Kitalpha Hart's posts
Posted in Holy hell
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
-awkward what the fuck is that shit laughter-
I wouldn't trust the looks of that at all...
I wouldn't trust the looks of that at all...
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Kitshop
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@inatlaka: they're from the second most recent event so they haven't had much time to age and become pricey ovo
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Sailor Moon?
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Okay I checked cuz I have Hulu
Original and Crystal are on there
Original and Crystal are on there
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Kitshop
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@inatlaka: 1k volts
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Todays Menu
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@sunny: fortunately she only asks once a day and the rest of the day she eats other things so she isn't on just one thing
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in What youtubers do you follow?
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
DangerouslyFunny, he originally did Stardew Valley shenanigans but he's since branched out
TheEpicNate315, he does a lot of tiny details, theories, etc, for Skyrim and Fallout 4. I follow him for the former
TheSnakerCharmer, she plays bagpipes. Mostly covers, but Nageena is an original song and it's amazing
And the next four are cooking. Two I know are in China, one I think is, and the fourth I'm a bit more sketchy on but I think she is too
二米炊烟, who translates to either two meters of smoke or something to the effect or eryumichan. Closed captioning is sketchy in availability
龙梅梅L, whose yt bane I have not seen a translation for. Doesn't really offer closed captioning, but when text pops up it's in Chinese and English
Dianxi Xiaoge, she's in Yunnan. Offers closed captioning on her videos after approximately 24 hours
李子柒 Liziqi, she's a region north of Dianxi, she also does stuff outside of cooking. She used to have closed captioning, but that seems to have fallen to the wayside lately
Edit: frick I hit enter too soon
TheEpicNate315, he does a lot of tiny details, theories, etc, for Skyrim and Fallout 4. I follow him for the former
TheSnakerCharmer, she plays bagpipes. Mostly covers, but Nageena is an original song and it's amazing
And the next four are cooking. Two I know are in China, one I think is, and the fourth I'm a bit more sketchy on but I think she is too
二米炊烟, who translates to either two meters of smoke or something to the effect or eryumichan. Closed captioning is sketchy in availability
龙梅梅L, whose yt bane I have not seen a translation for. Doesn't really offer closed captioning, but when text pops up it's in Chinese and English
Dianxi Xiaoge, she's in Yunnan. Offers closed captioning on her videos after approximately 24 hours
李子柒 Liziqi, she's a region north of Dianxi, she also does stuff outside of cooking. She used to have closed captioning, but that seems to have fallen to the wayside lately
Edit: frick I hit enter too soon
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Todays Menu
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@sunny: every time we go out to eat she yells for MAC AND CHEESEARONI
Also when she's visiting the grandparents
Also when she's visiting the grandparents
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Todays Menu
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@sunny: my five year old niece would like to have some of your "mac and cheesearoni"
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Kit's quest
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Three weeks is long enough, I think
Currently at 18kv, 254 ohms
Going for Harvest Diety and Ryuo, hoping my shop will get me more finds toward them both
Tho HD seems popular
Currently at 18kv, 254 ohms
Going for Harvest Diety and Ryuo, hoping my shop will get me more finds toward them both
Tho HD seems popular
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in it doesnt feel natural to feel happy
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
When you get used to something, having it change can be uncomfortable
Give it enough time, and you hopefully will adjust
Give it enough time, and you hopefully will adjust
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Sailor Moon?
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@inatlaka: having to individually buy all 35 is a lot of work, I'll warn you now
So much tapping/clicking
So much tapping/clicking
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Sailor Moon?
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@inatlaka: thanks
I think my favorite part is how the bow looks to be holding the vest shut
I think my favorite part is how the bow looks to be holding the vest shut
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Sailor Moon?
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Oh, it's on hulu? Guess I can watch it for the first time and see what the hype's about
imma finish both season of Chi over on Amazon Prime first tho
imma finish both season of Chi over on Amazon Prime first tho
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Hello!
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Hello familiar username
Put ya guns awn!