Jolly's posts
Posted in Anyone know how to make more friends on here?
Posted 2 years ago

I have no idea how making friends works!
I feel like I used to be good at it in the past, like I always had a few online friends I felt close with and chatted with daily.
They were as much chronically online as I was
But I have no idea how I did that either. It just kinda happened.
I think it does just come down to openly chatting with anyone and everyone, when it comes to these kinds of sites. has very little to do with what your avi looks like or your gender! In time, people will start to recognize you. Especially on a site like this one, it kinda already feels like you're friends once you begin to recognize each other XD Maybe thats just me

Posted in 'Sounds of Wedding Bells'
Posted 2 years ago

ooohhh congrats to her!!
I would absolutely trip!

Posted in Jolly's Dusty Cabin
Posted 2 years ago

The internet has been very very slow for3 days, and seems to worsen. I am thinking the grace period may be coming to an end.
In other news, I finally made the call of quitting Twitter. I only log on to collect socials from other artists/friends I follow. Otherwise, I deleted all media from the account and am letting it fizzle out.
I'll always try to keep my Carrd up to date if I change any other socials
but for right now, my art can be found on Cara
and I just joined (I'll also share art there, but do more casual socializing too)
I might try a bit of Japanese studying along the way, while I still have too much downtime

at least to learn basics so I can be polite on misskey.
other than that... well, its still too hot here and I need a job :')

Posted in Jolly's Dusty Cabin
Posted 2 years ago

Posted in Is it autumn yet...
Posted 2 years ago

I use emotes a lot
discord habits

Posted in Is it autumn yet...
Posted 2 years ago

Yeah, unfortunately I think these crazy summers will be the new norm for a really long time.
I also find that I need to adapt in ways that I don't feel I had to in the past.
Look, I went to a park today to get some steps in, and didnt even THINK to check that uhhh its 103°F out there
NO WONDER we were the only people in the entire park, my husband and i LOL
30 min later we died!
aww my husband gets winter blues pretty badly too. I usually like winter more, but the icy weather causes trauma since I always am required to be in a car for the worst of it

omg yes, the sunsets! Im not usually outside to see them anymore, but I also love them in autumn <3
ahh good luck fellow southern state-er

drink extra water, buy a parasol...
what gives you this feeling?

that tiny pumpkin is so cute omg

Posted in Hello hello
Posted 2 years ago

ohhh fashion week! Thanks for reminding me, I need to look at that ♥
Speaking of, your avi is so precious

Posted in Hello hello
Posted 2 years ago

omg! Ahhh I'm so excited for you two

I still have not bought yet. I came pretty close but the prices were just slightly too high still. So close but so far XD
So we're still in the same apartment. I really like it here, despite the high cost.
interview felt good! The interviewer was very giggly and nice. I feel like I got good feedback from the things I said.
The ONLY thing I got nervous about after the fact
was that when trying to get zoom to work (it was muted on her end but I thought I broke it for a sec) I bumped over my can of fizzy water when reaching for my phone, and it spilt a little on the table. Which in itself was fine, table has a waterproof seal, but I DONT REMEMBER if I muted BEFORE saying "oh shit" or AFTER.
But this was at the very start so if she did hear me, she didn't act like she did lmaooo XD

Posted in Awkward interviews
Posted 2 years ago

A group interview?!
that already sounds like a scam

I didn't know marital status was illegal to ask. Now that I think about it, my last job asked a ton of these kinds of questions. Maybe they got around it by calling the interview an audit? Maybe in that case they can skate around the law, idk.
Thankfully it turned out fine, they meant well. lmao
Interviewers are often stumbling through it as much as the interviewees
but there's still a level of decency that should be shown on both sides. I'm sure you know by now, but always remember that if an interview makes you uncomfortable, you ALWAYS are able to excuse yourself and leave. If the interview is bad already, the job will be worse!

Posted in Is it autumn yet...
Posted 2 years ago

*hides this pumpkin behind me*
shhh shhh I'm not already making autumn avis in secret
I can't wait til September QQ
summer is too hot and intense
I want to see orange everywhere and drink bhakti chai
even though it will still be hot because I live in the south
it will be hot with that autumn style

Posted in Awkward interviews
Posted 2 years ago

I think thats a pretty normal response as a child? Especially with how dog barking sounds, I used to be scared of them too until I got older.
Hopefully you get to a place where you can get a dog though. Maybe as he gets older and can help care for it?
I also want one, but for the same reasons as you, I could not. I have a cat and she doesn't take well to other animals (trying to adapt her to meeting new humans, even!) but she was a rescue kitten. Then an only cat for 2 years.. she's too spoiled to share

Posted in Jolly's Dusty Cabin
Posted 2 years ago

I finally addressed the internet situation to our landladies
just to make sure i wont expect a surprise bill or anything
and they also were like
cause they were told it would be shut off on the 14th for all units
but its still on

I'm like NOT complaining as long as it doesn't bite me later, its cool I'll take the free internet!
I need it for job hunting anyways, since that job didn't pan out
crazy people
back to the starting board

Posted in Awkward interviews
Posted 2 years ago

Lol I hate the excuses about irresponsible animal situations. I agree, dont have the animal if you can't take care of it properly! Wake up earlier if you need to feed them. Do better fencing. idk
This is why I dont have a dog, cause I'd end up like a coworker I once had who had to step out once a shift to go home and walk it. She was lucky our boss and team didn't mind it (we knew she was honest about it!), but it certainly made things more difficult sometimes.
I mean, at least she cared to walk it properly! Thats better than most dog owners Ive known :T

Posted in Hello hello
Posted 2 years ago

Ohhh are you excited for the move?
I hope it goes smoothly!
I'll let you know how this interview goes. Hope its a good one, I do miss making my own munnies