Goblinsandtea's posts
Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Aisukohi: Your avi is so cool!
Hope your meal was great :^D
Hope your meal was great :^D
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
Ive been seeing alot and i mean ALOT of talk ab squid game online and hhhh.
I wanna watch it so bad!!! But i should finish the shows im watch atm!
I wanna watch it so bad!!! But i should finish the shows im watch atm!
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Totalanimefan: Thank you! Its just a rough sketch and will change more (+ i need to do more research into the fashion they would wear... it was the best i could come up with at the spot lol)
I love talking about my characters but iu always get so nervous :'^)
I love talking about my characters but iu always get so nervous :'^)
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
So uh if anybodys intrested...
Ive made a new character, They are half elf and half fae creature and a witch.
Not sure ab gender and pronouns but ive referd to them by they and she so thats it for now.
Her name is Elysium, They have a wizard friend called Fern (They are a naga and have a potionshop)
Elysium lives in the woods and i loves the company of flora and fauna. Due to her living mostly alone they have trouble with like.... knowing how to treat others? They would randomly give you a potion without you klnowing and then you would be tripping balls why she is writting down everything. I imagine her kind of like the stereotypical "crazy scientist whose potionate ab their work" but with magic and potions.
Im planing a game where id love to put them in where at first she apears to be evil but it turns out she not.
Her design is inspired by an inky cap mushroom to make it more "spooky" (+ its an awsome looking msuhroom)
In this world theres a continent thats mainly giant woods, nomatter how much people wanna destroy it, the flora just grows right back in an unatural amount of time (main reasen bc a god became one with the continent, she literly became a tree and thus make everything grow everywhere). The ppl that do live there have accepted it and now live in like treehouses and huge mushrooms ect.
Now how that ties in my game idea: i think it would be cool that Elysium (whos very tall btw) woul stand there and the mc wouldnt know there even was somebody. So the terror youd experience seeing a huge mushroom move towards you... sounds great lol
Ive made a new character, They are half elf and half fae creature and a witch.
Not sure ab gender and pronouns but ive referd to them by they and she so thats it for now.
Her name is Elysium, They have a wizard friend called Fern (They are a naga and have a potionshop)
Elysium lives in the woods and i loves the company of flora and fauna. Due to her living mostly alone they have trouble with like.... knowing how to treat others? They would randomly give you a potion without you klnowing and then you would be tripping balls why she is writting down everything. I imagine her kind of like the stereotypical "crazy scientist whose potionate ab their work" but with magic and potions.
Im planing a game where id love to put them in where at first she apears to be evil but it turns out she not.
Her design is inspired by an inky cap mushroom to make it more "spooky" (+ its an awsome looking msuhroom)
In this world theres a continent thats mainly giant woods, nomatter how much people wanna destroy it, the flora just grows right back in an unatural amount of time (main reasen bc a god became one with the continent, she literly became a tree and thus make everything grow everywhere). The ppl that do live there have accepted it and now live in like treehouses and huge mushrooms ect.
Now how that ties in my game idea: i think it would be cool that Elysium (whos very tall btw) woul stand there and the mc wouldnt know there even was somebody. So the terror youd experience seeing a huge mushroom move towards you... sounds great lol
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Totalanimefan: I see... I JUST MISSED 15!? AAAA
Oh well.... better luck next time i gues...
Oh well.... better luck next time i gues...
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Art exchanges? WHERE?
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Amber Lynne: Thats no problem! Thank you for recomending it ^^
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
Im here to fully enjoy the event!
Hows everybody doing? anything special happen??
Was busy with buying a limited dolly lol. Then i missed out on and items (just wehn it went up to buy and i was ready to pay it got sold out ;w;") So i was figuring out how to get that one bc it was one of the primary reasens i wanted the doll and then my friend tols me to just make it so ill b doing that... The item is a mushroom cap head lol
Hows everybody doing? anything special happen??
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Art exchanges? WHERE?
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Amber Lynne: No worries thank you! Ive got a TH so i dont need a code ^^ Already left a reply askinf i can join :^D
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Anniversary Raffle WINNERS ANNOUNCED!
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
Ahh! this looks fun! I quikly read over it bc im a bit busy rn... Ill buy tikets later :^D
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Art exchanges? WHERE?
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Amber Lynne: Yes please! :^0
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in The Surge: October Crates, Milestone Update, & More!
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
I saw that cape and knew what had to be done...
Absolutly loving the new items as always !!
Absolutly loving the new items as always !!
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in [FAQ] Voltra's 4th Anniversary Celebration!
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
Aah! all the stuff is so cute!!
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Goblins Lazy hangout
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
Ok so i have until tomorow evening to decide what color i want my lil mushroom doll to be. Im not sure wheter i want them to be a clasic red with white dots or a, Inky cap mushroom.... I think ill go with the inky cap one bc ive got a rough idea in mind for them.
Ive finished watching jacksepticeye play undertale (the pacifist route) and i cried a lil. Still need to watch the genocide route.
Not so long ago i was prescriped a pill to help with sleep and anxiety by a psyciatrist. I had extreme side effects, all i could do was sleep and i constantly felt dreadful, everything felt fake and i constantly felt like i was a hair close to a mental breakdown but all i could do was laugh. I owly took it twice and stopped and the side effects lasted a good week. Ontop of that the last day of the side effect i had some very dark thoughts ab harming myself and others (ive never had it that extreme before). Also after the side effects i became ill and had a terible time with that. The whole time my gran... she basicly told me that she thinks im exaggerating everything, bc "normal ppl" dont experience it like that.... its the second time that she basicly told me im abnormal... I messaged the psychiatrist and he told me i could stop for awhile and start taking it in lower doses.... But i was terrified. I then saw my gender psychiatrist, told me that the side effects meant the pill was working on me, but before it starts getting better it gets worse. She understood why i was so scared to start again. She told me i should message the psychiatrist again that day and to ask if i can do mini dose or start something else but also with a mini dose...
