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inatlaka Divine

inatlaka's Avatar

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Cinco siglos resistiendo
Cinco siglos de coraje
manteniendo siempre la esencia

Es tu esencia y semilla
y esta dentro nuestro por siempre.
Se hace vida con el sol
y en la pachamama florece

Five centuries resisting
Five centuries of courage
always keeping the essence

It is your essence and seed
And it's inside us forever.
It comes alive with the sun
and in the pachamama it blooms


Hello and welcome :)
I'm an Artist/Creator/Mexika Dancer and Drummer. OH and a mommy <3
I'm Horbat/Horbatt on gaia and Zantarni. :D
📡 💌DM me for art trades or commission.
Or check out my online shop for prints, t shirts etc.
Add me on IG and tumblr. I will follow back. :)
catch me in the arcade


  • Ruby Ruby (4 years ago)

    Oh hey! Glad to see you!!! I’ve been good :3 I’m staff now even! :D

  • Ruby Ruby (4 years ago)

    Hey haven’t seen you around in a while, hope you’re doing okay :)

  • Lina Lina (5 years ago)

    Of course! You remembered my birthday. You’re a great friend!!

  • pecan pecan (5 years ago)


  • pecan pecan (5 years ago)

    I don’t know how much you need to buy whatever it is you were trying to get from Amber but I sent you some volts as a gift ♡

  • Mousy Mousy (5 years ago)

    My inventory is having a hard time loading for me to even check to see if I have pinstripe bun bun. I don’t think I do though. I’m sorry!


family, my cat, my dogo, love, sweet loving people


sew, embroidery, paint, dance, drum, surf the net, ig, clash royale, pet my cat, werewolf online, make internet friends, creating regalia, collecting books, beading
