Lupaprinceromulus's posts
Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: What do I win? :3

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Really? Thats very neat !!!! Tbh it reminded me of a game series I played on the wii that I cant remember the name of! You played as a series of doctors, each doing something in a certain scenario (like an ER person rushing to a scene of a crash at a mall and having to keep certain patients stable for say 5 minutes.) can't remember its name tho :0(
Are you thinking the Trauma Center games then.

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ah, okay then. And no, it still doesn't really ring a bell to me. Though I did look it up, Im guessing its probably produced by the same team (or at least same art direction) for the personas series.
The Persona series is actually part of the SMT Mega-verse, actually.

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yeah. And other than Tensei, no! But even then tensei is a character from bnha so doesnt really count, does it?
I was asking about video games, so no that doesn't count.

Posted in Hey there~ Laila here!
Posted 6 years ago
@lailakin: So what's up?

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Nope! From the top of my head, the only animes I've really watched are Bnha, osomatsu-san, opm, serial experiments lain, like one episode of haikyuu, parts of gyakuten saiban (though ive played the games so i know what happenes except for the ovas), mob psycho 100, like half of yuri on ice, first parts of zombieland saga, a random episode of hunterxhunter, and i think thats really it tbh!
Lain notwithstanding, that's a bummer that then.
Might I ask if Shin Megami Tensei(the mega-verse I mean) rings any bells?
Might I ask if Shin Megami Tensei(the mega-verse I mean) rings any bells?

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I haven't heard of anyone of those except for Kill la Kill, but I haven't made time to watch it! I've seen very few animes so I'm usually better discussing games (like destiny, minecraft, undertale, etc.) but i really wanna get into more anime!
What about Drakengard or Nier then?

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: You can probably find a lot of art of Ishida on pixiv!!! I constantly see him there.
I tried to but unfortunately I couldn't make it as I couldn't understand what was happening.
I tried to but unfortunately I couldn't make it as I couldn't understand what was happening.
That's a bummer.
As for Date-a-Live, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Kill La Kill or reading on Akame Ga Kill sometime?
As for Date-a-Live, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Kill La Kill or reading on Akame Ga Kill sometime?

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ahhhhh thank you!!!! Im glad you like them !!! (btw if you'd like to request something as well, heres my tumblr where you can request it ~ )
Super Saiyan Ishimaru, we don't really seem to see enough of, sadly speaking.
You watched all 12 episodes of Madoka Magica before?
You watched all 12 episodes of Madoka Magica before?

Posted in Event art shop + freebies.
Posted 6 years ago
@ultra fury pompadour: Whaaa?? I mean your avatar is already coming together.
@lupaprinceromulus: Mmkay, no worries.
Easier for what?
@ultra fury pompadour: Whaaa?? I mean your avatar is already coming together.
@lupaprinceromulus: Mmkay, no worries.
Easier for what?
Hold on a bit.
Does it help better if I get some image references regarding A2 herself?
I hope drawing Mina herself's okay, currently, since she looks 'a bit' like A2 sans eye colors..
Does it help better if I get some image references regarding A2 herself?

I hope drawing Mina herself's okay, currently, since she looks 'a bit' like A2 sans eye colors..

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@howonk: These are just really awesome, I kid you not.

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
I'm still exploring this place in general for what it's worth.
I'm still exploring this place in general for what it's worth.

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Aaaaaaa I never ever saw this!!!! yes thats completely fine!!! as long as it doesnt go too far/ it stays on topic of art itll be okay!
And yes I agree!!! I especially love the art they do for the portraits in the intro and the execution! and hajime drinking oj lol
And yes I agree!!! I especially love the art they do for the portraits in the intro and the execution! and hajime drinking oj lol
Any new art ideas or requests you've gotten as of yet?
Also, Ishimaru in DanganRonpa can become a Super Saiyan. :O
Also, Ishimaru in DanganRonpa can become a Super Saiyan. :O

Posted in Closed. lock pls
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Aww man sorry for the late replies. Time really flies when you're busy. ^^; But I hope you were able to get plenty of sleep! c:
Same to you too, really.