A week has passed... i havent send him... I- im terrified to even think of starting it again... "it will get worse before its better"... i already feel terible i literly cant hadnle feeling worse i honestly feel like.... i would do something bad.
However this isnt only my fear of that pill. Ive told a friend before. But ive already have it so hard accepting the fact that ill need testosterone my whole life in order to be myself. Just the thought of needing something extra, needing help, makes me feel terible.
My family has a history of needing pills to function normally... And due to other aspects i now feel msireble that ill just be another one... So the way im fighting that is by not sending my psychiatrist a message and refusing to take any such pills (i know smart right /s).
All i want is to talk with a psychiatrist, or just somebody whos proffesionally able to help me with my thoughts and guide me better. I dont wanna take pills, i know i can do it without it. Before the pandemic i did take a pill that helped with anxiety but i stopped taking it (without telling anybody, i know im dumb), and a saw a psychiatryst and i did great, i was healing i was thriving... and then the pandemic happend and all my progres seemed to dissapear, and then i graduated and i feel into a bottomless hole... I wanted to see that psychiatryst again but he moved so i couldnt... And i just.... was there
Rn im on a waitlsist for a rehabilitation center wich as wierd as it sounds, im so looking forward too. However its not something i need to stay at. Ill need to go everyday (for like 4 hour or longer) except sunday. Theres aperently multiple activitys and ill get to talk to a psychiatrist. The wait times between 4 to 6 months and ive been on the waitlist since may 2021. So its like 5 months now?
The thing is, i dont care about myself, ive always hated myself. And while dispite also hating school, it was the only thing that kept me from falling bc i was expected to do things. I woke up each day, went to school, had social contact and did several activities.
And i did all that bc i have a fear of disapointing ppl. So now that ill be going to the rehabilitation center ill have that kind of stuff again... you know except for the stressful stuff of being scared to fail class and needing to do hw lol
Ive finished watching jacksepticeye play undertale (the pacifist route) and i cried a lil. Still need to watch the genocide route.
Not so long ago i was prescriped a pill to help with sleep and anxiety by a psyciatrist. I had extreme side effects, all i could do was sleep and i constantly felt dreadful, everything felt fake and i constantly felt like i was a hair close to a mental breakdown but all i could do was laugh. I owly took it twice and stopped and the side effects lasted a good week. Ontop of that the last day of the side effect i had some very dark thoughts ab harming myself and others (ive never had it that extreme before). Also after the side effects i became ill and had a terible time with that. The whole time my gran... she basicly told me that she thinks im exaggerating everything, bc "normal ppl" dont experience it like that.... its the second time that she basicly told me im abnormal... I messaged the psychiatrist and he told me i could stop for awhile and start taking it in lower doses.... But i was terrified. I then saw my gender psychiatrist, told me that the side effects meant the pill was working on me, but before it starts getting better it gets worse. She understood why i was so scared to start again. She told me i should message the psychiatrist again that day and to ask if i can do mini dose or start something else but also with a mini dose...
A week has passed... i havent send him... I- im terrified to even think of starting it again... "it will get worse before its better"... i already feel terible i literly cant hadnle feeling worse i honestly feel like.... i would do something bad.
However this isnt only my fear of that pill. Ive told a friend before. But ive already have it so hard accepting the fact that ill need testosterone my whole life in order to be myself. Just the thought of needing something extra, needing help, makes me feel terible.
My family has a history of needing pills to function normally... And due to other aspects i now feel msireble that ill just be another one... So the way im fighting that is by not sending my psychiatrist a message and refusing to take any such pills (i know smart right /s).
All i want is to talk with a psychiatrist, or just somebody whos proffesionally able to help me with my thoughts and guide me better. I dont wanna take pills, i know i can do it without it. Before the pandemic i did take a pill that helped with anxiety but i stopped taking it (without telling anybody, i know im dumb), and a saw a psychiatryst and i did great, i was healing i was thriving... and then the pandemic happend and all my progres seemed to dissapear, and then i graduated and i feel into a bottomless hole... I wanted to see that psychiatryst again but he moved so i couldnt... And i just.... was there
Rn im on a waitlsist for a rehabilitation center wich as wierd as it sounds, im so looking forward too. However its not something i need to stay at. Ill need to go everyday (for like 4 hour or longer) except sunday. Theres aperently multiple activitys and ill get to talk to a psychiatrist. The wait times between 4 to 6 months and ive been on the waitlist since may 2021. So its like 5 months now?
The thing is, i dont care about myself, ive always hated myself. And while dispite also hating school, it was the only thing that kept me from falling bc i was expected to do things. I woke up each day, went to school, had social contact and did several activities.
And i did all that bc i have a fear of disapointing ppl. So now that ill be going to the rehabilitation center ill have that kind of stuff again... you know except for the stressful stuff of being scared to fail class and needing to do hw lol
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Happy Spoopy Month!
Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there
@Purpsy: Thank you!!
And yea ive never finished likewise events... but im sure with the right planing ill be able to do it
Im determined!
And yea ive never finished likewise events... but im sure with the right planing ill be able to do it
Im determined!
。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)