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Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

Of course, she's gonna make us say it.

@Vanora: I'm the one who stole the scepter to begin with.

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

@TeaTales: We're earning back the Wonderlandian's trust after Static was framed for the breaking of the Queen's scepter yesterday.

It's the game Two Truths and a Lie.
Yes, we determine which statement that is a lie.

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

@Dipper: I honestly have no idea whether or not the pinging makes a difference, it just seems to make sense.

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

My initial guess would have been 3. I realize his curse is likely the sleepiness but he never actually said he was asleep and was able to say he never met Spark.

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

@Faust Sheep: Ah, I kinda sped read the beginnings of the chapters as I was always missing the game when I arrived.
Then I spent about half that game on my phone.

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

I don't recall but if you folks say so, I'm trusting you:

@Vregory: The March Hare kicked me a donut

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

@Miss Kitty: Sad, sly, doesn't make much of a difference but I agree, that's in the past. It's no longer significant.

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

Well she still said it.

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

I'm not all that sorry for The Card Knight. She made herself look really bad including flat our telling us not to trust her. What did she expect?

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

We lost everyone's trust at the trial, this is getting it back.

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

@Virgil: My game was interrupted by The Dormouse

It was interrupted or more accurately taken over by the Hatter.

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

@Siron: No that's def true. There was indeed tea at the trial.

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

Trusting you Dipper

@Violet: I asked you a riddle about death

Posted in Ch. 13 Escape From Wonderland Posted 6 years ago

I wanna say it's 1 but I wasn't good with the riddles.