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@synthetic nature:
Soon, Flowers will save us all.
@synthetic nature: What kind of flowers!?!?!?
@lordlucre: They didn't have any items that'd protect against poison either, which makes it worse.
Posted in More friends! Posted 6 years ago
@howonk: But they can still hear things, so there's that.
@snakeweaver: That's for Tabletop regards, really.
Dungeons and Dragons and the Fate Tabletop systems are mechanically different beasts.
Posted in [B] Listed Items ++ ([S] temporarily Closed) Posted 6 years ago
@dragoness129: Any idea when the next event crates be arriving?
Posted in More friends! Posted 6 years ago
@howonk: At least the kitties are able to start seeing at long last.
So that's good.
Posted in [B] Listed Items ++ ([S] temporarily Closed) Posted 6 years ago
@dragoness129: Same for you too, IF I can find more crates then I'll let you know.
Posted in [B] Listed Items ++ ([S] temporarily Closed) Posted 6 years ago
@dragoness129: Thanks so much for that, you folks.
I've been like, super-worn out lately and I feel bad.
@snakeweaver: Beats me, really.
I just recall series where that's most commonplace is all.
60 posts as of now.
@snakeweaver: True but it IS the most famous thus far.
Who knows HOW many series where Merlin got gender-/-CIS-flipped too.
61 posts left to go, time to kick it up several notches right now.
Like, for a quick example, picture King Arthur Pendragon as a woman?
That be Artoria Pendragon from Fate/Stay Night for you really.
62 posts left to go before I forget.
@snakeweaver: Because then we get to comment that gender-/CIS-bending is a thing in art sometimes.
Like Rule 63, like remaining Post #63 is really for free!!!
Now we gotta deal with 63 more posts and this challenge will be won!

Also that said, what could happen if Memes became Beverages?
@snakeweaver: Muscle memory can be a douche too, with some tabletop systems.
64 posts left to go before Rule 63 gets brought up.