Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [redo!]
Posted 7 years ago

Sirene let out a gasp and woke up with a start. She hugged him gently,"What a bad dream..." She murmured softly,"I had a scary dream about Natalie being trapped in that net and what would have happened if Bryan couldn't have helped her... If we couldn't have helped her..." She cried quietly,"I know Bryan might be human but I'm so thankful he was there..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

Bump :(
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Closed :'( lock plz
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

It is. ^^ It doesn't have to be instantaneous or anything like that but I'd at least like it in there somehow.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

@Blair Elric: Hey you around? XD
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Sango nodded and looked out as the storm came,"Oh wow..." She murmured,"That storm sounds really bad." She looked over at Miroku," Going out might not be safe in this storm...If it lessens up then I'll still go with you later to check on that sweet old woman you had been helping earlier. I'd hate to not see her, but this storm worries me." She carefully got up, one hand touching the wall to steady herself,"The baby could be coming sooner than I thought..." She murmured. She looked over at Miroku,"You might be getting your wish.'' She said.
Sayuri nodded,"Suren no problem." She gathered all the little ones, taking them into another cavern further back in the cave so they couldn't hear the storm as much. She managed to help them have a little fun, and soon giggles and soft laughter could be heard. A little while later, there would be quiet. Thee little ones were curled up near or somewhere on Sayuri, sleeping peacefully as she dozed off with them, no longer fearing the storm.
Sayuri nodded,"Suren no problem." She gathered all the little ones, taking them into another cavern further back in the cave so they couldn't hear the storm as much. She managed to help them have a little fun, and soon giggles and soft laughter could be heard. A little while later, there would be quiet. Thee little ones were curled up near or somewhere on Sayuri, sleeping peacefully as she dozed off with them, no longer fearing the storm.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Sango had actually fallen asleep, relaxing when Inuyasha came in. She slowly woke up and looked over, listening to the two men talk. As she heard her husband spoke, she gave him a look to silence him before looking over at Inuyasha,"Calm down, Inuyasha." She said softly,"Tell us from the beginning, what happened?"
Sayuri helped everyone get into the cave as thunder flashed, zapping a tree nearby,"Oh my god..." She gasped, a little stunned for a moment. Hearing another crash she ran into the cave with the pack. Right as she did so, another bolt of lightening struck another tree,"Oh wow.... That storm came hard and out of no where...." She looked around,"Is everyome okay?"
Sayuri helped everyone get into the cave as thunder flashed, zapping a tree nearby,"Oh my god..." She gasped, a little stunned for a moment. Hearing another crash she ran into the cave with the pack. Right as she did so, another bolt of lightening struck another tree,"Oh wow.... That storm came hard and out of no where...." She looked around,"Is everyome okay?"
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome nodded,"I'll be back in a couple of days." She said, never wanting to be gone too long. After letting him go, she turned and jumped down into the well, going home.
Sango laughed at his antics,"Anything to sneak a peak huh?" She asked teasingly,"I see that hasn't changed any." She kissed his cheek and leaned against him gently,"I'm alright. I just want to sit here and be with you while things seem peaceful."
Sayuri agreed with him before going and doing as he asked. She helped the other females with anything they needed before they were all dried off, dressed and ready to go. With them she went back towards the tree where Koga had given his orders wondering if the guys had managed to find a place just yet.
Sango laughed at his antics,"Anything to sneak a peak huh?" She asked teasingly,"I see that hasn't changed any." She kissed his cheek and leaned against him gently,"I'm alright. I just want to sit here and be with you while things seem peaceful."
Sayuri agreed with him before going and doing as he asked. She helped the other females with anything they needed before they were all dried off, dressed and ready to go. With them she went back towards the tree where Koga had given his orders wondering if the guys had managed to find a place just yet.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome listened to him and had stopped walking, realizing what he was saying,"Five years wouldn't be that long for a half-demon would they?" She said softly as she looked over at him,"Sometimes I still forget, even after all this time, that your not a human so there are differences between us like that." She let out a soft sigh and looked towards the village,"I had always hoped that I'd find my place out here since the chaos had ended...obviously there still is some reason I'm here since the well never permanently set me home."She sighed and rubbed her face before looking at Inuyasha,"I'm really sorry, Inuyasha. I never really thought of that before." She looked away sheepishly, feeling really stupid.
Sango giggled,"Not for another month or so." She said gently,"The little one needs a little more time before it can join us." She smiled and kissed his cheek, thankful to have him there with her.
Sayuri couldn't help but giggle when he spoke,"I noticed." She said as he mentioned Ayame being clingy,"She also likes to visit at the most random times. And on top of tjst...she seems to have a real hatred of me." She didn't understand that. She barely knew Ayame and the girl always looked at her with a death glare.
Sango giggled,"Not for another month or so." She said gently,"The little one needs a little more time before it can join us." She smiled and kissed his cheek, thankful to have him there with her.
Sayuri couldn't help but giggle when he spoke,"I noticed." She said as he mentioned Ayame being clingy,"She also likes to visit at the most random times. And on top of tjst...she seems to have a real hatred of me." She didn't understand that. She barely knew Ayame and the girl always looked at her with a death glare.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

