Littlewhitedragonlet's posts
Posted in Dragonlet's 1x1 Roleplay Search {Open}
Posted 8 years ago
@Shadami: SO for the pirate one: Zakal is the Second Mate on a pirate ship that was commissioned to kidnap a prince(ss) for $$$. However, the prince(ess) just laughs when they tell them cause they knows their family won't pay. So it's basically them trying to a) get the prince(ss) some self-worth back b) teach them to be a pirate and c) figure out how to still get their money

Posted in Vermii's Hidey Hole
Posted 8 years ago
y'all are making me hungry with this baked goods struddles are at my moms tho :vanora_cry:

Posted in Dragonlet's 1x1 Roleplay Search {Open}
Posted 8 years ago

Heyoooooo~!!! I'm Dragonlet, or Fae. You can call me either. Or LWD is fine too.
I like having anywhere from 3 to 6 roleplay at a time, so that if I hit a block with one I have others I can reply to to get my feel back. As of today (Feb 23, 2021), I have 1 on Caedon and 2 here.
Please note that I reply anywhere from the same day to a year+ later, depending. I do try to reply once every 3-5 days, but even if it's only been 2 or 3 days, you can always message me asking what's up. If it's been MORE than 2 weeks, feel free to yell at me a bit and ask what's up with that. Also, you can ask for my kik/discord for OOC and stuff. It's chill. I need more friends.
Bold means I owe a reply
Voltra^Shadami - A Pirate is Free
Voltra^Whimsy - Strange Familiar
Voltra^Shadami - Breaking the Secrecy thread locked!
Voltra^Shadami - A Pirate is Free
Voltra^Whimsy - Strange Familiar
Caedon^Rye - Super Good Neighbors
SO, on to what I'm looking for. Bold means I'm craving it, strike through means I have a current RP for it
~*~ Literate Roleplay - this means I want at LEAST 2 paragraphs, any size but preferable longer than 3 sentences
~*~ Any relationship, romantic, platonic, or antagonistic
~*~ any relationship types! I'm comfortable playing any and all genders
~!~ Fantasy
~!~ DragonxRider
~!~ Sci-fi
~!~ PiratexCaptive/Kidnapping victim
~!~ Slice-of-Life/high school/college/whatever
~!~ supernatural
~!~ VampxWere
~!~ RoyalxKnight
~!~ WizardxMagical Humanoid/Shapeshifter
~^~ original characters - can be ones you made specifically for me, or ones you've been dying to rp with someone
~^~ Harry Potter - post movies, but can be between the Last War and the Epilogue. As little interaction with Canon characters as possible, baring professors
I would like if we roleplayed in a thread on here, I very badly need volts
I don't have any specific plots in mind, and I would like to brainstorm with you so we get a general feel for what we both want to do. If, a few or many posts into the rp, you have an idea or find something we forgot to cover, we'll talk about that as well.
Please don't ever feel like you can't tell me new ideas or when you want to change things. It's a story we're making together, and that means we both have to feel comfortable.
If you want to chat in the same posts we rp in, just put {{ -- }} pr ( -- ) around your words before or after your rp post. Or, if you want, we can have a PM or separate thread just for chit chatting. I want to get to know you! Friends are always nice. ^-^
I think that's it! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them on this post!

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 8 years ago

Hello, and welcome to my Shop!!! We have a couple things for sale here; take a look under the spoilers to find out what’s available and how much it cost!
Commissions are being worked on slowly while I'm taking classes!
Additionally, Site Currency Commissions are worked on in a "as I feel like" order, though I do try to stick to the order they are requested in. RLC Commissions, however, will always take priority.
Please DM LittleWhiteDragonlet or comment here to request a commission.
Questing Items CAN be used as payment~!!!
^!^ Exchange Rate ^!^

My Terms Of Service - RLC Commission Prices
Please note that the Commission Process information regarding payment is not relevant for Site Currency Commissions
I can draw all Humanoid characters and most animal ones! Just have a clear reference photo for me. I won't work off a description, sorry!
Additional Characters are + Half Price
(IE: you order a flat forum sig with 2 characters in it - the total cost is 2250 Volts; Shaded fullbody + complex Background – 60k Volts etc)
To Do List
Voltra Commissions
1. Vintage: Badge - Flat
Not Started | In Progress | Done | Not Paid
2. SamSpyroxis: Fullybody Sketch - Greyscale
Not Started | In Progress | Done | Pending
GaiaOnline Commissions
Caedon Commissions
{Special} Kawaii Neko Teaa: Basically an art slave for items :D
Not Started | In Progress | Done | Pending
~!~ Completed, Payment Pending ~!~
-The Distortionist-
Flat- 1500 Volts
Shaded – 3000 Volts
Sketches – 1500 Volts
Flats – 3000 Volts
Shaded 4500 Volts
Sketches – 3000 Volts
Colored Sketches -- 4500 Volts
Flats – 20000 Volts RLC Only
Shaded – 30000 Volts RLC Only
Background, Simple -- + 5000 Volts RLC Only
Background, Complex -- + 10000 Volts RLC Only
Sketches – 3000 Volts
Flats – 6000 Volts
Shaded – 9000 Volts
Pixel – 12000 Volts (Pixel is lined traditionally before being scanned in)
Character Name:
Character Reference: (Image link; can be a ToyHouse character, deviantArt Stash folder, FurAffinity folder, or any type of character storage/image holder)
Theme: (Not Required; if you just want any art of your character, that's cool! If you only have a pose in mind, put the link or text description of it here; if you just want a Spring or Beachy or Snow Festival etc type image, that's also okay to put here ^-^)