Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in Selling Random Daily Items and Other things
Posted 7 years ago

@Lady Luna: Cool ^-^ I want to make a new avi but I'm out of ideas
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Selling Random Daily Items and Other things
Posted 7 years ago

@Lady Luna: At least they go to someone who wants them ^^ They look cool but I have no idea how to make avatars with some of this stuff XD
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Selling Random Daily Items and Other things
Posted 7 years ago

@Lady Luna: Works for me ^-^ I'll start a trade
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Selling Random Daily Items and Other things
Posted 7 years ago

@Lady Luna: Honestly I'd take about anything since they are just taking up room ^^ Neat avi by the way~
but living takes true courage.

Posted in [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89
Posted 7 years ago

When Julia saw him she smiled,"Hello there." She said, listening to him when he had spoken. She saw the beautiful flower inside the jar and smiled,"Wow... It's so beautiful~" She said, blushing lightly as she looked at him,"This is so kind of you, Jason." She gently took the jar from him and carefully tucked it away in her bag,"I was actually working on something for you too." She held out a really neat silver serpent with deep green eyes that seemed to glow once she handed it to him,"I charmed it to have its eyes glow when held by a Slytherin. I know it's kinda silly but I hoped it was something you might like. The snake itself is something I made at home with clay."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Selling Random Daily Items and Other things
Posted 7 years ago

I have too many of some of these so please take them off my hands. Make offers ^^
Electric Wild Horns x 3
Ice Wild Horns
Metal Wild Horns x 3
Sound Wild Horns x 4
Electric Orb x 2
Ice Crystal x 3
Metal Smoke
Sound Bush x 7
Alpaca plush x 3
Seal plush
Electric Wild Horns x 3
Ice Wild Horns
Metal Wild Horns x 3
Sound Wild Horns x 4
Electric Orb x 2
Ice Crystal x 3
Metal Smoke
Sound Bush x 7
Alpaca plush x 3
Seal plush
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago

Cordeila looked ove at him,"We grew up together... His family took me in..." She told him about their past, how they had always dreamed about being pirates and how she had managed to save up for the ship and how she had surprised him with it. "I care about him very much." She admitted to Cross, "But with the pirate's life, I don't know what could come out of it, if anything. Most pirates don't want to settle down someday, most want to sail until the sea takes them. I want to see where it takes me, but at one point, I know that I'll want to settle somewhere someday."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Sango smiled and headed inside, taking a shower as well. She washed her hair and got cleaned up before getting out. She wrapped up in a towel and started to look through her clothes, wondering what to wear.
Kagome smiled and went into the kitchen. She came out a little while later with some ramen for both of them. She smiled and handed Inuyasha a bowl,"Here you go." She said before sitting down with him to look for something to watch on tv.
Sayuri nodded and walked down the street towards the street she lived on. She sighed softly again,"I'm just really glad he was okay for the most part. I know he had a few minor scratches and bruises but other than that, he looked alright." She felt so much better it was just crazy all the worry she had just melted away. She looked over at Ginta,"Thanks for taking me." She said,"I won't ever tell Koga I've been there, I don't want him to be mad at me for looking for him."
Kagome smiled and went into the kitchen. She came out a little while later with some ramen for both of them. She smiled and handed Inuyasha a bowl,"Here you go." She said before sitting down with him to look for something to watch on tv.
Sayuri nodded and walked down the street towards the street she lived on. She sighed softly again,"I'm just really glad he was okay for the most part. I know he had a few minor scratches and bruises but other than that, he looked alright." She felt so much better it was just crazy all the worry she had just melted away. She looked over at Ginta,"Thanks for taking me." She said,"I won't ever tell Koga I've been there, I don't want him to be mad at me for looking for him."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in OCC Character Chatt (Kimmi and GuttedBunny)
Posted 7 years ago

@GuttedBunny: Hey...How are you?
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 7 years ago

(Sirene as a Mermaid)

(Sirene as a Mermaid and Bryan, their human friend)
Sirene had already been watching the waters for the coming storm, a nervous look to her face. This storm seemed like it could be more intense than any other recent one in years. The waters were rough, and you could see the wind was shifting. She wanted to poke her head up to look around but knew it could be really dangerous to do so. Especially if there were humans around. Sirene was a bit curious about life on land and had always wanted to explore, but she felt being under the sea was a bit more safer for her.
She looked over, seeing her friends appear. She didn't know how she had gotten so lucky to have the Prince and Princess of Merfolk in their part of the ocean as good friends, but she was thankful to have them. She was always welcome to stay with them since she and Natalie had been friends since small merchildren. She looked at her friends before looking back up at the edge of the water,"This storm really worries me..." She said softly.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago

"Maybe... But I never wanted to put you or the captain at risk." She said with a sigh, just glad it was all over now,"There's other things that will happen for that."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago

It didn't take too long to get all the water put with Cross's help. After getting everything cleaned up, she looked at Cross,"Thank you for your help." She said,"And for saving us..."She sighed and shook her head,"I cant believe I let that happen...I'm usually more careful about things like that."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago

Cordelia carefully climbed up onto the deck and headed down below, grabbing the first bucket she found and started to scoop up any water that happened to get in. Luckily it didn't seem like too much had seeped in, which felt like luck compared to what had just happened.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Sango nodded,"Alright." She gave him a kiss and started off for home."
Kagome smiled,"She won't. She and my brother are out of town." She said,"I already told her I was going to ask if you'd wanna hang out after school and she said it was fine with her."
Sayuri nodded,"I hope so." She said softly,"Ive really missed him. I'm so glad he's okay."
Kagome smiled,"She won't. She and my brother are out of town." She said,"I already told her I was going to ask if you'd wanna hang out after school and she said it was fine with her."
Sayuri nodded,"I hope so." She said softly,"Ive really missed him. I'm so glad he's okay."
but living takes true courage.