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Posted in Searching [ 1 X 1 ] Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: I think it sounds super interesting personally! The question is, what kind of characters should we play to start off? :o
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: lol I've only ever drawn trees on fire. But I suck at drawing in general... so even without the fire, I basically ruined the trees.
Posted in Blegh Posted 7 years ago
Fifteen pages in two weeks is epic~ As are you! And your quest. o3o I really like how simply and detailed you laid out your goals~
Posted in 2 More users Posted 7 years ago
@Miss Kitty: That's true! I could totally make one based on my personal mascot (or what I call my mascot, an oooold character of mine). I feel like I'd mostly end up using it as storage...

Also for some reason I'd feel like I"m cheating for the sake of more accounts faster. Is that weird? xD
Posted in 2 More users Posted 7 years ago
@Miss Kitty: I've never thought of a roleplay mule. How do those work? I don't think I've heard of them used that way really at all xD
Posted in On to the next Milestone! (400k posts) Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: How did you guess? I swear it had nothing to do with my name! >w< I just think it really could be that fast here~ Generally... I just vote sometime in summer. But June seemed most adequate.

And yeah, that's what I mean. Like, I'd probably cringe if that was our goal... And yet laugh. Then cringe more. Because financial stuff and math are not my buddies.
Posted in Glume's Collection of Irrational Fears Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: I'm entertained that our reasons are the same yet the fear itself is inherently different. Then again, I'm a total klutz and have bad luck many times. Also I trip on my own feet and choke on my spit constantly.

Also guys, I remembered some more notable fears I have!

1. Crowds (I get lost in them so easily and I'm on the shorter side and also just... ew, people)
2. Needles (I'm getting better at getting my vaccinations and blood draws without needing to death grip my dad, but... good luck making me check my own blood sugar!)
3. Electrical sockets (Every time I see one spark, I have a small panic attack. I'm always nervous when I plug things in and out that it'll spark. So... I often don't bother unplugging things, oops)
4. Shocks (See above? Well, I have a notable fear of being shocked. That's only gotten worse since my heart procedure last year, which involved a lot of purposely shocking my heart xD)
5. Gas near the fireplace. Because again, explosions and gas and fire freak me out.

...I had another but I forgot it. Ugh.
Posted in You don't have to be on facebook Posted 7 years ago
I admit to using it once in a while- but it's true, no one fully 'has' to be. That said, perhaps because I don't understand international privacy laws when dealing with a company that I'm pretty sure is set up specifically in my less-than-stellar area... I'm not sure if Facebook has to actually abide by laws in another country unless they're in the country. I don't know how their data banks and such work, but many companies set their headquarters up in countries with lower taxes and as such have to abide specifically by that country's laws. So... It may also depend on where the HQ is. I'm really not sure.

Either way... There are probably better social media sites in other countries. I'd like to join some of those myself. xD
Posted in Glume's Collection of Irrational Fears Posted 7 years ago
@Mousy: I'm 26 and still don't have a license because I'm terrified to try. I'm normally okay with tests, but for some reason my GED and driving tests are too terrifying. >w< I'm also just really afraid of cars half the time though, so... not driving may relate to that. ;-; I'd be scared of getting gas at a gas station too honestly. But that's specifically out of state I would. I'm in one of the few states where pumping your own gas is illegal still. But... Not knowing how and being terrified of fire make the idea of pumping gas on your own terrifying.

Somehow I keep imagining the moment I try to pump gas some will leak and there will be a random lit match nearby magically causing an explosion >>
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: the only time I have a green thumb is when I use a green marker or something xD Considering my name's a tree and I've always been very attached to them, you'd think I could do more than kill any plant that's in my care because I'm so forgetful with my own liquid intake... let alone anything/anyone else's.
Posted in 2 More users Posted 7 years ago
Reading this made me wonder if I should make a mule.
Then I realized I have no idea what I'd use it for. :'D
But 89? We can do that! Honestly, it's incredible how far we're already getting~
Posted in On to the next Milestone! (400k posts) Posted 7 years ago
I'm gonna guess around June/July. I think it'll take more than a month, but not sure just how much more.
I like that we're doing something a little out of the ordinary~ Plus, 400k is super as a goal. Though it'd be punnier if it were 401k.
Punnier and oddly annoying.
Posted in Creative Endeavours [Hangout for all] Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Likewise. I love most plants though, really. I'm not good at tending to them on the other hand xD
Posted in 'Sup Posted 7 years ago
@Buffy The Slayer: Multitasking is handy like that. I go between reading manga and chatting with people on discord a lot honestly. xD