Jolly's posts
Posted in Last minute scramble for toast
Posted 1 year ago

I attempted to put leg items on my avi
with my refusal to divert from her paw feets
if yall just blur your eye focus a bit, it'll look fine....

Posted in Last minute scramble for toast
Posted 1 year ago

@Qiqi Agatha:
Yes, its mostly good business, I hope it is for you too!
Art projects more than anything, trying to get work, and attempting to keep up with the ol' scattered braincells

I have time enough today that I should be able to get through a couple of puzzles. I forget how much they reward, but maybe I can at least get one event item and call myself satisfied!

Posted in Last minute scramble for toast
Posted 1 year ago

@Qiqi Agatha:
Haha yeah, thats how it is! I always have a handful of things I'm working on irl so I dont spend enough time here.
At this point I think I missed most events this year, if not all?

Posted in Last minute scramble for toast
Posted 1 year ago

Oh Im glad you mentioned puzzles, I sort of forgot that earns event rewards!
and yeah I think today is the last day to earn toast and buy the items

Posted in Last minute scramble for toast
Posted 1 year ago

I came back from MIA a couple days ago and only just realized there was an event I'm missing out on!
come scramble with me, if any of you are online ♥♥♥
Tell me what you're working on?
Have you gotten all the event items?
Have any fun plans this season?

I'm just being a homebody, working on art things, trying to keep up with daily sketch prompts. The usual!

Posted in I had tteokboki for the first time
Posted 1 year ago

It tastes exactly how I imagined it would

Although its not like, home made or anything. I'm sure there are way better tteokbokki to try. But we're on a pretty tight budget and lack most ingredients to make the sauce ourselves

korean food (at least what Ive tried) has a certain kind of spice that is just so cozy!
Like, in comparison, mexican food has spice that tastes amazing while also drop kicking you into the fires of hell. But its so good I always come back to it.
But Korean foods just gently cradle you in spicy goodness. It doesn't try to kill me, but it still tastes so good~
Haha I just wanted to briefly ramble about it. I love food

Posted in 2 week attention span
Posted 1 year ago

Yesss same! Discord has really kept my social life together this year, that with twitter shenanigans

I can keep up with people easily
Yeah I heard about the shortage. Its really bad, especially since you're not supposed to stop cold-turkey

I hope everyone who's prescribed and waiting is doing ok, health-wise.
But yes, you're exactly right. I always have to trick my brain in ways so I can get things done.
Sometimes its simple things like getting out of bed right away in the morning and jumping in the shower, it puts my brain in work-mode for a certain amount of time.
There's a point where the habit will break, like with anything in a two week time. If I have a consistent routine (do the same thing at the same time each day) I get really tense and muck it up before long. But I still dont want medicine, cause I always get rly bad adverse effects from any medicines Ive ever taken D:
How dare he not just buy his own xbox XD /jkjk
I dont have kids, but this reminds me of when my parents would play on the game consoles (nes or ps1) when my sister and i went to bed as kids. Sometimes I would catch my mom playing and it blew my little 5 yo mind that mom likes games too (but really I just never saw it because we hogged it lmao)
I remember my sis and I would brag about how cool our parents are because they play final fantasy. meanwhile kids we brag to had no idea what that was-

Posted in 2 week attention span
Posted 1 year ago

Thanks for the encouragement! Trying to put it into that perspective might be helpful ♥
Commitment issues makes a lot of sense. I definitely have thought about this frequently for a long time.
I commit well when it comes to people/relationships! But for some reason with anything else, I have a hard time.
Of course, I wish I could pick a therapist's brain about it, but without the funds to do so I just have to search for behavioral exercises myself. XD
Oh I used to have a sticky note widget on my phone screen to help me keep track of things. Then it became 4 sticky notes, each of them full of text, and it killed my battery

Did it help?
Maybe with one or two things, but not a life changer.
I just made a solo discord server too, just for jotting things down.
I heard Starfield is really good! I'm avoiding it so I dont feel tempted to spend money on it right now XD
Like... maybe next year! BG3 consumed so much of my time already, I had to force myself to CHILL and take a break from it.
I picked up ACNH again with the idea that if i dont time travel, I'll get bored and just turn it off in a reasonable time HAHA
Did I?
I could collect sticks until every tree stops dropping them--
Sorry you're having to struggle with that!! I do hope the doses help you ♥
It is certainly a troublesome feeling, cause I have so many projects I want to do xD

Posted in 2 week attention span
Posted 1 year ago

I cant afford a therapist, which is why I have to ask in this way

but I'm also anti-meds (for myself, only, not at others!!) so there's no real point anyway, for how expensive it is.
but I rather not elaborate on that here
Aside from this, I'm doing well!!
I got SO addicted to baldur's gate 3 recently, so I've been spending a lot of time on that
and drawing as usual ♥

Posted in Jolly's Dusty Cabin
Posted 1 year ago

I am here~
Although it seems my hangout thread has died

I wouldn't be surprised if it got locked up at some point, really. Not sure if talking to myself just counts as a slow-burn spam.
But here's an attempt to keep it alive a bit longer

Posted in 2 week attention span
Posted 1 year ago

I have noticed lately that I can only keep up with something for 2 weeks before I seemingly-uncontrollably become distracted.
Have not really put my finger on what exactly I get distracted by. But I think I've kinda always been this way, its just more noticeable cause I'm spending too much time at home

This is meant to be read in a lowkey tone, its not really serious (hence putting it in general chat). But it does get in the way of personal projects.
So it is something I'm trying to work on getting better about!
Do any of you relate to this?
What do you do to combat it, has it helped?

Posted in cant stop me--
Posted 2 years ago

I have begun decorating for autumn already because I am TIRED of this 109 F (42/43 C) weather!
I need to think chilly thoughts! even though it doesn't get cold here until january
I'm safe inside with functioning AC and fans running to somewhat prevent my electric bill from going too crazy. But maigahd, any time I need to check the mail or take out the trash, I can feel how strong the UV is outside. It feels nice to see the sun since I'm inside too much, but the sun isn't very happy to see me in return

I cannot wait for the weather to at least get back down to 80's so husband and I can go back to routine walks outside.
We tried it in 100 F weather once and about died lmao the walk wasn't that long but it was toooo hot!
autumn come save me!

Posted in Palia is open beta now
Posted 2 years ago

For those of you who like chill farming/crafting/gathering games like I do! Its BETA so it is still a lil buggy and they intend on adding a lot more features to it. I think they said something about updates every two weeks (they just did one last week)
Its free to play, open to sign up any time. But if you do join I'd appreciate if you use this link, cause they give everyone these invite codes. If you have friends who would wanna play with you, you invite them this way, and after 5 invites you receive rewards

This isn't my reason for posting this thread though! I just want to pull you all into it with me because I've been beyond addicted HAHA
So if you join, let me know (ping me) ♥
How much I miss the old days when my friends and I used to hop from one MMO to another. I looked at some old titles and they're either dead and gone, or on its way out.
Its really nice having a shiny new one finally, that actually is good!

Posted in banana milk rant
Posted 2 years ago

Oh yeah, it probably is I bet! my friend gave me a recipe that doesn't add sugar, but bananas are naturally full of sugar and it does add vanilla extract (sugar iirc) so it might be better safe than sorry

ohhh interesting, i never heard of it! I'll have to look into and see if they work where i live. I'm in a weird place where even Hello fresh won't use normal delivery couriers so I can't use them due to that service mishandles food deliveries, it's only because of where I live though