Littlewhitedragonlet's posts
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
SAI crashes a lot but at least it has a working copy+paste system unlike photoshop, which loves putting everything in the middle of the art board

Posted in Dragon's Den ~ Milestone BIRTHDAY Celebration!
Posted 7 years ago
thursday night: the night of 0 sleep haha

Posted in Vivienne's Design Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
I guess you all know Vontell pretty well. Did you know he tried to keep it a secret, when he first met us? Like we couldn't tell how much of a sap he is.
Maybe I'll give you a question about me for once. Can you guess my favorite animal? You don't have to be too specific, just on the level of like cat, dog, fish, etc, not specifically "tiger/huskie/betta" --but if you can guess the exact species, I'll throw in an extra point for attention to detail
I guess you all know Vontell pretty well. Did you know he tried to keep it a secret, when he first met us? Like we couldn't tell how much of a sap he is.
Maybe I'll give you a question about me for once. Can you guess my favorite animal? You don't have to be too specific, just on the level of like cat, dog, fish, etc, not specifically "tiger/huskie/betta" --but if you can guess the exact species, I'll throw in an extra point for attention to detail
I'm gonna guess Bovidaes for general, but uh. Maybe a sheep/ram specifically~

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
screams I am so late to events at all times always. What's up guuuuuuuuys? :vanora_sweat:

Posted in Dragonlet's Chatterbox
Posted 7 years ago
Lol well in that case

Posted in Dragonlet's Chatterbox
Posted 7 years ago
Oh noooo not an abduction! :vanora_shock:

Posted in Dragonlet's 1x1 Roleplay Search {Open}
Posted 7 years ago
@Peony: posted~ sorry, was sleeping ha

Posted in {IC} Prince's Disgrace - 1x1 RP LWD-Peony
Posted 7 years ago

Elric stared blankly at the wall of his chambers, his eyes dull and sunken, purple bruises beginning to bloom under them showing how little he'd slept in the days since Sashin died. Just over 6 feet tall, his already thin frame sat hunched on his large bed. The normally sparking moss colored eyes lacked any of the laughter and joy they used to hold, and not even his siblings could get any reaction out of him. A pair of brown leather boots over cream colored leather riding pants with a dark blue tight long-sleeve shirt, still torn and bloodied from battle, hung limply from his haggard frame. The little of his warm brown skin that was visible was speckled with blood and dirt. His hair, once a bright and shining red color, was oily and unkempt, with knots and tangles from where he'd tugged futilely at it in the early stages of his despair.
No matter how many times he went over it in his mind, he still could not find one reason, one point of error, that was the cause of Sashin's death. One moment she had been fighting, wind rushing around her and booming from her gaping mouth, and the next she her breath was cut off and she fell, crumpling like a flower as she sped towards the ground. Even in death she thought of him, however, sluggishly twisting herself until Elric was safely atop her falling form and not at risk to be crushed. No one could safely say how she had died, and Elric wished, with all his heart, that she had simply crushed him so that they could have died together.
Not even 4 days later, Seriph and Talim, Elric's older siblings, marched into his room, followed closely by their guards that had been stationed outside Elric's chambers. Talim stood tall and firm in leather riding boots over matching pants with a loose blood red top. Seriph, lovely as always in a flowing dress that faded to see-through over a pair of leather riding pants and matching boots, had a frown to rival any mother dragon's adorned on her features.
“Eli, you need to eat something. The cook is distressed; all your trays return untouched. Please, you must take care of yourself. You're the head of this army and we simply cannot continue without you.” Seriph's voice, having started out sharp, quickly morphed into a broken sound laced with pleading. Her efforts were for not, however; Elric simply continued to stare at the walls, face drawn and expressionless.
“We have another dragon for you to bond with. The one who fell from the sky. Please brother, we need you. You're the only one who can decipher your blasted encrypted notes.” Talim attempted, trying to appeal to Elric's logic. Instantly, Elric's eyes snapped to his brother, a fire burning in them like no one had seen since Sashin's death.
“I will not bond with another. I refuse. I cannot...I cannot bear the thought of betraying her like that. I won't, brother. Not now, not ever. I will sooner die.” He spat, eyes and tone wild.
“Then we must force you.” Seriph whispered, her voice only reaching Elric as one of the guards stepped up and hit him on the back of the head, knocking him out instantly.
Elric woke to pain. Blinding, white hot pain, coursing through his body and lighting his nerves on fire. He could feel, dimly, another being's pain and anguish, pushing at his own consciousness. He pushed against it with all his might, fighting what he knew to be his siblings attempt at re-binding him. He did not want this; did not want another creature to take the place in his heart carved out solely for Sashin. He fought and fought, trying to pull himself back and push out this intruder. He was aware, hazily, of the chanting going on around him. Suddenly, it cut off and all there was was silence. The foreign presence settled in his mind, and with an anguished shout, he passed out.
Unconscious, Talim scooped up Elric's small form, quickly carrying him back to his chamber and into the room where his new bonded slept.

