Kitalpha Hart's posts
Posted in Cleaned out the game closet--
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Isn't the AC Switch limited edition?
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in I caught the school microwave on fire
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Jolly: still, don't they have anything better to do?
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in I caught the school microwave on fire
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
There is a YouTuber I follow whose username is Jelly and when I read title and un I went "Jelly..." in that "not this shit again" tone of voice
He does this kind of stuff on minecraft
Mom's burnt popcorn black
Dad burned rice black
I was maybe ten so I didn't know, but those foam ramen cups I didn't know how they worked and I burned that
Thankfully these were all in our really old microwave that had only about 7 watts :')
But those kids, don't they have anything better to do than talk about someone?
He does this kind of stuff on minecraft
Mom's burnt popcorn black
Dad burned rice black
I was maybe ten so I didn't know, but those foam ramen cups I didn't know how they worked and I burned that
Thankfully these were all in our really old microwave that had only about 7 watts :')
But those kids, don't they have anything better to do than talk about someone?
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in People should dress according to their bodytype. [rant]
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
If they like how it looks and/or are comfortable in the clothes, why should you care? Other than some petty cheese reason to whine?
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Item Suggestion Thread
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
We don't have ankle socks how do we not have ankle socks

That height
Those are tabi and geta, if anyone's wandering what I'm wearing

That height
Those are tabi and geta, if anyone's wandering what I'm wearing
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Jolly: I'd like to find mine before I go and buy another, tho
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Jolly: yeah I have a red SP, my first handheld
Couple DS Lites, one had broken controls, and a 3DS
I want to charge the working Lite but my chargers poofed
Couple DS Lites, one had broken controls, and a 3DS
I want to charge the working Lite but my chargers poofed
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Favorite Webcomics! List up to 3!
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I know you say three but I read a few more than that
Sister Claire. It's big. It's convoluted. No one is 100% hetero. If you don't read the MiMos you miss out on stuff which doesn't help with its bulk
Daughter of the Lilies. Pure bean of a girl joins a mercenary team while trying to hide who she is and her past
Headless Bliss. A demon princess, a story, and a cannibal go on an adventure to worlds made by other people, all used with permission. Shenanigans ensue
Devil's Candy. An imp makes a girl via the power of science. She learns about the world, and is strong. Very quiet, though, but she's a quick learner
Awkward Zombie. Comics that are commentary about various games. Sometimes a Smash Brothers one pops up with a miniseries of comics
Slightly Damned. Rhea is murdered, and learns she isn't good enough for heaven, or even purgatory, but not bad enough for hell. So, she goes to the Ring of the Slightly Damned and meets her demon boss-person. Friendship ensues, they eventually escape, and the world of Medius is in danger. Angels and demons at war, etc.
Awaken. Rich boy is a shonen protagonist, forced to find out that his life is not how everyone lives. Also, magic, called flux, is a thing. And monsters, called aberrations, like flux. Oh, and you aren't fluxing when you're using it, you're rippling. Protagonist is dense on this fact
On hiatus:
Blindsprings. Princess and priestess of a destroyed era lives in isolation for 300 years at the age of 12. Forced out by an Academist mage, she gains friends and causes a rumbling of Orphics tired of the Academists oppressing them to start boiling over. This author is not having good times, hasn't in a few years
The Lonely Vincent Bellingham. Rich dude looking for someone his teacher knew. May be hiding something, and is currently being held hostage. Or was. Now he's getting a rental contract, but has to stay within the house. Bullies have basically ground this to a halt
Amya Chronicles. Mute girl from a noble family may be a reincarnation of someone. A goddess? She's kidnapped and a whole lotta stuff happens. Massive bookworm, learns more magic as time goes on. More or less on hiatus because the author is frail and keeps getting blows to her health
Sister Claire. It's big. It's convoluted. No one is 100% hetero. If you don't read the MiMos you miss out on stuff which doesn't help with its bulk
Daughter of the Lilies. Pure bean of a girl joins a mercenary team while trying to hide who she is and her past
Headless Bliss. A demon princess, a story, and a cannibal go on an adventure to worlds made by other people, all used with permission. Shenanigans ensue
Devil's Candy. An imp makes a girl via the power of science. She learns about the world, and is strong. Very quiet, though, but she's a quick learner
Awkward Zombie. Comics that are commentary about various games. Sometimes a Smash Brothers one pops up with a miniseries of comics
Slightly Damned. Rhea is murdered, and learns she isn't good enough for heaven, or even purgatory, but not bad enough for hell. So, she goes to the Ring of the Slightly Damned and meets her demon boss-person. Friendship ensues, they eventually escape, and the world of Medius is in danger. Angels and demons at war, etc.
