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Posted in 'Sup Posted 6 years ago
As far as I can see it's not possible to edit posts here.
That's unfortunate.
I can be anal about my wording.

Never mind, found the edit button hehe.
Posted in 'Sup Posted 6 years ago

I did use up a lot of the default Volt handout to put together this outfit and the behind hair (I don't wanna say back hair that just sounds so wrong XD) doesn't even work!


Nice to meert all of you folks.

@Fozzy: Cute.
I've got two butthead dogs, a beagle/(presumed)coonhound and a whippet/lab.
Sam and Sydnee.
My mom picked out Sam and Sydnee is my stepsister's.

I love them but I'd have preferred a Rottweiler myself.
I'd have named a girl Cordelia because she's my favorite female character in Buffy and Angel.
Seeley for a male after Booth in Bones.
Booth may not like his first name but apparently, he doesn't know that it means 'happiness' or 'bliss' which compliments Temperance which means 'moderation' perfectly. ;)

I so dig that background! I'm seeing it on almost every other person here in different colors and it's driving me crazy! My favorite is the night color.
I'm guessing it must have been some event prize though.
Posted in 'Sup Posted 6 years ago
@Mandy Amour:

I adore his fun and enthusiastic side!

I watch the show in reruns on TNT a few times a week.
Posted in 'Sup Posted 6 years ago
@Mandy Amour:

Exactly and that boyish smiles and those boyish eyes. *sigh*
Posted in 'Sup Posted 6 years ago

Currently, I'm into Angel/Cordelia fanfiction.
I'm addicted to reading them as well. I have an archive open in another tab and am going back and forth reading and chatting here right now.

I've not read Nora Roberts.
Posted in 'Sup Posted 6 years ago

I look forward to it.
Posted in 'Sup Posted 6 years ago
@Mandy Amour:
"Bones was the best love story ever!"

Well said.
I want a love like Booth and Brennan's with a man like Booth, including that Greek god bod!
Yeah, I'm crushing on David Boreanaz kinda big time.
Posted in 'Sup Posted 6 years ago

I feel yah.
From 2008 to 2012 I was addicted to Twilight. Buffy didn't come in until a year later, 2013 and actually about half to 2/3 of the first season of Angel came first.
Now I hate sparkling vampires.
Posted in 'Sup Posted 6 years ago
Nice to meet you, Buffy! I could guess you were a fan of it by your name, but it's neat knowing you're a fellow Bones fan~ I tend to love crime dramas myself. I watch NCIS, Hawaii Five-O, Lethal Weapon and many others every week. Also, I suck at adulting and have no life. I'm a 26 year old who, until a few years ago, was still regularly being mistaken for around ten, fifteen tops. I feel your pain on looking way younger than you are >w<

So! I know what you like to watch, but what do you like to read and write? You mentioned no RPing, but you didn't mention what kind of stuff you write when you do, nor books of interest. I'd love to know more and more~

First of all, the reply text box is super narrow. Kinda irritating.

Nice to meet a fellow Bonehead!
My other favorite Crime dramas are Cold Case, Law & Order: Original, SVU and Criminal Intent, Without a Trace, and Castle.

I've written some original stuff in my childhood, stuff I'm too embarrassed to discuss now but currently am into fanfiction.

My reading interests vary but tend to remain in the fantasy, romance, drama spectrum.
I can take a picture of my crammed bookshelf if you want. ;D
Posted in 'Sup Posted 6 years ago
After several years, I'm feeling my interest in avatar sites renewed and heard about this site on Roliana.
So far, not too bad but I didn't appreciate having to purchase facial features.

I'm struggling with the adulting thing. I'm not the best at verbal communication so as you can imagine, I suck at job interviews not to mention I'm a 31-year-old who can pass for a minimum of 16 years old.
I have little to no censorship, I tell it like I see it. I might sound harsh but I mean no insult or disrespect.

I enjoy reading, writing though as a perfectionist I'm kinda ADD in that area (NO RPing), photoshop (NO gifs, yet, I wanna learn) and supernatural and crime dramas.
I'm a hardcore, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Bones fan.

That's me.