Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Sango smiled as Miroku joined them,"Hello, Miroku." She said, kissing his cheek gently. She giggled when he kissed her tummy and talked about the old lady he had helped today. She smiled and nodded,"I hope she is doing better." She said to him,"I'll have to make her some soup for when we go back there tonight." When he mentioned the cleaning, Sango shook her head,"You know how Inuyasha is. He probably left it all for Shippo to do." She shook her head again,"Some things will never change."
Kagome had smiled and greeted Miroku, listening to the conversation as they chatted, adding in everything needed for the stew. As Sango mentioned things never changing, that made Kagome start thinking. Had she been waiting long enough to find out what Inuyasha wanted to do? It had been five years after all... and getting all the shards together took another almost two years to do. She wondered if it might have been time to give it up. She looked over and joined the other two in the conversation for a little while waiting for Shippo to join them.
Shayla had been teaching Rin little things about the world since she was brought on to do so and had enjoyed her time with Rin. True she feared one day she wouldn't be able to see her anymore or to teach her little things that they both seemed to enjoy, but she didn't let those fears affect her much. When Sesshomaru had arrived with the boar, she had nodded at his words and went about cutting and cleaning the boar before getting it on the cooking fire. There would be enough of the boar for a couple of days, plus there were other things there Sayuri could always make for them if needed.
Kagome had smiled and greeted Miroku, listening to the conversation as they chatted, adding in everything needed for the stew. As Sango mentioned things never changing, that made Kagome start thinking. Had she been waiting long enough to find out what Inuyasha wanted to do? It had been five years after all... and getting all the shards together took another almost two years to do. She wondered if it might have been time to give it up. She looked over and joined the other two in the conversation for a little while waiting for Shippo to join them.
Shayla had been teaching Rin little things about the world since she was brought on to do so and had enjoyed her time with Rin. True she feared one day she wouldn't be able to see her anymore or to teach her little things that they both seemed to enjoy, but she didn't let those fears affect her much. When Sesshomaru had arrived with the boar, she had nodded at his words and went about cutting and cleaning the boar before getting it on the cooking fire. There would be enough of the boar for a couple of days, plus there were other things there Sayuri could always make for them if needed.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Yes things had been peaceful in these last five years. Now that Kagome had finished school, she was free to stay there with the others as much as she wanted. Of course, she went home to visit her family every now and then, but she had more things happening in the feudal era that kept her attention. She had somewhat distanced herself from Inuyasha since the fight with Naraku. She knew he had been trying to sort out what he wanted when it came to being with someone. And that was something she could understand. It was just hard to wait for something that would probably never happen...
She shook the thoughs from her head as she looked over at her friend, Sango. She was sitting next to her as Kagome worked on making lunch for them and Miroku, whom she knew would be arriving home soon. While Miroku tended to the sick villager or other things, Kagome would help Sango, who was very pregnant with their first child.
Sango was helping Kagome with cooking, cutting up things for a really good stew. She looked overe at Kagome and smiled gently, knowing what her friend had been thinking about. Instead of mentioning it, she said to her,"Miroku should be back soon."
Kagome nodded,"Yup. I believe so. I told Shippo to join us after the cleaning in the shrine had been finished."
She shook the thoughs from her head as she looked over at her friend, Sango. She was sitting next to her as Kagome worked on making lunch for them and Miroku, whom she knew would be arriving home soon. While Miroku tended to the sick villager or other things, Kagome would help Sango, who was very pregnant with their first child.
Sango was helping Kagome with cooking, cutting up things for a really good stew. She looked overe at Kagome and smiled gently, knowing what her friend had been thinking about. Instead of mentioning it, she said to her,"Miroku should be back soon."
Kagome nodded,"Yup. I believe so. I told Shippo to join us after the cleaning in the shrine had been finished."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in closed please lock
Posted 7 years ago

Name: Kagome
Age: 22 years old
The girl who managed to cross time, aiding in collecting jewel shards for the sacred jewel. Now, five years after all the chaos, things have been going great. She finished her high school classes and now lived in the feudal era, going home occasionally to visit her family when possible.

Name: Sango
Age: 22 years old
Sango grew up learning how to be a demon slayer with her little brother Kohaku. Now, five years later, she still slays demons when not spending time with her friends or her family. She is married to Miroku and they have a little one on the way. She spends time with Kagome when the two are free.

Name: Shayla
Age: 24 years old
Shayla is a young woman who serves Lord Sesshomaru. She tends to Rin when she isn't traveling with him. She is a sort of teacher/babysitter to the young girl and she adores Rin completely. She is a bit nervous around Sesshomaru since she is aware of his dislike of humans, but she hoped maybe in time it would lessen a little bit.

