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@kairosama: Okay, I'll have to add this show on the list of things to check out sometime.
Vocally speaking yes I know that Cristina Vee, Mela Lee and Bryce Papenbrook are in this, plus Keith Silverstein too.
@laufeia: Then let's make this waiting worthwhile, shall we?
So does Haruhi Suzumiya ring any bells?
@laufeia: Yeah, best to go get some food to eat ASAP before returning.
@kairosama: Sadly I admit that not being sure if the episode order of Netflix is the chronological order or not's the main thing in the way of checking out the series. :(
This isn't Haruhi Suzumiya, which can get away with being run by the Broadcast Order for best results after all.
@laufeia: So how goes your evening right now?
@lordlucre: Just thinking of some ideas for absurd beverages one cam have in a Tabletop campaign.
You folks got other beverage ideas in mind?
@lordlucre: If Memes were a beverage, did I ever ask you if you'd drink it?
Regardless, are they a beverage in the campaign you're at?
@fenava: Same to you too over there.
@lordlucre: Are you okay now?
@laufeia: Yeah, that's just bad.
@fenava: Busy as ever.
@fenava: I'd recommend reading that one if you can.
@fenava: I already noted on Fate Tabletop regards, also has any of us read on The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher yet?
@fenava: By all means yes please.
@lordlucre: Sadly speaking it seems like gameplay-wise, DND is easier to learn than the Fate Tabletop system, and that feels sad.

And I hope if anyone wants a Summer Rabbit, they'd let me know soon.
I'm thinking later today to sell 1 Summer Rabbit for 2K in volts at some point, anyone be interested in it?