Posted in Dragonlet's Chatterbox
Posted 7 years ago
I am. So dead rn. Went to bed at like 11pm and woke up at 7am, so idk why? :vanora_stunned:

Posted in Dragonlet's 1x1 Roleplay Search {Open}
Posted 7 years ago
@Peony: pretty much, yeah! I fudged slightly and wen't with a color that COULD be possible, if the lighting was different, for Elric's eyes xD (You can use whatever photos you want!!! I just like models or my own art haha)

Posted in Dragonlet's 1x1 Roleplay Search {Open}
Posted 7 years ago
@Peony: yee, I'll fill out Elric's stuff real quick so you get an idea of what the actual character's sheets should look like ^-^ I have his siblings up already.

Posted in Dragonlet's 1x1 Roleplay Search {Open}
Posted 7 years ago
@Peony: Still building every profile, but. here is the RP thread~

Posted in {IC} Prince's Disgrace - 1x1 RP LWD-Peony
Posted 7 years ago
My Characters
Character Name: Elric Magibaine

~ Notes ~
Pronunciation: El-ric Ma-gee-bayn
Nicknames:El, Eli
Gender: male
Date of Birth: 22nd day of the 3rd Month
Skin: light brown with freckles
Eyes: dark green
Hair: red
Height: 6’1
Weight: 172lbs
Outfits: N/A currently
Voice Style: Soft, like silk
Sexual Orientation: gaaaaaay
Habits: chewing pens, pacing
Hobbies: reading, swimming
Favorite Things: his sister, Sashin (Dragon)
Hated Things: Talim’s arrogance
Treasures: the GIANT BATH in his private rooms
Found in these Locations: baths, library, by the lake
Happiest Moment: his bonding with Sashin
Worst Memory: SPOILER
Relationship with Family: loves his brother but doesn’t trust him; feels sorry for his sister, who works very closely with Talim but has no one but Anish to confide in; doesn’t have any memories of his mother and doesn’t remember much of his father
Character Name: Elric Magibaine

~ Notes ~
Pronunciation: El-ric Ma-gee-bayn
Nicknames:El, Eli
Gender: male
Date of Birth: 22nd day of the 3rd Month
Skin: light brown with freckles
Eyes: dark green
Hair: red
Height: 6’1
Weight: 172lbs
Outfits: N/A currently
Voice Style: Soft, like silk
Sexual Orientation: gaaaaaay
Habits: chewing pens, pacing
Hobbies: reading, swimming
Favorite Things: his sister, Sashin (Dragon)
Hated Things: Talim’s arrogance
Treasures: the GIANT BATH in his private rooms
Found in these Locations: baths, library, by the lake
Happiest Moment: his bonding with Sashin
Worst Memory: SPOILER
Relationship with Family: loves his brother but doesn’t trust him; feels sorry for his sister, who works very closely with Talim but has no one but Anish to confide in; doesn’t have any memories of his mother and doesn’t remember much of his father