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@Zuzu: Cats are good at making it hard to breathe, while being too cute to get too mad at them for it.
@Zuzu: You must have missed the part where I spoke of the family cat settling down on my chest. A warm, fuzzy weight, but still heavy.
If only I could breathe comfortably.
The family cat decided to cuddled on my chest, which includes shoving their butt into my face.
Posted in Who likes to cheat? Posted 6 years ago
I heard the original would actually go quickly if people read and followed the rules?
It was good, I am no longer socially exhausted.
I would imagine.
You are like my mother in that aspect.
Being around so many nattering is something I never enjoy.
Less food coma and more too many people talking at the same time, I think.
A B in anime? Banime? Canime? Danime? Fanime?
Posting contests require conversations and hoping that you get the item you wish for first instead of someone else.