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Posted in Neverland Cafe (open) Posted 7 years ago
Hey there! This cafe is nice and quaint~ May I have a menu for the delicious conversations in store? o3o
*dies in corner from punning too hard*
Posted in Win Prizes! Posted 7 years ago
@star2000shadow: Be very careful your cellulitis doesn't evolve. That's how it all started ;-; Lower your salt intake too, probably. But I wish you lots of luck and love and betterness! >w<

@Faust Sheep: Things are things, but I is good~ Mostly. xD How about you?
Posted in Nerd Hotel::Fill that battery! Posted 7 years ago
@Faust Sheep: As you said... They're just rude people. There are some issue people out there. What's important to remember is the good ones, too~

Yeah, I meet a lot of people from around the world. I've got friends in Japan, in Europe (mostly Denmark and England).... Brazil and Canada and many other places. It's great for learning about other cultures and places, though. I got to learn plenty of British English differences to American English when I was dating my ex from the UK. I still can't get over the word 'maths'. >>

I mean I've seen plenty of kids swear. And I mean super small ones! If you swear around a child, the child WILL swear back over time. It's mimicry, the way we learn language as little ones. That's why it's important to be careful with your words no matter what. They have power and influence just because they're heard! But yeah, I've seen some pretty adult things done/talked about by kids thanks to Shin-chan. It's got kiddy moments too, but like... I think there's just as much double entendre in a dirty sense as there are poop jokes.

But that does sound cute, though hard to quite picture. I'll have to find those images myself. That said, a smiley face is always nice. What kind of features does it have that you like?
Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 7 years ago
@Eruca: I'm working hard to expand my horizons outside the event forum because I joined right in time for the event, and that made me worried I'd confine myself. That said... I should probably be cautious if you're seeing me everywhere. One of my goals this year is to learn self restraint, and so far... I suck at it. xD
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 7 years ago
@Unicorn: I figured that was what you meant (or, y'know, just clothes in general). I just wanted to tease.
Hopefully it didn't get toooo messy~ I know diaper changes can be, um... Interesting? <- has heard horror stories of dad changing hers
Posted in [Request] Ideas for 1x1 or group threads Posted 7 years ago
Hihi! I'm pretty interested in playing with you~ I've never done many one on ones with a D&D aspect, but I feel like that'd be pretty interesting overall. If you don't mind having to guide me through things from time to time, I think it'd be neat to include that. I think that'd especially work well with things like the Convoy,Strangers in a New Town and certain fandoms, like Pokemon (I mean... It works if you think about how pokemon battles usually go anyway?)

I'm not good at not getting at least a little shippy... But since you're okay with my characters feeling things, that's fine. To be honest, I think what matters is less romance and more if it fits the characters anyway. Some characters aren't gonna fal for others no matter what. I think it's good not to make that a focus!

In general, now... I'm intrigued most by Convoy or Strangers in a New Town as far as original concepts go. I'm not good with horror, but it doesn't have to be horrific anyway. If Murder House is toned down, I could even potentially do that. With fandoms, I only am particularly aware of Pokemon, Harry Potter and Doctor Who. I have never played Skyrim, but do like the setting in that I've played other Elder Scrolls games and enjoyed the variety and such so... We can try to incorporate that if we don't need heavy duty knowledge?

That's all I have to say for the moment. I don't mind your frenzied schedule because I lack one of my own. My posting depends a lot on muse, my health on a given day, etc. I'm 26 and work at home as an editor... And go to a lot of doctors.

If you're interested at all, let me know~ We can throw characters at each other together. I tend to use characters I already have made for other stories and adjust them to fit the setting because it helps me get to know them better for my personal writing. I hope that'll be alright.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 7 years ago
@Unicorn: I'm glad to hear it! A good day for a friend makes me happy. o3o
Also bad joke time... Shouldn't you be changing your avatar and keeping your child?
...Yeah I regret it already, but...It wouldn't shut up in my head >w<
Posted in Official links not working Posted 7 years ago
Just a note, the discord link in the footer of the site is no longer usable/expired. Since this is about dead links. >w<
Posted in Item Suggestion Thread Posted 7 years ago
I have an idea for a general food/fruit theme of sorts. It could be things like fruit bush background or tree, some sort of print on a shirt... I just want fruity things. Also cake. Cake would be awesome.
Posted in Huzzah! Posted 7 years ago
@Glume: Nice to meet you Glume! How do you say your name? I want to make sure I'm not saying it wrong, because I don't feel I'm doing it right.
I'm a fan of cultural research and mythology as well! My favorite tends to be Norse Mythology. Do you have a favorite in general too? I should get you to help me freshen up my memory of things like Roman and Greek... Though I also love mythology of Japan and other places~ There's so many interesting stories in the world!

Also... What kind of artsy things do you do? o3o Do you paint with bananas?
Posted in Blegh Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: I have cereal and dried fruit crisps. I could have that together... But that requires not being at my computer.
Then again I could totally take a break soon since I may have an appointment. Hrmmm.
Posted in Blegh Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: What to eat when you're not hungry though? I guess I could have a granola bar. We have no bananas or bagels sadly xD
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 7 years ago
@Fade: Yup~! It was donated to me by someone lovely. *shifty eyes*
I love that flowery background you've got going on! It sorta makes me feel like your egg basket is secretly a basket of flowers~
Posted in How many fuses do you have? Posted 7 years ago
Currently at 94 fuses. Aiming to get to around 200 so I can complete one more event set. xD
These fuses are fun to capture... and so far none have electrocuted me, so that's good :D