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Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Luffer Nutter: I concur, I missed the flower testimony but that does seem to point to the Rabbit.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Luffer Nutter: Ah true, true.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Godawful: Couldn't that have been from Frizz? She appears to be a very fluffy piggy.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

If it wasn't Spark in an accident than I like The Rabbit as well.
He has no alibi, no one can account for his whereabouts during that time and he seemed paranoid about being followed when he met Static.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Luffer Nutter: Who has been repeatedly beaten with the scepter in question for his tardiness among other things.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Faust Sheep: I like this direction. Again I am irked that we don't get to question the Knight.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Miss Kitty: I'm liking the magic route as well. I'm still wondering how Static just retained his if Spark did not and how Frizz ended up a pig. I had initially assumed it was the work of the Dutchess but Spark said she'd been a pig since their arrival in Wonderland.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Miss Kitty: Yeah I'm stumped now.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

Hm, but didn't Static use magic to defeat the Dutchess? How could he still have his magic if Spark's was disabled?

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

That does make sense.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Miss Kitty: I see where you're going with this and I like it.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Spark, Is it possible that in your panic when you found your sister missing, you might have unknowingly stepped on the scepter after discarding it?

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Luffer Nutter: Unfortunate as it is, I must concur with this.

Posted in Ch. 12 Queen's Court Posted 6 years ago

@Dipper: That was my first thought as well.