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Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

My fellow counselor @Raxton: makes a good point.
So you have no alibi. Or can someone account for you being asleep at the time of the theft and vandalism?

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

In order to receive this information from someone, your attention could not fully be on my client's brother.

Did you see anything out of the ordinary--well by Wonderland standards or course?

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

I wouldn't put it past the queen to in some way fix this trial since she didn't want it in the first place but to go straight to the execution.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Miss Kitty: Sweet. I have a three-year-old niece myself.

Have fun.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

I suspect the dormouse was prevented from coming.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Miss Kitty: How old is she?

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

So then you've never seen my client before today?

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago


You claim to have led the defendant's brother right to the castle?
Though it's also been claimed that you were out of his sight for at least some period of time.
Were you using your tunnels?
Or could you have encountered the defendant while separated from his brother?

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

I'm a crime show enthusiast so I'll be more helpful with the next witness.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Valentina: But you know the tunnels so you had the opportunity.

I just had to make that final statement even if it is unofficial.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

Well, I'm a bit annoyed. Seemingly my question doesn't count and it's important!

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

Shit does this mean I finally got a question in too late?

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

I give @Valentina a glance as I catch her contradicting herself.

But you've stated that you've set "surprises" in the tunnels for the rabbit.
So then you're not above using them to cause mischief?

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Velvet: You mean the court will take it's first recess.