Awaken. Rich boy is a shonen protagonist, forced to find out that his life is not how everyone lives. Also, magic, called flux, is a thing. And monsters, called aberrations, like flux. Oh, and you aren't fluxing when you're using it, you're rippling. Protagonist is dense on this fact
On hiatus:
Blindsprings. Princess and priestess of a destroyed era lives in isolation for 300 years at the age of 12. Forced out by an Academist mage, she gains friends and causes a rumbling of Orphics tired of the Academists oppressing them to start boiling over. This author is not having good times, hasn't in a few years
The Lonely Vincent Bellingham. Rich dude looking for someone his teacher knew. May be hiding something, and is currently being held hostage. Or was. Now he's getting a rental contract, but has to stay within the house. Bullies have basically ground this to a halt
Amya Chronicles. Mute girl from a noble family may be a reincarnation of someone. A goddess? She's kidnapped and a whole lotta stuff happens. Massive bookworm, learns more magic as time goes on. More or less on hiatus because the author is frail and keeps getting blows to her health
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I had the GBA rescue team. Red? Also got blue but despite having both in the slots of the DS they couldn't communicate with each other
Also never really played with the DS one cuz of that. And it was the one I got second
Also never really played with the DS one cuz of that. And it was the one I got second
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in New Apartment+New Furbaby=A Fresh Start <3
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in What are some good Wii or GameCube games?
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Since I don't know what all you like, here's what I have:
Tales of Symphonia (GC)
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World (Wii)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (HC)
Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (GC)
Okami (Wii)
Skylanders- (all Wii, extra accessories required)
▪︎Spyro's Adventure
Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes (Wii, recommend a controller over Wiimote/nunchuck because the controls on the latter suck)
LoZ Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword (both Wii)
We also have a handful of the Just Dance games, some on Wii, some on 360, but that's more fun with other people
Tales of Symphonia (GC)
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World (Wii)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (HC)
Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (GC)
Okami (Wii)
Skylanders- (all Wii, extra accessories required)
▪︎Spyro's Adventure
Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes (Wii, recommend a controller over Wiimote/nunchuck because the controls on the latter suck)
LoZ Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword (both Wii)
We also have a handful of the Just Dance games, some on Wii, some on 360, but that's more fun with other people
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Jolly Rancher - Sour Surge
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Unicorn: minimum wage is currently $11.80/hour and even though I'm not supposed to take tips, people insist. I make sure there's no one high up around before I take any tho. Barring, of course, when they give me the amount plus some and then run off immediately without their change, which has happened several times
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Jolly Rancher - Sour Surge
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Unicorn: retail is theme park is a different crazy from retail in a store
I haven't been in maintenance proper (my first year I was a sweep). I haven't done rides. I haven't done food service, the two candy shops are part of retail. I haven't really done games
I've done general retail, aka 1-2 person shops. I've done glow. I've done ticket sales for Fright Fest haunted houses, selling and checking. I've done ride photos. I've done the antique photo shop, solo and with people (solo sucks, especially when it's a double shift aka all day and the day was all booked back to back the day before). I did one game for part of a shift due to a dead flash at a slow ride photo spot (they're automatically taken) and got hit on the head on accident. I've been a sweep, which was back then just walking around and sweeping up garbage. They have to clean bathrooms now too
This will be my tenth year and I'm still at minimum wage
I haven't been in maintenance proper (my first year I was a sweep). I haven't done rides. I haven't done food service, the two candy shops are part of retail. I haven't really done games
I've done general retail, aka 1-2 person shops. I've done glow. I've done ticket sales for Fright Fest haunted houses, selling and checking. I've done ride photos. I've done the antique photo shop, solo and with people (solo sucks, especially when it's a double shift aka all day and the day was all booked back to back the day before). I did one game for part of a shift due to a dead flash at a slow ride photo spot (they're automatically taken) and got hit on the head on accident. I've been a sweep, which was back then just walking around and sweeping up garbage. They have to clean bathrooms now too
This will be my tenth year and I'm still at minimum wage
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Jolly Rancher - Sour Surge
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Unicorn: I'm the most senior glow girl, and I operate as a team lead but I get standard peon pay
It's a lot of fun when up at the show I have someone on their first time in glow and they didn't know an answer so they come raging to me at the booth
Thankfully, as soon as the raging person is told that it's their first day of glow, they deflate. Hard
It's a park and resort and where the booth and lightshow is located is technically part of the campgrounds. Sometimes we get people asking campgrounds questions, thankfully there's an office we can shoot them off to. The one lady was nuts tho. "I HAD SURGERY ON MY FOOT I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ON IT AND I CAN'T FIND MY CABIN" screaming at me and that night's glow lead. Thankfully security was there and deflected her off of us, but even now I wonder, we have wheelchair rentals, why didn't she rent one?
Then there's the whole Six Flags rule of no phones below area lead and I have all the leads in my phone because neither out back room nor our booth have a phone, plus the whole ~2 hours of roaming around means accessing us is hard otherwise
I have stories. Including a near crash on one of the roller coasters
It's a lot of fun when up at the show I have someone on their first time in glow and they didn't know an answer so they come raging to me at the booth
Thankfully, as soon as the raging person is told that it's their first day of glow, they deflate. Hard
It's a park and resort and where the booth and lightshow is located is technically part of the campgrounds. Sometimes we get people asking campgrounds questions, thankfully there's an office we can shoot them off to. The one lady was nuts tho. "I HAD SURGERY ON MY FOOT I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ON IT AND I CAN'T FIND MY CABIN" screaming at me and that night's glow lead. Thankfully security was there and deflected her off of us, but even now I wonder, we have wheelchair rentals, why didn't she rent one?
Then there's the whole Six Flags rule of no phones below area lead and I have all the leads in my phone because neither out back room nor our booth have a phone, plus the whole ~2 hours of roaming around means accessing us is hard otherwise
I have stories. Including a near crash on one of the roller coasters
Put ya guns awn!