Kimmichan1989's posts
Posted in ~Back From Hiatus~
Posted 6 years ago

@Inspire: Very nice <3 mines a mess xD
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

Right? So much to save and post for/align]
[align=right] but living takes true courage.
[align=right] but living takes true courage.

Posted in Hoping for New Partners
Posted 6 years ago

Sent you a PM ^^
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Hoping for New Partners
Posted 6 years ago

@Selikait: Would you like me to send you a pm?
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

All the items are just so pretty
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

I really hope so! All the items look sooooo neat!
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

Same. I just posted offering to sell some of my favorite items to get these new ones x.x
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Selling Event Items, Buying Orb Items
Posted 6 years ago

I have a few event items I'd like to sell or offer to trade for some of the new orb items. I don't have much gold at this moment, but I can offer the few Ohms I have as well. If you are buying from me I can hold if needed :) Just ask.
To Sell Or Trade:
Corvid Culture
Dual Toned Styled Hair
Fishing Fanatic
Sea Witch
Sky Master**ON HOLD**
Wanting To Buy:
Serene Royalty
Frost Empress
Music Box Ballerina
*******Possibly Selling ore trading my Floral Empress x 2 for the items I want to buy*******
To Sell Or Trade:
Corvid Culture
Dual Toned Styled Hair
Fishing Fanatic
Sea Witch
Sky Master**ON HOLD**
Wanting To Buy:
Serene Royalty
Frost Empress
Music Box Ballerina
*******Possibly Selling ore trading my Floral Empress x 2 for the items I want to buy*******
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

I hate being broke XD I need to get back into posting. I keep waiting for some of my rp partners to come on so I can post with them XD
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Back From Hiatus~
Posted 6 years ago

@Inspire: Your avatar is amazing! I hope to get some of the new orb items. I love the frost one~
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread
Posted 6 years ago

OMG the orb items are amazing! I want them all so bad TT_TT
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Hoist the Colors~
Posted 6 years ago

Cordelia nodded,"Of course." She said gently,"You worked really hard helping me get back to safety... You really should get some rest. You are our captain and we will need you once we get a decent crew up and going." She looked back out at the sea,"If not me, maybe Cross could take over steering the ship for a while. But one of us should so you can get some rest."
but living takes true courage.

Posted in Shadows of The Past: Kimmi x Nova
Posted 6 years ago

Name: Princess Anastasia "Anya" De Franco
Age: 21 years old
Occupation: Princess of Sephira
Small Bio: Princess Anya is the Princess of Sephira, the only daughter of the king and queen, who had three sons before she was born. She is free spirited but does her best to follow her father's orders. She is polite and obedient to his wishes most of the time, but longs for a life where she could do as she pleases. She had many friends as a small child, including a young man her father didn't like for some reason she never understood. She often wondered what had happened to him and hoped that maybe one day they would see each other again. For now, she prepares to celebrate her 21st birthday...
but living takes true courage.

Posted in ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]
Posted 6 years ago

Sirene's eyes widened, seeing the ship caught on fire,"Natalie..." She swam towards the ship, not wanting to see her friend hurt,"Natalie, it's time to go home!" She said, reaching her friend,"This has gotten dangerous and it's not safe anymore."
They saw one of the humans fall overboard. It was a young man who had been helping on the ship. He had been knocked off by accident and was being dragged away from the ship by the strong current.
Sirene gasped and swarm after the human, not thinking about it, as she didn't want him to drown.
They saw one of the humans fall overboard. It was a young man who had been helping on the ship. He had been knocked off by accident and was being dragged away from the ship by the strong current.
Sirene gasped and swarm after the human, not thinking about it, as she didn't want him to drown.
but living takes true courage.