Kitalpha Hart's posts
Posted in Cruise time
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Oh yeah
When we were on the ship he was allowed to more or less run around freely. He couldn't go far, after all, so why keep a leash on him?
At Key West he just had to be nearby
Cozumel he had to be in his mom's sight at all times because foreign country parental paranoia
When we were on the ship he was allowed to more or less run around freely. He couldn't go far, after all, so why keep a leash on him?
At Key West he just had to be nearby
Cozumel he had to be in his mom's sight at all times because foreign country parental paranoia
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Chapter Twelve: The Guardians
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I detect a ship being built here
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Team Neutral hangout
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
In honor of posting in the official threads grant items, I give you...whatever the hell this avi is
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Cruise time
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I know
My cousin's kid I keep thinking is 12, i have no idea why
He's nine
He got to learn the meanings of procrastination, foreign, and many other things so it was still a learning experience for him
My cousin's kid I keep thinking is 12, i have no idea why
He's nine
He got to learn the meanings of procrastination, foreign, and many other things so it was still a learning experience for him
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Cruise time
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Wildfire: she did
Not anywhere near as much as the old guy in the hairy chest competition, but she did
Not anywhere near as much as the old guy in the hairy chest competition, but she did
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Cruise time
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Wildfire: my cousin was in the drink mixer contest. Of the four contestants, she was fourth. Considering they didn't like her drink, I'm not surprised
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Cruise time
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@boyrrito: well last night there was a gay mingle time at the one bar on the cruise, cruising on a cruise?
@Wildfire: never found out where or when for the state dinner. Oh well
Did end up watching the hairiest chest contest. The oldest guy ended up doing crowd appealing, we were chanting his name and booed when he was eliminated in round one, which was show off the hair and dance
Round two was shower scene. The one guy even did a high leg kick for that
Round three was drag scene. They got the women to gather up and offer things. I offered my sandals and shirt. Shirt was a long super flowy one so it was used as a scarf. Even had drag names, the guy I helped won. He found me later and thanked me for the help, good times
@Wildfire: never found out where or when for the state dinner. Oh well
Did end up watching the hairiest chest contest. The oldest guy ended up doing crowd appealing, we were chanting his name and booed when he was eliminated in round one, which was show off the hair and dance
Round two was shower scene. The one guy even did a high leg kick for that
Round three was drag scene. They got the women to gather up and offer things. I offered my sandals and shirt. Shirt was a long super flowy one so it was used as a scarf. Even had drag names, the guy I helped won. He found me later and thanked me for the help, good times
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Cruise time
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Wildfire: zip line was fun, barring the sunburn I now have, and almost missing it cuz my ticket was MIA so I had to get a reprint
Cousin got guilt tripped into a sombrero. Dude tried to get one for me too but I pointed to my hat I wear regularly and told him that I already had a hat
Today is all on the ocean as we return to Miami, there's a captain's dinner thing I'm supposed to go to but I know neither when or where, so I'm dressed prolly way too early for it and no one's contacted me so idk squat lol
Hell, I haven't seen anyone from my group today and one of them normally tries to keep me updated. Hoping she stops by some time before the dinner
I do need to put my hair up tho lol
Cousin got guilt tripped into a sombrero. Dude tried to get one for me too but I pointed to my hat I wear regularly and told him that I already had a hat
Today is all on the ocean as we return to Miami, there's a captain's dinner thing I'm supposed to go to but I know neither when or where, so I'm dressed prolly way too early for it and no one's contacted me so idk squat lol
Hell, I haven't seen anyone from my group today and one of them normally tries to keep me updated. Hoping she stops by some time before the dinner
I do need to put my hair up tho lol
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Chapter Eleven: Velvet
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Okay I can't wait for the cruise to be over so I can get back on data and have 100% access because the cruise not supporting imgur is not helping the participation bit
Sorry to vent ._.
Sorry to vent ._.
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Team Neutral hangout
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Heya shaddy if you're the same one I knew on kofk iirc that's what I called you
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Tell me...
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Vermii: fine
-wraps chicken in bacon-
-wraps chicken in bacon-
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Tell me...
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Why not both
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Garfield Kart
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I'd comment but the cruise internet doesn't allow the image or whatever it is to show so I can't
And I wanna because Garfield
And I wanna because Garfield
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in I really need to stop saying sorry so much
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Ah, upbringings. They can cause some annoying habits that are hard to break
Do you ever apologize for apologizing too much? I've heard of that happening before
Do you ever apologize for apologizing too much? I've heard of that happening before
Put ya guns awn!