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Posted in A wild NOOB has appeared!! Posted 8 years ago
@Panda: Thanks Panda. -hugs- It's good to talk to you again.
@Espy: Ah, well, it's understandable. As long as you come back every now and then because we'll miss you otherwise. : )
I've not been on Tris in so long.
Posted in incoMING Posted 8 years ago
I'm aly, and I'm kinda lame.. not kinda, I know I am.. ha...!

@Aly: Pfft. You're not lame. I am though. : )

Also, I read that as "YOU GUYS ARE READ X" and was highly confused for a minute. I had to reread it.
Posted in A wild NOOB has appeared!! Posted 8 years ago
@Vii: Haha it is hilarious. It's alright. My mom has social anxiety and was under the assumption that literally everyone was constantly scrutinizing her behind her back. So, she was constantly trying to make everything seem picture perfect in front of other people. I remember that when we had somewhere to go, such as a get together, she'd wake us up at 8 am to shower and get ready, even though 98% of the time we'd not have to be there until 12:30 or 1 pm ish. And she'd always force us to dress up in fancy clothes and stuff. >.>
Ugh, I hate the whole, "being lady like" and the notion that women "need to be tidy" because it gives growing girls the wrong idea about being a woman. I mean, I'm not "feminist" per se but I don't believe in gender stereotypes. Though, I understand why she has these values. That's what she grew up with. That's what she knows. It's harder for older people with these new ways society is being shaped because it defies all they've ever known. I mean, I'm getting up there in age. In 2019 I will be 40, so even I've been a bit lost on things like gender identity and just LGBTQ things in general as well as some other things that are becoming mainstream in society because none of this was talked about or around when I was a kid.
Lol, my house stays nice for 5 minutes, then I turn around to do something and turn back around and things are everywhere. It's almost like a curse...except its actually a small army of children. lol
Haha alright. I'm looking forward to seeing them.
Goodnight! Sleep well!
@Anarchist Beauty: I do to. I like the avatars as well and I think people here are incredibly nice. : )
@Espy: Hii!! -waves- What's up?
Posted in incoMING Posted 8 years ago
@Aly: ALYGATOR!! -lunges at-
Posted in A wild NOOB has appeared!! Posted 8 years ago
@Raxton: Thank you! : D
@SamSpyroxis: Haha very true. xD
@Vii: Ha! I found it! This was basically my mom when we had company coming over:
Wow, everyday seems a bit excessive. But, at least her bathroom is sanitary. : )
Exactly. It is nice to look at but I always feel like my house is way to messy after. Haha.
It's okay, people think I'm crazy for having a small army of children. Crazy isn't always a bad thing. xD Cute! I love dogs! I'd like to see them sometime if you were to be okay with it.
@Anarchist Beauty: Hey you! Haha, yeah, I'm glad that I've seen some familiar people here as well. I hope this place does well.
Posted in A wild NOOB has appeared!! Posted 8 years ago
@Kawaii Slowpoke: Slowpoke is great. : ) I think Slowpoke deserves much loves.

Lol true. They tire me out. Idk, kids are difficult to raise sometimes. It's also kind of a guessing game in a way. They don't come with instruction manuals and there is no definitive way to raise them. You just do what you think is right and good for them at the time and hope it goes well.
@Ginji: Ahh, alright. Have a good night. : )
@Vii: Exactly. Besides, homes you see in magazines are deceiving. It looks like a home but it's probably just a set. If it is a home, it was most likely staged for the picture. My mom would freak out when we were going to have company when I was a kid. She wanted the house spotless. She might as well have just said, "I want no signs that anyone actually lives here!" haha
Wow, 3 dogs? Nice! What breeds?
Thank you! : D I hope I'm doing a good job raising them.
@SamSpyroxis: Hey! Hahaha! I like avatar sites. : P
Posted in A wild NOOB has appeared!! Posted 8 years ago
@Prodigy: Hello! Thank you! I like Pokémon, Legend Of Zelda, Legacy of Y's (which is highly underrated), DBZ games, GTA, Saints Row, Mario, Yoshi, Street Fighter, SSB, Mario Kart, Sonic (but I've not played a sonic game in a long time), NHL, Rayman, Mario Party (although that usually ends up causing my kids to fight with each other) and a few others but drawing a bit of a blank on the rest.

Mandarin is such an awesome language. It's full of history and cultural references, plus I find writing in it fun. I liked teaching. Most of the students were great kids and I liked getting to know them. I also really liked the rewarding feeling of when a kid has been struggling but they finally start understanding it and you see their eyes light up with confidence and happiness. : ) I'm gonna miss it.
@Ginji: Hey hey Ginji. What's up? I agree these avatars are adorable. : D
@Nalight: Ah, yes, I recall seeing you. Hey there!
@Vii: Hello! Thank you! Haha yeah! My house isn't the most messy but it's not the cleanest either. I can only do so much. Luckily, a few of my kids are old enough to do some chores and when my younger kids are done playing, I have them put their toys back in the toybox in their playroom. So, that helps. Haha.
@Fozzy: Hi! Thank you! Lol I can raise kids but I wouldn't be able to run a site. I am not patient enough. xD
@Kawaii Slowpoke: Lol idk. Although, Vii is right. At least I didn't have to give birth to all them. xD There are 4 different mothers, so at least one woman hasn't had to give birth to all them either.
I like your name btw. I love Slowpoke. He's cute.
Posted in A wild NOOB has appeared!! Posted 8 years ago
-jumps out of the tall grass- OOOGAA BOOGA!!

Hello! I'm Shamus. I'm a 37 year old Irish immigrant with a small army of children (11). I like avatar forum sites. I'm on a few others, so if you've seen a Shamrock Shamus elsewhere, its me. : P

I like playing video games, drawing, sleeping (when I can. I have intense insomnia, so I can't sleep as much as I need to), playing with my kids, learning languages, etc. I was a Mandarin teacher for quite some time. I unfortunately had to step down because Lupus kicks my butt.

So, hi!