Name: Sayuri
Age: 23 years old
Sayuri is a new member of Koga's pack. She had lost her pack recently in an awful rockslide and Koga was the one who had found her. He had taken her to his pack and let her stay there until she had recovered. She was allowed to stay and now helps them with hunts and demon fights when needed. In a couple of years she had been there, she had grown close to Koga, considering him a great friend, developing a crush on him.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Tattooed Love: Kimmi and KolainKrios
Posted 7 years ago

Roxanne made sure it was everything the man wanted for his tattoo and then started to make a transfer for it.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Tattooed Love: Kimmi and KolainKrios
Posted 7 years ago

Roxanne smiled,"Hello there," She said to the customer, showing him a few of her sketches and asking him if he had any ideas on what he might want. When he described his idea, she grabbed her sketchbook and started to sketch out what he mentioned. She smiled, making little changes if needed and showed him the finished product,"Something like this?"
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Tattooed Love: Kimmi and KolainKrios
Posted 7 years ago

Roxanne smiled and nodded, sticking the number away before finishing up her art binder. She set it where she was told to and did what she could to help out there.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

@Blair Elric: I wanna do an rp about their life AFTER getting all the jewel shards ^^ Like, how their lives could go are endless. I saw all of it except the final act. But I was happy with the way they ended it with that (that cliffhanger made me so mad XD ) Ummm... if you wanna plot more, shoot me a PM. I'm on skype a lot more so we could chat about it more on Skype or pms ^^
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Searching for Partners
Posted 7 years ago

Blair Elric:
@KimmiChan1989: Just gotta say, just saw your Inuyasha rp..................SO JELLY!!!!! XD
For YEARS I had begged for an Inuyasha rp but no one knew enough about the manga or anime( I mostly base stuff off manga).
But yeah just had to say "You lucky dog!" lol (yeah sorry lame joke XD)

For YEARS I had begged for an Inuyasha rp but no one knew enough about the manga or anime( I mostly base stuff off manga).
But yeah just had to say "You lucky dog!" lol (yeah sorry lame joke XD)
Thanks! :D If you ever want to do one, let me know! I'm all for doing a new one ^^
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Closed: Making New Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Sango blinked. She gently pulled Miroku to the side, nodding to the others that they would see them later. Once the two were alone, she looked over at Miroku,"Alright... It's just us now..." She said softly,"What is it that has been bothering you...?" She couldn't shake off her worry over him.
Kagome smiled and hugged Inuyasha gently as they walked before looking over at him,"I can't wait for the dance. I'm really excited about it. I can't believe it's almost here~" She thought about the dress she had gotten for it as well and hoped it would still look amazing when she wore it that evening.
Sayuri nodded, letting Ginta lead the way,"Thanks..." She said softly,"For trying to make me feel a little better. I appreciate that you tried. I hope you know that..."
Kagome smiled and hugged Inuyasha gently as they walked before looking over at him,"I can't wait for the dance. I'm really excited about it. I can't believe it's almost here~" She thought about the dress she had gotten for it as well and hoped it would still look amazing when she wore it that evening.
Sayuri nodded, letting Ginta lead the way,"Thanks..." She said softly,"For trying to make me feel a little better. I appreciate that you tried. I hope you know that..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 7 years ago

It didn't take too long for Cordelia to get comfortable. After a little while, she heard footsteps come downstairs but hadn't bothered to look over at who it was. She assumed it was probably Cross since Andrew was still steering the ship. A few moments later, Cordelia fell into a gentle sleep, hoping to wake up without a headache.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Tattooed Love: Kimmi and KolainKrios
Posted 7 years ago

(hey ^^ Yeah, I'm sorry ^^; It's been a bit busy lately)
Roxanne smiled as she continued to put her artwork away,"I just got a cute new swimming suit that I've been dying to try out. I could wear that underneath and maybe we could go swimming afterwards. Or at least to enjoy the beach."
Roxanne smiled as she continued to put her artwork away,"I just got a cute new swimming suit that I've been dying to try out. I could wear that underneath and maybe we could go swimming afterwards. Or at least to enjoy the beach."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Tattooed Love: Kimmi and KolainKrios
Posted 7 years ago

Roxanne looked over, looking a bit surprised herself. She smiled and nodded,"That sounds fun." She said, still looking s bit surprised,"We could do other stuff if you want go. O heard there's a beach on the edge of town that sounded amazing. That could be fun to check out too..."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Tattooed Love: Kimmi and KolainKrios
Posted 7 years ago

Roxanne listened to them and giggled softly when Deidre slapped the other worker with her wing. She started to organize her artwork, putting them in the binder in sections. She wondered if anyone would want her art tattooed on them.
but living takes true courage.

Posted in A Tattooed Love: Kimmi and KolainKrios
Posted 7 years ago

Roxanne smiled and nodded,"Alright." She said, slowly taking the papers out of the sktechbook carefully so they can be put in a binder.
but living takes true courage.