"Yeah well, maybe me being stuck at home will make you happy since me staying here obviously makes you miserable." Kagome replied, not stopping to look at him,"I hung around here for five years....and in that time, I got to see Shippo get bigger and Miroku and Sango finally be happy, which I'm thankful for. But what else is there to stay for? Hell, I thought me staying here was what you wanted. But I see I was wrong. Besides, not much is happening, why shouldn't I go home for a couple of days? It's been a while since my last visit after all." She didn't really expect any answers, but at least she said what she had on her mind.
Sango shook her head, knowing what he was thinking,"Even so, its been five whole much longer should a girl have to wait?" She asked gently,"Besides, Kikyo is dead and gone now. It's been so for years now. And he should remember Kagome has put up with a lot and done a lot for him in all this time..."
Sayuri could only giggle and shoot back playfully with,"Wouldnt you like to know?" After a few moments, she stopped laughing at her own joke,"I know one thing, Ayame would be very jealous if she knew."
Shayla nodded quietly,"Yes Sir." She said, doubting this would work. Every time they had tried, Rin didn't want to stay. She only knew Sesshomaru as her father and person she could trust. Shayla was trusted too but that had taken a while. When Rin came inside Shayla served her and started to clean up. She wasn't hungry at the moment. She would eat later.
Sango shook her head, knowing what he was thinking,"Even so, its been five whole much longer should a girl have to wait?" She asked gently,"Besides, Kikyo is dead and gone now. It's been so for years now. And he should remember Kagome has put up with a lot and done a lot for him in all this time..."
Sayuri could only giggle and shoot back playfully with,"Wouldnt you like to know?" After a few moments, she stopped laughing at her own joke,"I know one thing, Ayame would be very jealous if she knew."
Shayla nodded quietly,"Yes Sir." She said, doubting this would work. Every time they had tried, Rin didn't want to stay. She only knew Sesshomaru as her father and person she could trust. Shayla was trusted too but that had taken a while. When Rin came inside Shayla served her and started to clean up. She wasn't hungry at the moment. She would eat later.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome finished gathering up all her things, shoving them into her old yellow backpack. What was she thinking? She was foolish to stay here, foolish to stay in a place where she never really belonged. Two of her friends would have their own family. Shippo really didn't need her anymore...So why did she bother staying? With a sigh, she grabbed her backpack and left the hut, heading towards the village enterance. The walk to the well wouldn't be too long of one so she didn't worry too much about the time. She stopped to look around a final time before heading down the path that led to the well.
Sango only sighed, worried about her friend,"Inuyasha is such a bone head." She said softly shaking her head,"You would think he'd have grown up in the time it took to fix the jewel and defeat Naraku... You would think he'd have been over some of this by now...I guess not... I just hope Kagome comes back soon..." Sango looked down. She would really miss Kagome while she was visiting family.
Sayuri jumped in surprise as Koga almost knocked her over,"It's okay, I understand." She said to him,"I hadn't even known there was a snake there until that had happened..." She looked at him, "Don't feel too bad... At least you know there's a chance a lot of the girls like you."
Shayla only nodded and started to serve the meat for herself and Rin. She had also made Rin's favorite to go with the boar and hoped she would like it. Today had been one of those days where it felt like the end would never get there and Shayla was ready for some rest.
Sango only sighed, worried about her friend,"Inuyasha is such a bone head." She said softly shaking her head,"You would think he'd have grown up in the time it took to fix the jewel and defeat Naraku... You would think he'd have been over some of this by now...I guess not... I just hope Kagome comes back soon..." Sango looked down. She would really miss Kagome while she was visiting family.
Sayuri jumped in surprise as Koga almost knocked her over,"It's okay, I understand." She said to him,"I hadn't even known there was a snake there until that had happened..." She looked at him, "Don't feel too bad... At least you know there's a chance a lot of the girls like you."
Shayla only nodded and started to serve the meat for herself and Rin. She had also made Rin's favorite to go with the boar and hoped she would like it. Today had been one of those days where it felt like the end would never get there and Shayla was ready for some rest.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

