Lilykin's posts
Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
The one critter our ecosystem could stand to lose

Posted in Moody's Bat Cave
Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: I'm terrible about coloring, usually by the time I've finished the lineart I'm done with it lol

Posted in Recommended art sites?
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: I don't know if it's in open beta like PF is. I just remembered a few artists talking about it cause they got an early invite
Some furry artists are very protective of their spaces. To the point of excluding and harassing anyone that doesn't identify of as furry in those spaces. As long as people being respectful I don't see a problem with non-furries joining. I think some of the concern was that non-furries would take over... but let's be real, people don't join a furry website unless they have some interest in furry content
@Bioshock: It was sold to me as "furry-friendly" lol
Some furry artists are very protective of their spaces. To the point of excluding and harassing anyone that doesn't identify of as furry in those spaces. As long as people being respectful I don't see a problem with non-furries joining. I think some of the concern was that non-furries would take over... but let's be real, people don't join a furry website unless they have some interest in furry content
@Bioshock: It was sold to me as "furry-friendly" lol

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: Ooh that sounds yummy and almost worth the bug bites lol

Posted in Moody's Bat Cave
Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: Oooh yeah, some fashion model studies are fun :D

Posted in Recommended art sites?
Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Absolutely not. They were one of the sites to welcome the nsfw tumblr folks
Honestly the whole furry vs. non-furry thing is silly. I wouldn't identify as furry but I draw anthro art occasionally and enjoy furry art/content. Even then, there's plenty of crossover interests that there's no reason folks can't share a creative space
@ChiffonOrange: Totes forgot about
It's still in beta but it looks interesting
Honestly the whole furry vs. non-furry thing is silly. I wouldn't identify as furry but I draw anthro art occasionally and enjoy furry art/content. Even then, there's plenty of crossover interests that there's no reason folks can't share a creative space
@ChiffonOrange: Totes forgot about
It's still in beta but it looks interesting

Posted in Moody's Bat Cave
Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: It gets so much better when you move out. I wish I could help everyone that needed it move out. If nothing else this is good chance to brush up on your technical skills. Do some life studies, follow some free anatomy lessons, etc.

Posted in Recommended art sites?
Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: It kinda stinks that it got pigeonholed into furry art (I mean, I enjoy furry art obviously if I'm still there lol) but it has lot of potential. With the collections, the characters pages, and the marketplace I don't know why more people didn't transition over

Posted in Moody's Bat Cave
Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: Oh, yeah, big yikes. That's not an easy situation to be in. Maybe you could have a decoy site in case they ask? Just make sure it's art unique to that site so they can't reverse image search to another site.
When I still cared what my family thought I would post my sfw stuff on FB. But I had a cousin reverse image search me to my definitely nsfw tumblr. She's cool, but I learned my lesson lol
When I still cared what my family thought I would post my sfw stuff on FB. But I had a cousin reverse image search me to my definitely nsfw tumblr. She's cool, but I learned my lesson lol

Posted in Recommended art sites?
Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: I think that's what they wanted to push it as to begin with but it's def a furry site now lmao.
@ChiffonOrange: It really is unfortunately, FA is not great from the leadership down but we're kinda stuck with it until folks shift off of it for real. I know some artists have mostly moved to Twitter/Insta but it really doesn't have the same community feel
@ChiffonOrange: It really is unfortunately, FA is not great from the leadership down but we're kinda stuck with it until folks shift off of it for real. I know some artists have mostly moved to Twitter/Insta but it really doesn't have the same community feel

Posted in Moody's Bat Cave
Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: Oh yikes, that strict huh? You may have mentioned it but what religion do they follow? Cause if it's like Christianity angels have some pretty wild and fun descriptions

Posted in Inventory blowout!!!
Posted 5 years ago
@Miss Sandman: Another good day of posting and I'll be set :D

Posted in Moody's Bat Cave
Posted 5 years ago
@MoodyBats: Do what makes you most comfortable. Maybe something mythology based or cryptids/monsters would be a good compromise?

Posted in Recommended art sites?
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: I post on FA and Weasyl. My FA gets more traction but Weasyl has a native blacklist (which is a godsend lol). Pillowfort allows nsfw