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Posted in Is it appropriate? Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Ew MiLjacking is not good, even for something like that. If I were in such a group and a thing like that popped up I'd be annoyed because hey wrong place. As a person who had similar happen to me, I don't like it. Not your business to tell others, now get your nose out of mine before I break it out

I paid for this wedding, I got it the way I want it, my sister was stupid and she can handle the details of the shotgun wedding herself. Stop being so damn lazy, ya cheapskates

"Pregnancy has a way of happening"
And so do abortions. Abort that ball of cells, yell at mom for being an interfering hag, and my partner for being a wishywashy shitheel, and go for divorce
If there was a prenup stating no kids that partner and I signed off on, all the better

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Kit's quest Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

It was. Tiring, tho
My insta from that time period has other stuff from vacation too

I may be exaggerating a wee bit lol

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Posted in Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Mine's for the Switch but Creative Mode is a way to figure out the controls without having to deal with other factors, unless you'd rather jump right in

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Posted in I can hear the thunder Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

A thunderstorm would be nice
Means people would leave and work will be slow

Prolly will be anyway cuz it's Tuesday but still

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Posted in Kit's quest Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

So if I can mathulate I only need 112k to get all eight colors of the seifuku tops
That'll only take me ten events lol

Edit: hit submit on accident

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in when the bed is so good... Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Ixora: WELL
So I had this cat. Grumpy old broad of a cat. Grey calico, named Mouse. No teeth, if you slept on the couch you woke up drooling onto your face/ear. She was my first kitty, named her when I was still learning to talk and all that
She got something weird with her eye
Over to vet
They don't know if it's cancer or not but either way these meds will help. They do, either way, even if like most cats she hates taking them
Then she suddenly disappears. We get told that she was probably hit by a car. A shame, but people don't pay attention on country roads
Three days after she disappeared, here she is. Alive. With a massively swollen cheek
Mom calls the vet first thing in the morning, they tell her they're booked. She tells them that the cat's either going to be taken in overnight or out to sleep. They put her in as an emergency visit
Mouse, once she was settled in, liked to stay settled. Even if it's on something like the scales they use for cats. So after being weighed the apprentice or whatever her role was decided to not take my cat off cuz she looked comfy. Vet raised her eyebrows at seeing the scale but after seeing how comfortable my cat was, she figured it out
Check her over. Kidneys starting to shut down
Agonizing minutes. Put her to sleep
After we get her body to bury at home, mom decides that we're gonna to go the shelter and check out the kittens
No luck, shelter closes super early. Oh well
Hey, let's try petco, they have some sort of agreement or other with the local shelter so they have some cats or kittens on hand most of the time for people to see and apply to adopt
In luck, petco has kittens from the shelter. This grey one, Pearl, is going ballistic. LET ME OUT LET ME OUT LET ME OUUUUUUUUT
Get a worker, a former classmate of mine from high school, to let us see them
All cute. All adorable. Because kittens. Except for Pearl. LET ME OUT
She actually manages to escape, but doesn't get far
Most of the kittens are just "oh I'm being held"
Pearl? Shoves her face into my armpit and settles in
WHELP guess I'm getting Pearl
Fill out paperwork, wait for the permission from the shelter
Get permission a day or two later, pick Pearl up
Gotta have everything filled out before she's even let out of the cage
At some point we learn that she has a brother, a tabby named Ziggy. Okay, fine
Except it's not. Both are crying for each other, severe separation anxiety
Pearl, first night home, manages to fall down the side of the stairs, a straight drop. THONK. Only got a small blood blister
Pearl is now Doink. And even now, she lives up to her name. Like the summer she came in yowling like she caught a bird and nope just a stick. Doink plz XD
Mom plays phone tag with the shelter rep because they'd like to get Ziggy reunited with his sister. During this time she hates Doink's rename and keeps calling her Pearl. She gave up after a month because Doink lives up to her name
Finally get permission to get Ziggy after a weekend of phone tag
Dad and I have to pick him up
All that stiffness in getting Pearl? Yeah dad barely has his pen uncapped and Ziggy's in the carrier. We get told to just fill out the top half, the bottom half they'll get from his sister's
Doink was so happy that her brother was home, okay with me play with me brother. Ziggy's scared because new area, sniff it out
He was Ziggy for a bit, then Doink did a Doink and he fell off and I go "that was graceful, Rufus" and now he's Rufus
Doink still lives up to her name even now, she's a goofball. A bed hog, too. Rufus is very easily scared, anything new scares him. So does anything unexpected. The others are more relaxed unless it's tiny feet. Then they run
Mop came by much later and has story behind him too but this post is long enough lol
In order, left to right: Corbin, Doink, Rufus

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in when the bed is so good... Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Ixora: I have three
Of them all, I think Doink will warm up the soonest
Mop likes to wander so he will be gone for days and Rufus is extremely easily scared of anything and everything out of the ordinary

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in when the bed is so good... Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Oof beds are so nice
Until you have a cat sleeping in the middle of the bed, having successfully shoved you off to the side

Put ya guns awn!
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Totalanimefan: the only reason my work shorts are being washed right now is cuz some blood got on them too
They and my work shirt got washed...six weeks ago? If not longer?
I'm really bad with the laundry thing
And I wear the same pjs for days on end

Put ya guns awn!
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Totalanimefan: yup
Unless it's got something in it, like blood or mud or something

Put ya guns awn!
Are ya ready, guyz?!

To be that person

I pretty much change when my underwear gets wet
Or when I'm bored
So every ~3 weeks, roughly
Tho if I bleed through I do change out again

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Kit's quest Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Eighth image


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Posted in Transgender Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Is it just me, or is OP talking about people who don't actually identify as trans, but claim to be in order to be complete asswipes and bring about a false stereotype or ten about trans folk in general?

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in 5 months later.. Posted 6 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

I remember a Qtea over on recolor, dunno if they're you or just someone with a similar username tho

Put ya guns awn!