Kitalpha Hart's posts
Posted in Wah. It's raining.
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Everything is too far away for biking
Plus idk if bikes can make it in snow and ice
Plus idk if bikes can make it in snow and ice
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Undertale
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Have Undertale on my Switch
Only played briefly tho
Only played briefly tho
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in If you could take out your fear
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I don't like driving with mom. She was in a car accident a handful of years ago and ever since then she's been extra paranoid when I'm driving
Lack of fear could get you to do things you'd never do otherwise, but at the same time lack thereof doesn't keep you from doing anything that could be bad
Lack of fear could get you to do things you'd never do otherwise, but at the same time lack thereof doesn't keep you from doing anything that could be bad
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Scam callers are persistent
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Iirc the DNC laws or whatever need updating cuz they aren't equipped to handle cell phones or some weird nonsense like that, I've heard
Personally if I don't know the number I don't answer
Unless it's summer and timing is about right for my summer job to call me on/off
Personally if I don't know the number I don't answer
Unless it's summer and timing is about right for my summer job to call me on/off
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Figurines! (and figmas)
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I only have a Yotsuba lol
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in So Ticketmaster now has dynamic prices in the US
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I can see a lot of people getting mad at that. Unless they're scalpers
I think at my summer job they still use a program that's older than me, I don't think that would be able to handle such stupidity
I think at my summer job they still use a program that's older than me, I don't think that would be able to handle such stupidity
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Favorite Hair Items?
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I like Swoosh Hair
I'd like Saucy Bob more if it was a bit longer. It has a whole section with no hair that irks me
I'd like Saucy Bob more if it was a bit longer. It has a whole section with no hair that irks me
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Kit's quest
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Debating on Timely Manner for the hair
Would be tempted by Senshi but too much lurve stuff going on
Would be tempted by Senshi but too much lurve stuff going on
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Favorite Card and Board Games?
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I love Monopoly, even if we apparently play it wrong
But no one else does so I haven't played in years T_T have a memory of where one of my cousins played all day. I don't remember most of our properties, bit he figured he was gonna win cuz he had the most expensive two plots. I had the orange three kitty corner. He kept hitting those three while I kept avoiding his two. Sometimes I'd hit, but mostly I missed, which drove him nuts cuz I was slowly taking away all his money
Life is fun, too, but again, no one to play with. I like going to college because yeah there's debts, but at least these ones are payable and college jobs have a chance at the best paychecks. Plus perks
Rummikub is fun, but only if you have 3+ players. We have three copies of this game, and all three have different things on the rules. One is 30 points to open, can't play until open, no wild with open. That one is 50 points, can't play before open, yes wild with open, and that one is 30 but you can play anytime, but also no opening with wild. With only two players it gets kinda...predictable. With three there's the extra factor and the chance that someone's gonna screw up your move. Or give you a better one. What's really fun is when everyone's opened and playing and you change the whole playing board to put down one tile. I've done this to mom a lot. If you're curious to our opening rules, 30, must open to play, no opening wilds
Chinese Checkers is fun too. Mom, I think, made a really nice board with wood. Might've been one of her siblings tho. It's super pretty. Once my and one of my cousins was showing her kid how to play, but she had to leave so one of my aunts took over. I won, mostly cuz I wasn't the one teaching teaching, but it let him know what to do when he gets more experience with the game
Clue is fun too, back before our game board got ruined I'd bring it out and play around. Mom has an expanded board version now
CAH. So inappropriate. So hilarious. So fun. Mom, two of her coworkers, and I played. One of the black cards drawn was draw a card, then play three to make a haiku. I didn't quite hit 5-7-5, but I did have short-long-short in a fashion that made sense. The others tried too hard for the 5-7-5 format, so mine ended up being the only one that really made sense
Dad now has Joking Hazard, the Cyanide and Happiness version of CAH, with all the expansions, but we haven't even opened the packs yet. Should be fun if we ever play though around xmas 2018 he was looking at the main one so the next year at the one con I can afford to go to I found it, the expansion packs, and got them all. Dad got them for his birthday and that got him to laugh, I was told. I was on a cruise at the time so I obviously wasn't there to see for myself
