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@lordlucre: Youi need the healers to help make the party last as long as possible.
@laufeia: I need more local public library visits too.
@SnakeWeaver: So how is your day otherwise?
@laufeia: You ever read on The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher?(the novels, not the not-too-bad TV series loosely based on them.)
This may be a bit more like that, but funny enough, I hear that Gen Urobuchi watches HeartCatch Pretty Cure really.
@lordlucre: Because if you lose the healers, that's it for the party folks.
@laufeia: You checked out all 12 episodes of Madoka Magica before?
@laufeia: I've been feeling busy, and I've been eating food, and also I've been reading on Discord here and there.
Do you got Netflix by the way?
Posted in More friends! Posted 6 years ago
@howonk: How big is Skeeter and what breed is she?
@synthetic nature: Yes, we need more of this.
@lordlucre: Do they bring people back from the dead?
@laufeia: What's up over there?
Posted in ~Lau's Little Corner~ (Under construction) Posted 6 years ago
@laufeia: That's super-whack, really.
Also you ever went to Discord sometimes?

Plus you wanna hang out?
@lordlucre: I wouldn't wanna be that group, no matter how well they'd otherwise care for each other.
But THAT has more to do with their bad luck rather than whom they are as individuals I guess.
@synthetic nature: Wonder what sorts of Mortal Dragons can genereate flowers on the very grounds they'd walk on, at will.
@synthetic nature: Dragons that deal with Flowers, we need more of, anyways.
@synthetic nature: I'm just having pun, you know.
Plus, Flowers generate pollen, which Bees need for more honey.
Posted in More friends! Posted 6 years ago
@howonk: Kittens need people they'd trust that they're allowed to sleep on, too.
@synthetic nature: Flour made with Flowers can help out a lot.
As would vice-versa.