Lupaprinceromulus's posts
Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@amber lynne: Meeting Fallen Angels, if it happens to you, can be a scary thing sometimes even when they're not out to do you harm immediately.
When they ARE out to do that, you run.
@valefor: You're allowed to be a fan of both Steven Universe AND Rick and Morty, just don't be a fan of their worst fandom branches and you're good.
When they ARE out to do that, you run.
@valefor: You're allowed to be a fan of both Steven Universe AND Rick and Morty, just don't be a fan of their worst fandom branches and you're good.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 6 years ago
@snakeweaver: Super-worn out and sometimes feel like sleeping.
That said, you up to role-play sometime?
That said, you up to role-play sometime?

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@valefor: All due respects, the Steven Universe Tumblr branch can get Middle-fingered and go suck barbed cacti
for all the rest of us cares, even the SU Reddit branch see them as 'The friends nobody like,' to paraphrase TV Tropes expressions.
You can't even say they're 'the Zoidbergs' either, because most of the time Zoidberg from Futurama can be reasonable.
That's not to say the Rick and Morty Reddit branch be 'perfect' either, but they're more honest about it than the SU Tumblr branch is!
That's saying something.
for all the rest of us cares, even the SU Reddit branch see them as 'The friends nobody like,' to paraphrase TV Tropes expressions.
You can't even say they're 'the Zoidbergs' either, because most of the time Zoidberg from Futurama can be reasonable.
That's not to say the Rick and Morty Reddit branch be 'perfect' either, but they're more honest about it than the SU Tumblr branch is!
That's saying something.

Posted in The Lupa Clan: Where Werewolves plus other peoples gather
Posted 6 years ago
@snakeweaver: So how's it going?

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@amber lynne: Here's hoping that Pillowfort gives out updates for existing members to recruit newcomers with, soon.
Also here's to hoping they give out a video system to help replace youtube with while they're at it.
@valefor: Not to mention you often have to be on-guard to see which fan-branches for any given fandoms are good, or which ones have rotted and are either best-avoided or best disrupted and cleansed.
Hells, this can apply to some Anti-fandom groups too, here and there, sometimes it's not for the right reasons when those groups are there.
The minute you find an honestly BAD fandom branch, it's best to warn others to either avoid that branch at all costs, or do whatever can be done to minimize if not stop them before they get worse, ignoring the matter altogether risks inviting more Hate Anons and/or unchecked Cyber-bullying to crawl up like parasitic worms.
Also here's to hoping they give out a video system to help replace youtube with while they're at it.
@valefor: Not to mention you often have to be on-guard to see which fan-branches for any given fandoms are good, or which ones have rotted and are either best-avoided or best disrupted and cleansed.
Hells, this can apply to some Anti-fandom groups too, here and there, sometimes it's not for the right reasons when those groups are there.
The minute you find an honestly BAD fandom branch, it's best to warn others to either avoid that branch at all costs, or do whatever can be done to minimize if not stop them before they get worse, ignoring the matter altogether risks inviting more Hate Anons and/or unchecked Cyber-bullying to crawl up like parasitic worms.

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@amber lynne: Thanks for clarifying, and you double-quoted Valefor twice earlier, hence why I didn't hear the message if the response was meant for me.

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@valefor: Yeah, that was an F-bomb up in the design of the feature for it to get abused wily-nilly like that, frankly Hate Anons will use any excuse they can get just to even exist in the droves they did.
Though the more horrid a bad fandom branch is, the bigger leeway of excuses they'll get to multiply further is how it usually goes.
They're like unwelcome hornet hives in that sense, really.
@amber lynne: Let's hope your time in France will be fun.
Though the more horrid a bad fandom branch is, the bigger leeway of excuses they'll get to multiply further is how it usually goes.
They're like unwelcome hornet hives in that sense, really.
@amber lynne: Let's hope your time in France will be fun.

Posted in More friends!
Posted 6 years ago
@howonk: Some may think like or Act like humans, but socially speaking, Cats are not 100% us regardless in those regards.
So of course they'd think very differently from humans on that front.
Some cats also tend to sleep earlier than we do, too, and each human is different in terms of sleeping hours, habits and whatnot as well.
So of course they'd think very differently from humans on that front.
Some cats also tend to sleep earlier than we do, too, and each human is different in terms of sleeping hours, habits and whatnot as well.

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@valefor: There were dark days when mods from Deviantart wouldn't even do their jobs to keep the Trollocs/Internet trolling cyber-bullies or the like OUT of everyone else's doorsteps to so much as temporarily ban their accounts for their bullshit either.
It's a lot more commonplace than you'd think before Tumblr arrived, but Tumblr in turn was plagued with Hate Anons as if to compensate for that kind of bullshit not being there either.
@amber lynne: You went to France before?
That's really neat. :o
It's a lot more commonplace than you'd think before Tumblr arrived, but Tumblr in turn was plagued with Hate Anons as if to compensate for that kind of bullshit not being there either.
@amber lynne: You went to France before?
That's really neat. :o

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@valefor: Deviantart is not Pillowfort, and before Tumblr existed, Deviantart was notorious for its incompetence before Tumblr's shark-jumping made it a competitor.
@amber lynne: Let's hang out sometime, also how's your week now that you're back?
@amber lynne: Let's hang out sometime, also how's your week now that you're back?

Posted in More friends!
Posted 6 years ago
@howonk: Bottom line for my question is, if they can learn how to watch TV from being taught by others how to do this, couldn't others teach them how to know what are the sizes of human babies, let alone correlate their own sizes to that of said babies?

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@amber lynne: You've been missed!
@valefor: Except when it stems to the art of dear friends, some of those seem 'site-exclusive' nowadays on that front.
Everywhere else is true though.
@valefor: Except when it stems to the art of dear friends, some of those seem 'site-exclusive' nowadays on that front.
Everywhere else is true though.

Posted in More friends!
Posted 6 years ago
@howonk: To be fair, some cats can learn how to watch TVs and stuff especially alongside humans, it happens sometimes.

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@valefor: Only members get to see NSFW art at all, and Deviantart isn't Discord the last I checked.