But no one else does so I haven't played in years T_T have a memory of where one of my cousins played all day. I don't remember most of our properties, bit he figured he was gonna win cuz he had the most expensive two plots. I had the orange three kitty corner. He kept hitting those three while I kept avoiding his two. Sometimes I'd hit, but mostly I missed, which drove him nuts cuz I was slowly taking away all his money
Life is fun, too, but again, no one to play with. I like going to college because yeah there's debts, but at least these ones are payable and college jobs have a chance at the best paychecks. Plus perks
Rummikub is fun, but only if you have 3+ players. We have three copies of this game, and all three have different things on the rules. One is 30 points to open, can't play until open, no wild with open. That one is 50 points, can't play before open, yes wild with open, and that one is 30 but you can play anytime, but also no opening with wild. With only two players it gets kinda...predictable. With three there's the extra factor and the chance that someone's gonna screw up your move. Or give you a better one. What's really fun is when everyone's opened and playing and you change the whole playing board to put down one tile. I've done this to mom a lot. If you're curious to our opening rules, 30, must open to play, no opening wilds
Chinese Checkers is fun too. Mom, I think, made a really nice board with wood. Might've been one of her siblings tho. It's super pretty. Once my and one of my cousins was showing her kid how to play, but she had to leave so one of my aunts took over. I won, mostly cuz I wasn't the one teaching teaching, but it let him know what to do when he gets more experience with the game
Clue is fun too, back before our game board got ruined I'd bring it out and play around. Mom has an expanded board version now
CAH. So inappropriate. So hilarious. So fun. Mom, two of her coworkers, and I played. One of the black cards drawn was draw a card, then play three to make a haiku. I didn't quite hit 5-7-5, but I did have short-long-short in a fashion that made sense. The others tried too hard for the 5-7-5 format, so mine ended up being the only one that really made sense
Dad now has Joking Hazard, the Cyanide and Happiness version of CAH, with all the expansions, but we haven't even opened the packs yet. Should be fun if we ever play though around xmas 2018 he was looking at the main one so the next year at the one con I can afford to go to I found it, the expansion packs, and got them all. Dad got them for his birthday and that got him to laugh, I was told. I was on a cruise at the time so I obviously wasn't there to see for myself
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in Do you guys journal a lot?
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Technically I have two private ones
One on my iPad
One on my phone
I'm very slowly working on getting all the iPad entries onto my phone so they're all together
I'm not daily about it, seeing as I don't always have something going on, but I'm fairly consistent
I used to journal on other sites
I do have a blog, I try and update on mondays but if you check dates you can tell there's little going on sometimes. It's also a drawn one, so it's a bit different too. Plus public, so whatever I put I gotta be fine with being public
One on my iPad
One on my phone
I'm very slowly working on getting all the iPad entries onto my phone so they're all together
I'm not daily about it, seeing as I don't always have something going on, but I'm fairly consistent
I used to journal on other sites
I do have a blog, I try and update on mondays but if you check dates you can tell there's little going on sometimes. It's also a drawn one, so it's a bit different too. Plus public, so whatever I put I gotta be fine with being public
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in I made some bread
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
I've never done it all by hand, we have a breadmaker
Which is nice for when we also want to make dough for the meat buns I occasionally make, as it has a dough only mode
Which is nice for when we also want to make dough for the meat buns I occasionally make, as it has a dough only mode
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in I impulsively bought a
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@Gatorlec: my five year old niece loves playing with the light up ones
Unfortunately we're between seasons at my summer job and I don't know if Six Flags will get more, so I keep telling her to be gentle with them
The two actual ones are dull and made in China, so I joke that they're tourist trap ones. Got them at an antique store, mom told me to haggle and I went "how do haggle" which made her laugh and drop the price. That little shop has some nice stuff that I collect on occasion ovo
The knife was made in Pakistan, got it at an auction for $10
Unfortunately we're between seasons at my summer job and I don't know if Six Flags will get more, so I keep telling her to be gentle with them
The two actual ones are dull and made in China, so I joke that they're tourist trap ones. Got them at an antique store, mom told me to haggle and I went "how do haggle" which made her laugh and drop the price. That little shop has some nice stuff that I collect on occasion ovo
The knife was made in Pakistan, got it at an auction for $10
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in I just fainted and banged my head really hard on the radiator
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
@sunny: I never experienced any pain from it, iirc, so I don't remember
I had thicker winter pjs on, so they caught all the thorns, rather than hitting my skin
Had a nice gash by my hip for a bit tho
I had thicker winter pjs on, so they caught all the thorns, rather than hitting my skin
Had a nice gash by my hip for a bit tho
Put ya guns awn!

Posted in I impulsively bought a
Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Put ya guns awn!