check her spam/junk just in case, too! c: Once she confirms, I'll post a close rquest for this.
Posted in I ammmm... Onnnee... Weeekkk... Posted 6 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Hah! Yeah it's weird seeing "3 weeks ago" on this.

@Artemis: She sounds like fun! I hope you get the chance to use her some more soon!
Posted in What zodiac sign is the AAY? Posted 6 years ago
Monkey ufufufu. You're bffs with ratties.
Posted in Which 7 Deadly Sin is the AAY? Posted 6 years ago
Gluttony obvs.
Posted in I ammmm... Onnnee... Weeekkk... Posted 6 years ago
@Artemis: I haven't read or seen Ready Player One, haha. So far anyway. (Fantastic Beasts, ah the much debated series! I've enjoyed all 3 2 despite the plot holes so far haha.) More of a referring to the Greek Huntress Goddess Artemis.

I did read somewhere that you use your OC's names as your usernames! What is your OC like? o:
Posted in Hello!! Posted 6 years ago
Eeep. You already have a cute cat! I also keep accidentally activating google voice... I need to turn that off... Anyway, welcome!!
Posted in WAT'S POPPIN Posted 6 years ago
Haller. C: Lotsa new people, like me, joined while you were gone. What kinda shenanigans did you do in the past while?!
Posted in I did a dumb...But it just had to happen ;u; Posted 6 years ago
So, I have my pointer finger on my left hand, right? Well it's so scarred from getting cut, repeatedly, in the same place while chopping shit up for cooking! So, now I have this little groove from nail to nearly center.

I like to say it's its' own spice at this point. I feel your pain all too well.

@Kozi: also, wow. I can't imagine what that feels like.