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Posted in Win Prizes! Posted 7 years ago
@star2000shadow: Have you been tested for MRSA and cellulitis? >w< Sounds familiar to things my dad went through...
@Ina: I used to LOVE Mabinogi! Then my computers got worse and worse and I stopped. But what site was your reference?

And hi guys. I should be writing but I'm not. How goes it?
Posted in Nerd Hotel::Fill that battery! Posted 7 years ago
@Faust Sheep: I actually never knew that about Proboards and I've used a lot of them! I guess it wasn't a big preference on sites I used? To be honest, I don't know if most people actually care if you just read along... But I've had people barge in and join in and was just like, "Ummm it says private what?"

I'm from the US too, specifically the icky armpit called New Jersey. So... Here's one person that you talk to that's not foreign for you? :'D I attract people from other countries a lot at times too, but... That's just the internet as a whole, I think. It's a big wide world out there!

I never really got into Homestuck enough to know the comic's use of the app or whatnot, so... I dunno what it looks like even if you tell me that. What's it like for those of us who don't know it? xD The chat thing I mean. Like I'm fairly sure I won't be trying to read it honestly. Mostly 'cause I remember trying it once and just... it wasn't for me. I don't mind young people being adult-like and NSFW (I watch Shin-chan a lot) but... Iunno. I was bored. I'm kinda weird with stuff. xD

Can I just say I'm super proud of you for not only noting and accepting the issue of self-talking down and whatnot, but also your hard work to avoid paying it much mind because you recognize the spiral it causes is bad? Because honestly that's really difficult and hard work right there. >w<
Posted in It's Poetry Month! Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: I have so many favorites though! I guess I could go with my usual top pick, The Road Not Taken. Or I can, like... Take one I get in my email inbox every day if one particularly strikes me. :'D
Posted in Hello Posted 7 years ago
Hey there, nice to meet you fellow writer and all-around artsy fartsy person o3o I love what you do (working with kids, to me, is awesome) and am intrigued by your arts. What is building a village for D&D though? I'm pretty new to that in general myself. Doing a campaign with friends as a dead pirate crew. :'D

Also... What's button poetry? Please give me great details on it because I may need to write about it for work (It's National Poetry Month and I work at a literary magazine... Though I'm mostly an editor, I've been writing about forms of poetry and stuff for the month all last month and would love to do more as I learn of more like this~!)

What do you like to write in general? And take photos of? And draw? Basically... Tell me all about your art. I'll learn about you through it too I'm sure! o3o Have you always been artsy?
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 7 years ago
@Unicorn: Did you have the burger *with* the chicken alfredo? That sounds... interesting, somehow. I kinda wanna try that. Or at least a chicken burger with alfredo sauce... xD

How is everyone? o3o
Posted in Hey Posted 7 years ago
@keef: To be fair, I make my own logic to the point it makes no sense a lot in most of my writing. That's why I mix in fantasy bits. I make my own lore and boom! It... sorta works? xD
Posted in It's Poetry Month! Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: Thank you very much! I look forward to lurking it~
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 7 years ago
@Unicorn: I mean I haven't really seen my godparents since I was a kid. Things kept coming up, life got busy... But we do talk to godmother on facebook sometimes and we used to still talk on the phone lots? o3o

Also I keep forgetting to say 'hi guys' when I enter threads today what.
Posted in A new berry in the snack aisle Posted 7 years ago
@June July Thornberry: I mean, you probably *should* be extra distrustful of things on the side of the road. I also learned about a type of tree that has like... vines or something that touching is extra dangerous. My guide was the first case since colonial times to need medical treatment for it...And kept scars from the boils and whatnot. So I'll trust him and not touch things randomly. By not really going outside but still xD

It really is a neat premise, yep! Just don't touch the water. Seriously, you'll regret it... by burning.

And true, I do get a leg up there. I also can easily ignore skunks. Now if I just didn't choke on aerosol... xD
Posted in Hey Posted 7 years ago
@keef: Hehe it's wild, but it also sucks. I found out when I was helping mix it with water for class and we had a fire drill. Went outside without getting to wash my hands, went in noticing my hands itched, wash them... And I have super bloated hands covered in hives. The fun thing is my apartment is built with drywall that uses plaster of paris as a base, so... I can't be near it when things break :'D

And I mean, when things first start, they aren't always exciting, right? I write mostly sci-fi(ish) fantasy. The one I'm currently doing is a mix of fantastical things like sprites and scifi things like psychic powers and genetic engineering. Because what is logic?
Posted in Win Prizes! Posted 7 years ago
@Ina: Wait tie accessory on what game I'm somehow lost. xD Alsooo such a good drawing! You amaze me! <3

@star2000shadow: Yiiikes! Infections in the legs are horrible. Please be super careful and please don't get MRSA. I know you don't get a choice necessarily but... I worry now? :'D
Posted in So light em up up up Posted 7 years ago
@Boss Rimi: OMG that's literally my favorite BL there is <3 I just had to google it though because I'm only used to the japanese name, which is Bukiyou na Silent... so I was like "That sounds way too similar to the one I like- OH IT IS THAT ONE". So you made my day already. Because I looove it. Just so much. I want to hug Satoru even if Keigo will get jealous. xD

I wonder if I should try reading the fourth book even if I couldn't manage to trudge through the first one? I should also retry the first one since, honestly, I've mentally grown up enough where I my enjoy it more easily now. Not sure, but... It's a thought o3o

And I like Starbucks sometimes~ Like, coffee shop coffee is good if you get it the way that works for you, you know? Like I always liked frappes and stuff. I used to go to write ins at a coffee shop and they had this one really nice mocha drink that I enjoyed whenever I went. If you know what you like, and even I can when I'm indecisive... it's easier to enjoy places that you'd otherwise feel left out in for reasons like not liking coffee~ And I'm drinking soda myself right now. Water would be too healthy for me... Oops. xD

@Len: I'll be rooting for you! But... yeah no, bleach is not anyone's friend in terms of being good for the body. I've heard it smells horrible too. Then again, ammonia is interesting with the body also. I mean, we all have a little in us... but only a bit, and it's mostly in you pee. If you have much in your blood, you should probably see a doctor. I have reasons for knowing this. *points at dad, who has the record for highest blood ammonia at their local hospital... while being conscious*
Posted in Win Prizes! Posted 7 years ago
@Ina: I get trapped in books a lot mentally. And references are still good things to draw~ I need to work on that. I just liked they looked like my image.
Though I changed it not long after 'cause I was playing with new items xD
Posted in Win Prizes! Posted 7 years ago
@Ina: That's me except it's usually in bed I'm reading half the time too. So more in other places when I'm not reading/watching stuff/etc.
Actually sometimes even when I'm reading... Because why not.

Omg those are all amazing I'm flipping out omg. Choosing a favorite... I'm stuck honestly. The first one is a really 'cool' sort of pose, the middle makes me feel like daydreaming, and the third one... I'm trying to figure out if she's signalling something comparatively. xD