"Maybe so. But YOU are still the big baby you always were." Kagome shot back, turning and walking back to her own little hut. She let out a sigh,"Staying here was a mistake." she said,"I should just go home." She went inside and grabbed her things.maybe going home for a few days would do some good...
Sango frowned,"He's going to make Kagome leave again." She sighed,"Why can't he just grow up?" She sighed and leaned against Miroku gently, closing her eyes. She relaxed against him, hugging him gently.
Sayuri soon got out and dressed, not wanting to be in the water anymore. She brushed out her long hair and braided it as usual before going to look for Koga. She wondered what was with him and hopes he was okay. She knew he was probably a little embarrassed.
Shayla nodded quietly,"Yes sir." She said as she worked, making sure that the meat was cooked properly,"Would you like some as well, sir?" She asked him, not wanting to be rude by not offering. She wasn't sure if he even needed to eat but...
Sango frowned,"He's going to make Kagome leave again." She sighed,"Why can't he just grow up?" She sighed and leaned against Miroku gently, closing her eyes. She relaxed against him, hugging him gently.
Sayuri soon got out and dressed, not wanting to be in the water anymore. She brushed out her long hair and braided it as usual before going to look for Koga. She wondered what was with him and hopes he was okay. She knew he was probably a little embarrassed.
Shayla nodded quietly,"Yes sir." She said as she worked, making sure that the meat was cooked properly,"Would you like some as well, sir?" She asked him, not wanting to be rude by not offering. She wasn't sure if he even needed to eat but...
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Kagome growled, following the dog boy out as he grabbed Shippo,"Oh no you don't." She said, pulling the fox boy from his grip,"It's your fault for slacking on work you should have been doing in the first place, not his." Kagome stood in front of Shippo, looking angry, her arms crossed, as of daring him to try to go after the boy again,"Besides, if you had helped Shippo like you were supposed to maybe this wouldn't have happened." She looked at Shippo,"Shippo, head inside and finish your lunch okay?" She said gently. She then looked at Inuyasha,"Leave him alone, Inuyasha." She said,"Go dry off or something while I take care of the floors you didn't do." Kagome couldn't help but be frustrated. Every time Inuyasha slacked off she always had to go and pick up where he wouldn't. She turned to go to the temple and sighed,"Maybe I should just go home." She murmured sadly to herself.
Sayuri heard the other girls scream out in shock. "Oh my god what are you doing?!" She gasped, turning to look away from Koga while staying in the water so only her neck and head could be seen. This was just really awkward. She heard s couple of girls giggling at him but she just kept looking away.
"No, sir. Nothing at all." Shayla said softly as she cooked the boar. They never really needed much and a lot of things had been sent by Shayla's father, who was a minor human lord in one of Sesshomaru's lands. He always sent what was needed so they never had to bother him for anything, knowing he was always busy and knowing his feelings about humans in general.
Sayuri heard the other girls scream out in shock. "Oh my god what are you doing?!" She gasped, turning to look away from Koga while staying in the water so only her neck and head could be seen. This was just really awkward. She heard s couple of girls giggling at him but she just kept looking away.
"No, sir. Nothing at all." Shayla said softly as she cooked the boar. They never really needed much and a lot of things had been sent by Shayla's father, who was a minor human lord in one of Sesshomaru's lands. He always sent what was needed so they never had to bother him for anything, knowing he was always busy and knowing his feelings about humans in general.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Sango smiled at Miroku,"I haven't." She said gently,"Kagome has been here today helping me. She's been very helpful." She giggled and nodded,"A little movement, little kicks here and there. It is getting closer to time." She smiled and kissed his cheek before looking over as Shippo came in,"Aww how sweet of you Shippo. Those berries look really good. Thank you for bringing them."
Sayuri was relaxing in the female section of the bath, submerged in the nice cool water. She closed her eyes. Their area of the baths was quiet, nothing but the sounds of trickling water was heard. The other females would chat but would do so in whispers. Sayuri didn't mind it. She was thankful they hadn't been too loud. It had taken a while but she wa finally starting to feel accepted, not only by Koga and his friends but from the whole pack. And she was thankful for that.
Shayla looked over as he spoke to her and nodded,"Just wonderfully." She said softly," She always asks when you will visit again. She enjoys it when you are here. She's doing really well in all her subjects and is generally just a wonderful girl. I'm lucky to have been able to teach such a sweet girl."
Sayuri was relaxing in the female section of the bath, submerged in the nice cool water. She closed her eyes. Their area of the baths was quiet, nothing but the sounds of trickling water was heard. The other females would chat but would do so in whispers. Sayuri didn't mind it. She was thankful they hadn't been too loud. It had taken a while but she wa finally starting to feel accepted, not only by Koga and his friends but from the whole pack. And she was thankful for that.
Shayla looked over as he spoke to her and nodded,"Just wonderfully." She said softly," She always asks when you will visit again. She enjoys it when you are here. She's doing really well in all her subjects and is generally just a wonderful girl. I'm lucky to have been able to teach such a sweet girl."
but living takes true courage.